[H] Salvation Recruitment Update!

100 Tauren Warrior
Hello Everyone!

Salvation is now recruiting! We are very We hope that you enjoy reading and learning more about us as a guild and what you can expect as we move forward towards the end game of Mist of Pandaria and onward to the planet of Draenor.

A Little About Salvation and Our Goals!
Salvation (est. 2007) is a raiding guild in Cenarion Circle (Horde) that focuses on having a small but strong guild. We are all about quality over quantity! We push content three times a week for 3 hours at a time starting at 6:15 PST to 9:15pm PST Tuesday, Thursday and Monday. Raid times are not set in stone and can fluctuate slightly depending on when the core members of each team are available. Our goals are to complete most recent tier boss encounters with a team of competent individuals who know how to play their class and do NOT get carried by the rest of their team, know their role, and do their part to progress themselves in terms of performance for the sake of the guild's progression as a whole.

Currently Salvation is 4/14 Heroic. We are 2nd in 10-man progession, 3rd overall on the server. To further view our progression in Mist of Pandaria, check out the following link:
So What Are We Looking For?
We are looking for reliable players that can make a vast majority of our raids. With this in mind those players must be willing to learn, adapt, take some criticism, and seek to better their effectiveness during raid.
• Brewmaster Monk
• Gaurdian Druid
Melee DPS
• Ret Paladin
• Rogue
• Frost DK
Ranged DPS
• Hunter
• Mage
• Warlock
• Mistweaver Monk
• Disc/Holy Priest Combo

What If I’m Not Any of Those Classes or Specs *Sad Face*?
Exceptional applicants can feel free to sign up. Outstanding applications will always be considered. Just because you are not on the list don't mean we are just going to go "meh" and brush our shoulders off.

These classes in which we are specially looking for must have the following guidelines met:
• It would be ideal for us that you have the legendary quest line completed or within weeks of completion. This will not bar u from entry into the guild if you do not meet this.
• Item level of 520 or above.
• Your gear must be enchanted and gemmed appropriately to your class.
• Must have knowledge of Siege of Orgrimmar bosses and its mechanics. (LFR and/or Flex knowledge helpful)
• Have Mumble installed and working. A microphone to communicate is also required.

Flex Modes
We are currently recruiting players for Siege of Orgimmar Flexible Raiding.
We firmly believe this to be a great approach to help expand our player base and serve as a boot camp. Salvation is about quality. To make sure we have that quality we must be able to find out how well the new recruits are in regards to skill and knowledge of their character. This could be advantageous to those who have not long returned to the game, seek a raiding environment, a feel for the current content, and look forward to serious raiding in the long-term. We have our Flex Mode Raid on Wednesdays starting at 6:30pm PST.

To join please sign up on our website and make sure to check it out as well!
Salvation website link: http://www.salvationcc.guildlaunch.com/
Edited by Tankstâ on 12/10/2013 11:32 PM PST
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100 Tauren Warrior
Warlords of Draenor, Mythic Mode, and Our Thoughts
With the awesome developments that came out of BlizzCon about Warlords of Draenor, we are looking forward to the new raiding system and 20-man mythic mode. In past history, Salvation has been all about 10-man raiding and playing with a small group that has made this guild grow into a family in which everyone knows each other and gets along. Though we may have our differences (and in my own opinion we are like a big circus act sometimes lol), we come together and get down what needs to get done, current content. We look forward to expanding and grow our family so that we can together tackle on this feat and give mythic mode its day in the future of Salvation. We hope to meet wonderful individuals along our way and share with them our stories, achievements, and make new ones together!

**We will update this recruitment post as time gets closer to the release of WoD.

What guild package of goods and benefits will I expect when I join Salvation?

Now for the fun part of this post! As always, we like to make sure you guys get some complementary goodies when it comes to joining such an awesome guild like ours! Here is what you will receive!

• The Guild Store Vendor. If you go to your nearest guild vendor (the only one being in Orgimmar) you can receive An EPIC mount with our flag, an EPIC Guild Banner, an EPIC Guild Tabard, EPIC Shirts, and EPIC-ly awesome pets and heirlooms. Please note you must be exalted with us and a lot of gold to get the full exclusive EPIC Salvation package =P

• Our Guild Pet. If you have bought your virtual ticket from Blizzcon or you went to Blizzcon personally, guess what, you get 2 thumbs up! Why?!?! Because you have bought our (unofficial) guild pet (his shield looks similar to our guild crest). You’re welcome. (For those who didn’t, we are truly sorry…I suppose lol)

• The Guild Bank. This awesome bank is run by donations by you for you! You can donate whatever you can to the guild bank and we will return the favor with whatever your heart desires. We make our own potions, elixirs, flasks, enchants, gems, glyphs and anything you can think of in regards with current content. With your constant donations we can keep this steady flow going in order to make sure you have what you need for your main character and alts.

• Guild Events. We tend to accommodate players to all types of events from Old Achievement Runs to Guild created events. Some examples are, "Salvation Nation Fashion Week!" With our Cenarion Circle’s own “Fashionista” Lovina as one of our judges and "The Tournament of Champions" where our guildies duke it out one on one and the last man or women standing receives a wonder prize. We can go on on, but let’s just say we can make your stay in Salvation homey, you know that 2nd home you wish you had xP.

• Finally, your new guildmates. They will be with you from when you join until you wish you never have wished it so. Rest assured the contract that you will sign is written in your own blood so that means you can't go back on it =D.

In Conclusion
On behalf of Rilas, our natural-born guild leader, and the rest of the Salvation Nation Team we hope you enjoyed reading this post and we look forward to seeing you in our next raid!

Also, check us on out twitch during our raid nights to get an idea of how we raid if you want to see first-hand on how we all act as a guild and wipe on bosses like clockwork!
Salvation twitch.tv link: http://www.twitch.tv/mikefre928
If you have any questions look for us officers in game!
• Rilas, Guild Leader of Salvation
• Melabrin, Officer of Salvation
• Tankstâ, Officer of Salvation (note: alt command 0226 for that annoying a lol)

Without question or doubtingly and what others might say unfortunately yours,

Tankstâ “The Prime”
Edited by Tankstâ on 11/23/2013 12:03 PM PST
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100 Tauren Warrior
Tweak a bit of things on this post! Looking forward to ppl to join up! We flexing today so hopefully if you wanna taste hit us up in game! We do flex modes every Wednesday! =D
Edited by Tankstâ on 11/22/2013 5:45 PM PST
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100 Tauren Warrior
ppsssttt i like this post =) check it out =) get your favorite beer and enjoy the read =D
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100 Tauren Warrior
new week! lets see who we gonna this week. Oh btw this post...its a good read..specially the goods we give...top notch =)
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