Warcraft Music

100 Gnome Priest
I'd been asked if I had done any more music, so I figured I'd go ahead and make a post on the forums. These have been shared before, though one of them only on the now defunct cenarioncircle.org site.

When I first moved to CC, my original RP "main" was my paladin, Elren, who is still my musician character on the server. She's actually "performed" a few of my pieces at Troubadour night waaaaay back then, including the first link. I had a rule that she was only allowed to perform music I'd written myself as a way to motivate me to write more music.

These are the only two serious songs I've gone through the effort of recording, however. They're both in a similar style. Both laments about cities, though one from an Alliance viewpoint and one from Horde (although you could argue a High Elf could qualify).

"Lady by the Lake" - a song about Lordaeron

"Silence of Silvermoon"

And of course... can't forget the infamous AAMS Jingle :D

"Anytime, Anywhere"
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100 Night Elf Druid
Lovely music, Derscha. I truly enjoyed listening.
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100 Gnome Priest
Bumping this thread 'cause I didn't feel like making another.

Some people know I've had a lot of free time on my hands lately, so I've been experimenting with taking videos and learning how to use iMovie. So I figured I'd share the initial results! A very simple video for "Silence of Silvermoon":

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100 Draenei Warrior
Loved them :)
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100 Gnome Priest
Hey, folks!

I've been pestering a few people to help me further my newest hobby, and here, in time for Midsummer's, is the latest result!


Thanks to everyone who came out to help me film :)
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100 Goblin Hunter
Your welcome, was glad to help. I'll send you the bill for the fireworks later...... kidding.
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100 Goblin Warlock
I loved it Kezzy and feel free to ask me anytime you would like help! ;-D
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