Very late night RP Guilds?

63 Tauren Death Knight
Hey all, due to a recent job change I now basically play on Oceanic time but their servers don't seem to have much RP going on; any seriously late night RP guilds out there? Ally/Horde is fine. Basically something that is active 10:00pm Server until maybe 3:00-5:00am Server?
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
You could come join me, but I am usually gallivanting all over the place. But I do have a couple of members your level, unless you want to reroll, in which case I have some low levels to run with you. I welcome late night people who like to rp. It's the only reason I play anymore!!
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77 Blood Elf Priest
Do roll something to join us! If you are looking for rp, we definitely need a few more people. Late nights can be fun and we have a story line going now that is getting interesting. We have need of a drummer or an engineer to make and throw fireworks for our latest act.

Come join the Cirque, you know you want to and I am at my prime late nights!
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