Healer, tank, dps - looking for guild pve [A]

100 Human Priest
I want to say, I love my current guildmates, but I want to experience more pve than LFR. I used to raid in vanilla and some in TBC before I stopped playing. I came back 3 months ago and I am sick of how mindless LFR is.

I have tried several times to get pickup flex going with mixed results. Server is so small it's hard to get even 10 decent players to make it work. LFR has really drawn a line in the sand - and no, it's not between "hardcore and casuals," it's between people with more than half a brain and those that can't be troubled to look where they are standing.

I have cleared flex 1-3 for a few weeks now and am at Garrosh on flex 4. I know (and have done) all the fights from healer, dps, and tank perspectives (only know wing 4 from healer POV). As dps roles I can hold down 110k+ dps on dk, 110k+ on my ww, and priest is just heals.

My main interest would be with a guild that does some weekly Flex and possibly dabbles in normal raid. I'm not interested in the hardcore weekly schedule that I did those years ago - my life can't accommodate that like it could in my community college years.

530 DK blood/frost
517 Monk WW/BM
530 Priest holy/shadow

Feel free to contact me via this thread or in game. Thanks.

EDIT: updated profile ilvls, raid progression, and so forth. (10/17/2013)
Edited by Glidden on 10/17/2013 2:36 PM PDT
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90 Human Monk
You might want to check out the oQueue mod -- I've had decent luck using it to get into Flex raids, even during off-peak hours.

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90 Human Paladin
Hello Glidden,

Our long time guild Ævolution is hosting a flex raid every Tuesday and Thursday from 6-9 ST and are looking for good people. We are currently 7/14 and expect to make some progression this eve. Whisper me in game if interested.
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100 Human Priest
You might want to check out the oQueue mod -- I've had decent luck using it to get into Flex raids, even during off-peak hours.


Ya I currently use oQueue daily. I have lead groups 3 times a week (for my alts) through all the wings. I would say I currently have wing 1-3 flex "on farm" (as far as I know the mechanics like the back of my hand, but groups vary due to oqueue) but still working on wing 4 as it's newer. Currently stuck on Garrosh, which is a fun, hectic fight! Dem adds! :)
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100 Human Warrior
Message me at norsk#1195 so we can talk about this. Thanks!
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