Group One is Recruiting for Garrosh push!

90 Night Elf Druid
Group One is seeking a DPS/healer (Shaman would be great fit) for a 10 man raid group.

Raid Times: 8:30pm-10:30pm Central Standard Time
Day: Tuesday & Thursday

Current Progression as of 1/6/14: 9/14 normal SoO.

Our goal is within the next two weeks to kill Garrosh. We will be pushing progression only. So if you would like to come get a Garrosh kill and earn it come on down. You do not need to join our guild we are just looking for someone to join in on the raid.

We also would prefer that your item level be at or above 545. If you are close go ahead and post or message me, but we can't take extremely undergeared toons at this point as we are still doing progression.

My real ID is: #krunk1529
Edited by Bilagaana on 1/6/2014 9:02 AM PST
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90 Night Elf Druid
Bump still seeking 1 raider.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Bump. Edited what our new goal is, Garrosh kill within 2 weeks. Still looking for 1 raider to join raid group prefer a dps with offspec healing.

Thanks and contact me on here or ingame using my real id.
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