10 H Tier 11 Raiding - Need help!

100 Tauren Death Knight
Hello fellow Cenarion Circle players!

I am currently on a quest to obtain the entire DK Heroic Tier 11 Set (Magma Plated) for transmog purposes. These pieces drop from heroic introductory Cataclysm raids (Throne of the Four Winds, Bastion of Twilight, and Blackwing Descent, for those who do not know). Since I only PvP (and therefore only have approx 500 ilvl) I am not in much of a position to solo these instances as blood, so I asked my brother Diavol (who is a destro lock) for help.

We managed to duo 10man Normal of each instance (with one extra person only on Throne for the first boss, of course) easily enough to unlock 10man Heroic, but have hit walls on all raids in Heroic mode. Simply too much to handle in approx 500 ilvl for us. We have only downed Heroic Omnotron in Descent and are therefore stuck on Magmaw 10H and Halfus Wyrmbreaker 10H. We have not attempted Conclave 10H/Alakir 10H but I am assuming we may need assistance.

Therefore, I am appealing to you! Yes, you! Diavol and I would like your help in downing these bosses THIS WEEKEND, both Saturday and Sunday, from 1-6 Eastern Standard Time (which is 11-3 server time/PST).

ALL CLASSES ARE WELCOME! However, if you are a DK, Rogue, Mage, or Druid, I want the Forlorn Vanquisher armor tokens. Of course, if you have no interest in these pieces, you are still welcome, and may have all the loot besides DK T11 if you like.

Diavol also has a few items he has called dibs on. He will post shortly with that information.

In order to be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, I will list all the drops I intend to pick up. If you want these items as well, I'm sorry, I do not want to compete with you and will not accept you into the raid group.

Throne of the Four Winds

  • Essence of the Forlorn
  • Crown of the Forlorn Vanquisher
  • Shoulders of the Forlorn Vanquisher
  • Sky Strider Belt
  • Sky Strider Greaves
  • Blackwing Descent

  • Crown of the Forlorn Vanquisher
  • Gauntlets of the Forlorn Vanquisher
  • Leggings of the Forlorn Vanquisher
  • Belt of Absolute Zero
  • Molten Tantrum Boots
  • Legguards of the Unseeing
  • Battleplate of Ancient Kings
  • Electron Inductor Coils
  • Bastion of Twilight

  • Chest of the Forlorn Vanquisher
  • Shoulders of the Forlorn Vanquisher
  • Daybreaker Helm
  • Helm of Maddening Whispers
  • Bracers of the Mat'redor

  • ALL THAT BEING SAID, please post with any time that you are available, even if it is not within the above times I listed. Diavol and I may be able to adapt. ALSO, if you want to call dibs on pieces, please make a list as I did.

    One last thing! Please realize, you must have downed ALL OF 10man normal in order to join us to do heroic.

    Stay classy, Cenarion Circle.
    Edited by Cruor on 10/31/2013 2:35 PM PDT
    Reply Quote
    91 Undead Warlock
    WHAT UP.
    Here's what I want.
    Throne- !@#$ing nothing
    Descent- Shadowblaze Robes with a whopping 2% drop rate from Nefarian. swag.
    Bastion- Fuggin Malevolence
    Reply Quote
    100 Tauren Death Knight

    Still no responses? :/ Come on guys we really only need one person to help with a boss or two, especially throne of the four winds.
    Reply Quote
    100 Human Warrior
    Have you tried using oqueue? There are groups for these raids near daily.
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