[H] Old player looking for a guild.

54 Undead Mage
I used to play heavily from '05 to '09 until right before Icecrown Citadel was released and I was just super burned out after hard mode Ulduar. I've just started playing again and I'm looking for a fairly casual guild to hang out with while I level up my new characters (so levelling bonuses would be nice :D). I'm not very interested in raiding although I may do 10-mans at some point if my wonky schedule allows it, and I'm not a huge RPer though I'm fine with an RP-centric guild, just don't expect me to participate a whole helluva lot.

If any of my old buddies are still playing and happen to read this, my mains used to be Zakarah/Rahato/Sayhon in vanilla, BC, and WotLK respectively.
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100 Orc Warrior
Which guild did you raid with back in wrath?
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90 Pandaren Warrior
We've been collectively selling ourselves for amusement and profit. Hitch on, bud. Hitch on. Fire me a whisper or something. We'll get you guilded.
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52 Blood Elf Warlock
Oh!! Can I get some undead to follow me through Silvermoon to the portal to Undercity? How about a band mate? I hear the Forsaken shred a mean guitar! Hope to see you in game Huvud!
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100 Troll Warlock
Zakarah...you ran with me way back in Vanilla with a group called My Little Pwnies? With Kaylix, Morisa, Leyoterk ect?
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54 Undead Mage
Well my internet took a fine time to die for a couple of days. Oops.

Elgunaz, I used to raid with Eternal Sorrow back in WotLK.

Liore, I've been reading a bit about you guys on the forums, so I'll send you a whisper. :)

Didios, yes! Back in the days of Ourland and Erinyes Sisterhood. Man those were fun times.
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100 Troll Warlock
Yes they were! MC, ZG and AQ20! I think a mass load of people from the sisterhood transferd and or quit. Some of the others, I see from time to time from way back when but just havent kept in touch with. Very nice to see people from that era! about only thing thats changed for me, is now I'm a troll instead of forsaken. Please poke me if ya ever need anything!
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