[H] NightOwl Flex Raid #2 (For Science!)

  • When: this thursday at 9:00 p.m. server time. We'll roll till 12:00 server, 3 hours...
  • Who: A core of OES players, and whoever else we can haul along
  • Why: Because there was no raid on my time frame, so I'm starting one for us west coasters with obligations that keep us form logging on early. Because the writing is on the wall for LFR, and I like running with CC people
  • Where: Higher up in Garrys' Pants (SoO wing 2, starting with Galakras...)
  • What: Flex raid. We start with a core group, then I yank in whoever else we need via Puggin & OQ. We had a great group last friday. We're gonna do it again this thursday.

  • 1: be ilvl 500+
  • 2: have some consumables, I bring some, but nobody took me up on my offer...weird
  • 3: POSITIVE ATTITUDE, there will be a wipe or three.
  • 4: read a bit about the fight
  • 5: check yourself on Ask Mr Robot or some other optimization engine, get tuned up

If you want to come, shoot me a message in-game, or post here, and we'll add you to the List of Steaming Death
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I'll be accepting signups starting at approximately 8:30 tonight.
We steamrollered the first three last week, tonight we start with the dragon lady.

Looking to escape the madness that is LFR? Want a faster Q than LFR these days?
Want a slightly bigger challenge and no LoLPulling?


Must be:
    1: horde
    2: equipped (500+ please)
    3: tuned (gems and 'chants in order please)

Optional But Nice:
    1: do some reading. The fights aren't killers, but standing in poop is still poopy. We have a solid core, now we just need you to fill it out.
Edited by Plainswander on 11/14/2013 12:55 PM PST
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95 Orc Monk
There are a few of us from Grim Fate who had our usual Flex cancelled. We'd love to come along and lower the average IQ of the room a few points. We're all over the minimum requirement.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
There are a few of us from Grim Fate who had our usual Flex cancelled. We'd love to come along and lower the average IQ of the room a few points. We're all over the minimum requirement.

Kreeanne, this adventure is Plain's project so please keep an out for him in game.
If you can't catch up with him, look me up if I'm not on Rizz feel free to ask anyone in guild if I'm on an alt.
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