Grummack for Senate! (RP Storyline - Open)

100 Night Elf Rogue
((SEE POST SEVEN for further description of the line.))

((If you weren't in AOOC when we discussed this, here's the deal. I'm going to be DMing an ongoing line and you're all invited! Bug me in game if you want further details, but I'm hoping to use this thread as a general update center, to let everyone know what's going on. As the story gets moving though, feel free to post reactions and responses.))

"An Ironforge Daily Herald hawker is energized and persistent!" - The one line in whatever unspoken training manual they must have went by. Most were simply obnoxious, almost as the city's struggling bakers, others harassed passers by. The best could draw a crowd, as Gorman Silverbeard could somehow pull off each day. Always with the first set off the presses, and promptly perched on a stack of boxes that no one ever claimed, he spouted the day's headline:


It didn't take long for money and papers to change hands. The paper continued:

Wilson A. Grummack, former Chief Executive Officer of the Deer Creek Exchange Company, longtime political spectator and critic formally announced at the annual meeting of the Kharnos Association of Hunters and Trappers. His twin brother, Gavin Grummack, leader of the Association told the Ironforge Daily Herald: "He's exactly what we need and more. Someone has to stand up for the rights of the common dwarf. We've had trolls and troggs threatening our homes and no one else is even speaking about it."

Mr. Grummack, a longtime proponent of dwarven national sovereignty is expected to run on economic reforms, as well as the retraction of several key battalions from common Alliance battlefields, such as the Western Plaguelands, The Arathi Highlands, and the Stonetalon Mountains.

"We've got to get our business over there done with, and bring our men home to fight the war going on in our own backyards."

Mr. Grummack is expected to lay out the rest of his platform at an upcoming meet and greet at Bruuk's Corner.

((Edit: Second event to be held Thursday, November 21st in Kharnos))
Edited by Kyalin on 11/14/2013 8:31 PM PST
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88 Gnome Death Knight
Aeldgyth looked at the notice in the paper; looked up at the wall hangings of previous AAMS leaders. Then she looked back down and the paper.

"Rough name to go into politics with," the gnome remarked, and flipped the page.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((Time for a suspect list! So you overachievers out there can get ahead of the curve.))

Buried on page eleven of the next day's paper:


Wilson Grummack's recent announcement of his candidacy for senate led several other candidates to drop their pursuits in the wake of the news, but that hasn't stopped a what Grummack calls "a bizarre cabal" of political groups and concerned parties from lining up against him.

Shortly after his announcement, the United Ironforge Metallurgist's Guild staged a small rally outside of the bank of Ironforge. Jerry Laffoon, who organized the protest, told the assembled crowd: "Wilson Grummack was born with a spoon in his mouth, and a foot on the neck of the common working dwarf! A senate seat is nothing more than a bigger boot for this <expletive omitted>". He later told the Herald: "We're going to do everything we can to prevent Grummack from getting to the senate. He's going to set us back at least fifty years if we don't win this."

Local Steamwheedle representatives have also spoken out, warning against many of Mr. Grummack's tax and tariff proposals.

"The average dwarf is going to think this is all great until they realize the hidden costs that these breaks and tariffs have on the prices of common essentials." Says Greebo Gizmowrench, a Steamwheedle economist. "Restricting trade with these punitive tariffs against the cartel may please the whims of Gnomish nationalists, but it's not going to help the Ironforge citizen or the Alliance as a whole."

The Chief Executive Officer of Grummack's chief competitor - Mick Wallace of the Bear Glen trading house - had less academic reasons for his opposition. In a recent interview with another newspaper, Wallace described Grummack as a fraud and a cheat, citing recent incidents such as the recent Dalaranian inquiry into the Deer Creek's operations, the seizure of Deer Creek's nascent branch in Darnassus, and the matter of a ten year old excise tax dispute between Mr. Grummack and Silvermoon city, which has gone unresolved due to war and Silvermoon's defection to the Horde. Mr. Grummack has repeatedly asserted that these proceedings "were and are unwarranted, as no merit exists to back any of these claims." The Watchers and the Kirin Tor could not be reached for comment.

Alliance generals have remained largely quiet in regard to Grummack's proposals to withdraw dwarven support from key fronts. Knight Captain Gorne Bitteraxe told the Herald that he was largely unconcerned with the whims of one senator, but added: "The sentiment is very dangerous, traitorous even. By keeping the enemy abroad, our men keep us safe at home. It's not wise to start talking about reversing that."

Several well known Dwarven families, however, were far more vocal, raising concerns in towns and villages across Dun Morogh. At a recent pub meeting, one of Kharnos's village elders - Horace "Old Man" Jenkins told his neighbors: "I can't trust [Grummack]! Someone's got to do something about this!"

Mr. Grummack has largely shrugged off these concerns, calling the attacks "expected", and asserting that he was looking forward to soothing such concerns in future meetings and events.

"People will say all kinds of things to stop progress, but the Dwarven public is smarter than that." He told the Herald. "I also won't be intimidated by lies and threats." He added.
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100 Undead Warrior
The maggot Lord stirred from the a pool of frothing maggots he was relaxing in. He rose into the air , born aloft by his children, and deposited upon the tiles of his personal spa. A servant extended a robe to him on Goblin Werks ExtendoTongs(tm). Donning the robe, he perused the news.

"Grummak isss back, and isss running for Lord High Massster of Ironforge, yesss? we mussst sssupport thisss old Hero of the Horde, yesss! He will bring the iron fissst of the Orc-thing to the Dwarvesss, and give Abominusss much Dwarf Liver Sssqueezingsss, yesss!"

Abominus scurried out to begin plotting. First things first, a trip to he AAMS Headquarters!

He contacted his travel agent to arrange the appropriate bookings, wardings, curses, warnings, and bribes.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((Update: To avoid conflict with other established events, the first event will be held on November 14th, rather than the 11th. Same time.))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Another article appears in the papers. This one headlined by a picture of Wilson Grummack helping a wounded Ironforge guard into a bed.


Wilson Grummack, who leads his closest opponent by seven percentage points in the latest Ironforge Daily Herald opinion poll, hoped to expand his lead last night with an appearance at the Ironforge Clinic.

"I think it's great to see him doing something for the community." Said Ixe Sparklespanner, a gnome who also volunteered at the clinic.

Speaking to an association of explosives-crafters shortly thereafter, Grummack reiterated the need for every Ironforge citizen to step up for wounded veterans, downplaying his usual line of withdrawing soldiers from far flung fronts around the world.

Another picture appears below the small blurb, featuring the dwarf beaming for the camera.

Grummack's appearance was not without controversy though. Grummack didn't miss an opportunity to level statements which raise questions about his opinion on elven allies. The impact that this will have on the polls is still up for debate.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
(( ))

The next day the streets were abuzz with the news splashed across the headlines. Big block letters screamed across the page of the Ironforge Daily Herald:


Grieving and drunk, Gavin Grummack, the brother of the expected winner in this week's senate race, informed the crowd gathered for what observers expected to be a stirring address to inform the attendees that his brother had been killed.

From that moment, accusations began to swirl. While no explanations have surfaced for Wilson Grummack's gunshot wounds, a billyclub with a trade guild insignia is being considered a critical piece of evidence in the hunt for Wilson's killer, as is his own flask, which was apparently laced with poisons known to be used in Trollish sacrificial rituals in Stranglethorn Vale. Both the United Metalworkers' Guild, whose insignia appears on the club (specifically belonging to the Kharnos branch of the guild), and the Steamwheedle Cartel have denied involvement and have expressed condolences, but also wasted no time in putting additional support behind other favored candidates as the race intensifies.

Now in the background for Gavin Grummack, the brother of the former businessman made a different accusation, placing suspicion on Knight Captain Gorne Bitteraxe, who hastily stepped up to handle the murder case and the subsequent autopsy. Knight Captain Bitteraxe swiftly denied the accusation telling the Herald: "He's pointing figures because he's distraught, I understand that, but to slander the good work that the brave sons of the Ironforge Guard perform every day is a step too far." Grummack didn't back down from his claims of suspicion when confronted on the matter by the Herald. "I'm just saying its strange that he seemed so eager to jump on the case. For all I know, they may have been the ones who removed the bullets [which caused Wilson Grummack's gunshot wounds]."

Another party rushed to Herald reporters to deny possible allegations. Horace "Old Man" Jenkins, of Kharnos, who was featured in a previous story featured in this paper, claimed: "I didn't do it, but if I did, I wouldn't use no sissy poison, billyclubs or rifles. I'd tear him apart with my bare fists."

Thus far, no arrests have been made.

((Some of you knew this was coming, for others, this was a surprise, but it's been in the works for some time.

This thread is going to be used to give updates on the progress of this murder mystery RP, which will have subsequent installments each Thursday at 7pm. Here you will find clues, reactions to the happenings of previous week, and a bit of background information on the mark and the suspects. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or Grummack by mail or PM.))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((Just as a reminder, the second part of the mystery takes place tonight - same time and place.))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Drunk and disorderly conduct leads to attack on investigators.

The trade guilds erupted in protest this week after the arrest of Horace "Old Man" Jenkins and his three sons. All but one of them injured, one of them burned severely, were taken into custody shortly after a fight with investigators - including Gavin Grummack, the brother of the former Wilson Grummack.

"Gavin Grummack used Draenic thugs to instigate an old man and his boys to blows, and now they're in prison." Said Jerry Laffoon, a well known labor activist and organizer. Laffoon cited the testimony of several bar patrons in Kharnos, claiming that the Draenei harassed Jenkins on Grummack's behalf. "Gavin Grummack is using his brother's death to sweep a years' old compensation claim under the rug. It's disgusting, and you can bet that we'll be doing everything we can to stop this." said Laffoon, referring to a mine collapse several years ago which resulted in the death of one worker, and the injury of four others, including Horace Jenkins. The Deer Creek Exchange Company, formerly owned by Wilson Grummack, reasserted its position that the injuries involved were not significant enough to warrant compensation, in response to Laffoon's comments this week.

Other bar patrons who saw the confrontation had a different view.

"One of the Jenkins boys pulled a knife on Gavin, and I think the Draenei were more confused than malicious." Said Yartol Bartinson, who claims to have seen the confrontation. "Those boys were members of the UMG too. I'll bet my hat that they were responsible." Gavin Grummack seemed to agree with the statement when asked on it, noting that a club with the insignia of the United Metalworkers' Guild was found at the scene of his brother's death.

"I'm not pointing fingers just yet though." Said Grummack. "There's still a few pieces that don't quite fit."

The next event will be held at Bruuk's Corner on Thursday, December 5th at 7pm. (Yes, we are skipping the next week in observation of Thanksgiving.)
Edited by Kyalin on 11/21/2013 9:17 PM PST
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97 Worgen Death Knight
Snarl's ear twitches as he reads the paper.
"These Dwarves do know how to twist a tale, don't they? ...And alas. No mention of a jittery Worgen cook who knocked himself, and Master Jenkins, out cold purely out of being startled. Pity."
Snarl goes back to reading the paper, snacking on a small plate of haggis as he places a foot on the rope-bound crate at his feet.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Intrusions and accusations in Stormwind!

Nick Steelspark, a Steamwheedle Representative was sitting down to eat dinner at a local bed and breakfast when he heard a knock at the door. As the inn's proprietor hobbled his way over to answer it, the knock grew louder. The old man opened the door - someone else pushed it through.

It was Gavin Grummack.

Steelspark, who agreed to speak with the Herald, described the affair as "A three ring circus without the entertainment value."

"They barged in and started asking questions about a poison used in Gavin's brother's murder, one used in trollish rituals."

Gavin Grummack, who also agreed to speak with the Herald this week to defend against the charges, claims that the proprietor of the bed and breakfast was compensated for his cooperation, and that the goblin was similarly paid in priceless Draenic artifacts from the vault of one of his own investigators "to discuss a hypothetical which he suddenly took as an accusation."

The poison, said to be used in trollish sacrificial rituals, is designed to induce a rabid trance which is conducive for the final portions of the proceeding. "It's certainly in our 'backyard' " Said Steelspark on the matter. "But to imply that a Steamwheedle agent would use it for an assassination is ridiculous."

Its presence in Wilson Grummack's flask still raises disturbing questions, however, and blows open the lid on a thought-settled matter.

In similar news, Nick Steelspark also announced that he would be hosting an auction in Booty Bay next week, to sell off the aforementioned artifacts. He added: "We would also be willing to trade the artifacts for a one year entertainment contract with the famous frying-pan worgen of Kharnos."
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97 Worgen Death Knight
In similar news, Nick Steelspark also announced that he would be hosting an auction in Booty Bay next week, to sell off the aforementioned artifacts. He added: "We would also be willing to trade the artifacts for a one year entertainment contract with the famous frying-pan worgen of Kharnos."

"'Famous frying-pan Worgen of Kharanos?' My my... I could earn a fortune in a year's time!"

Snarl looks in dry amusment at his recently found frying pan. He then sets it atop the nearby crate, and goes back to reading the paper.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((Reminder: Just as we do every Thursday night, the next event will be held tomorrow. Same Dwarf-time, same Dwarf-place.))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((I can't think of a suitable news update. Other than that we got stonewalled at Laffoon's place.

However, the event will be running as scheduled tonight. 7PM, Bruuk's Corner.))
Edited by Kyalin on 12/19/2013 6:22 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((This event fizzled out back in '13, but I wanted to put a capstone on it to tie up some loose ends. Sorry for the thread necro.))

Mariah Gearspring - Opinions Editor

Almost two years ago, Maurice Gravelbeard was getting her ready for her work on the night shift at the local pub, when outside her window, she spied upon a horrifying scene. Outside her home, a man had been murdered, bleeding from gunshot wounds, bludgeoned by a club, and as if to add a garnish to the whole thing, the flask he carried, tumbling out of his hand, emitted a foul stench that investigators would later pin on an eclectic cocktail of trollish poisons.

But this was no ordinary man, this was the front runner in an Ironforge Senate Campaign - a bombastic figure whose untimely death ultimately sealed victory for his campaign opponent, whose support from organized labor seemed to be staring back at the investigation team from an insignia painted onto the billy club found next to Grummack's lifeless corpse.

It didn't help that the investigation was quickly swept up by Knight Captain Gorne Bitteraxe - a vocal opponent of Wilson Grummack who was fired earlier this year for unrelated misconduct. Investigators seemed to chase unrelated leads, keeping documentation of their findings that one might expect from a trogg, all while Bitteraxe attempted to deflect criticism from concerned citizenry, not least among them, Wilson's brother Gavin.

Gavin Grummack didn't accept the explanations he was being handed from the start - who could blame him - and organized a disparate team of investigators who, as this paper reported at the time, seemed to make real progress, but the varying details of the crime very clearly weighed on the team, which broke apart several weeks later. Was the club actually used in the crime, or was it planted? Why was Bitteraxe so clammed up? Where did the gunshots come from? Why was Gavin harassing pensioners in Kharnos? Wouldn't the poisons have just been overkill?

We may as well ask how Greatfather Winter and the Noblegarden Hare fit into this for good measure!

Once outsider interest in the effort had waned, Gavin turned to a party that he didn't expect and didn't want, who had nevertheless been making overtures since the matter began: A Night Elf Warden, Kyalin Raintree - yes, the same Warden who ran Grummack's company, Deer Creek, out of Darnassus, and who certainly didn't have reason to celebrate the candidate's pledge to remove Dwarven soldiers from campaigns against the Horde in Kalimdor.

Nevertheless, she quickly turned up a lead on a Steamwheedle Cartel member, and just as quickly, managed to deliver one Nick Steelspark, whose co-conspirators apparently resisted arrest and were killed in what was probably a black-bag raid on a barge en route to Ratchet - how convenient. Steelspark gave the name of an Ironforge Mixologist, who evidently got in a disagreement with a local gang involving the proper placement of a dagger - how unfortunate.

Raintree wasted no time in handing Steelspark to Knight Captain Bitteraxe, who swiftly declared the murder solved, the investigation over, and the goblin as good as dead - how predictable.

Here is the thing though, Steelspark fought these assertions right up until his execution day, insisting that he had been paid off by another goblin who was known only as "Charlie". Try as they might, Steelspark's allies in Booty Bay looked high and low but couldn't turn this figure up themselves. Bitteraxe didn't accept Sputterspark's "Ghost with moneybags" explanation, but this didn't stop the investigations process for dragging out for another year. During that time, Steelspark never changed his story, insisting that he had been caught in a bad situation.

Nevertheless, he was killed by electric-chair nine months ago in front of a small audience of Grummack's friends, relatives, and former business partners. Seated in the front row was Gavin Grummack, who locked eyes with the condemned goblin silently right up until the hood went over his face. Friends reported his demeanor as "stoic" - probably just as stoic as he was when he casually strolled into Stonefire Tavern, unholstered his flintlocke single-shot pistol, put the barrel in his mouth and squeezed the trigger.

It's hard to know how much of what happened may have died with him.

Ostensibly, justice was served. Steelspark WAS guilty of coordinating the attack and for confusing the initial investigation. He was clearly responsible for putting the poison in Grummack's flask, clearly responsible for putting the gun in the assassin's hand, and clearly responsible for ordering the planting of a club to deflect suspicion onto another Grummack foe. Bitteraxe is also right, "ghosts with moneybags" aren't really credible defenses - but as a journalist, and as a resident of Ironforge, this case unnerves me, and it should unnerve you too.
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