[RP] [AH] Cail's Journey ((OOC))

100 Gnome Priest
I have begun a personal Role Play that is slated to run:
    around 6pm
    for 1 Hour,
    each week,
    until this first phase of the story ends.

-------------The premise is simple.-----------------
Cail, my gnome, has set out from Stormwind on a personal quest which will take him north into the Lordearon territories.

**Initially** this was designed by me to be simple and guild-centric, focusing on some simple interpersonal Role Play as we walked to the roads north. Open to any guildies who wanted to join in.

**Presently** It's been decided to open it up to any and all who wish to join in on whatever fun may be had :D . The doors are open to the entire community of CC! Find me in-game and whisper me, drop me a mail in-game, or respond bellow and I will do my best to organize with you (and whatever group you are with).

!!!For the Casual RPer!!!
If you are looking for something casual to do on Thrusday night, you are invited to join Cail and walk along for however long you'd like. This is an opportunity to be social and possibly make some new IC acquaintances.

I am in need of a few!
I need some bandits, thieves, and cut-throats to make the journey more interesting.
Horde or Alliance. If there is an entire guild that would like to get in on the action then all the better!
Think outside the box! This might be a good place to introduce a thief, pickpocket, or any kind of criminal good or bad! You might even discover others like yourself! Get to know people, and develop IC contacts!
---At some point I will also need some horde villains, so contact me!---

This might be a good time to hang out and provide whatever the group is with safe passage as far as you like!
Fight off any bandits and dangers that lay in wait!
Introduce your hero, or advance their story!
Meet other heroes or law enforcers like yourself! Create IC contacts and get to know others!
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94 Human Monk
Bring your alts, lowbies and however you want for this! Don't worry by higer level mobs, we got you covered.
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71 Human Mage
Come join our adventure! (well Cail's adventure!) Fun* will be had!

*Actual definition of fun may vary.
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100 Gnome Warlock
This journey has ended! Thank you to those who have participated. It was a fun experience, one that we will have to try and repeat...with hopefully more participants :D

/close thread.

[woops! That should have been posted as Caileanmor :P ]
Edited by Ravenblack on 11/16/2013 10:33 AM PST
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90 Undead Warrior
If you come wandering into the Forsaken territories, House of Madness would be happy to send some screeching, gibbering gravelings to gnaw on your ankles. :)

Ineffectively, of course, since the guild is tiny and none of us are particularly active PvPers. But if you would like some creepy cannon-fodder "mobs" to harass you, just say when.
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