All Anonymous Merchandise - Delivered!

100 Gnome Priest
Kezrin looked at the paper in disbelief. "Isn't it a bit early? Pilgrim's Bounty ain't even here!"

"No, of course not!" Derscha answered. "This is just sign-ups. Nobody has to do any shopping until later, and we want to give them plenty of time to do that, don't we? Now hurry up and start distributing those posters. I want to see names soon!"

Kez sighed and took the paper with her to Distribution. Holidays! They got worse every year.

All Anonymous Merchandise Swap Year Three!

Dear friends, clients, and future clients!

The Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service is pleased to announce sign-ups for this year's All Anonymous Merchandise Swap.

What is the All Anonymous Merchandise Swap?
Why, it's a chance to get into the spirit of giving by sending, and receiving, anonymous gifts! Every person who signs up with be randomly given the name of another signee- it'll be your job to buy them a gift. It'll be sent to them anonymously.

Sound fun? But it gets better! Someone else on the list will be buying you a gift as well!

It does sound fun! How do I sign up?

Sign up by adding your name to one of our sign up flyers (you're reading one!) or by contacting a member of the AAMS.

Who can sign up?

Sign-ups are available to all AAMS clientele, regardless of faction. That does mean there is a possibility you will be shopping for someone on the other side!

What sort of gift should I buy? Is this acceptable?

The choice is ultimately up to you, but we recommend not breaking your bank. This program is about the fun of giving! Some of the best received gifts in the past have been small items. We are able to include notes upon request.

Please do not gift wrap your item; we will do that for you!

Also, nothing deadly. Or ticking.

I bought my gift! Where should I take it?

You can turn in your gift by talking to any available AAMS courier, or by mailing to it to Derscha or Kezrin.

How long do I have to sign up?

Here's the official timeline:
Now - Dec. 7th : Sign ups!
Dec 8th : The AAMS will send out gift assignments and will immediately begin accepting turned in gifts.
Dec. 16th - Jan 2nd: The AAMS will deliver gifts.

Any gift not delivered by Jan. 2nd will be mailed.

Edited by Derscha on 1/2/2014 4:04 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
((Yep, we're starting signs up a bit early this year to make sure everyone has time to buy a gift before the real life holiday starts getting the way!

The Swap is our version of Secret Santa. Gift pick ups and deliveries will be done in person and in character whenever possible.

Add your name here or contact the AAMS in game to sign up! We're usually online around peak evening hours, but may be hiding on an alt, so feel free to ask the OOC channels for AAMS.))
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90 Undead Warrior
Sign us up, yesss! We will send the juiciest and squelchingest of surprises to all our lovely friends.

If our brains do not rot and forget entirely, yes yes.
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100 Gnome Priest
Khromie was the first to sign the flier in the Trade District of Stormwind. Unfortunately, she took up like three and a half lines as all she had to sign with was a puffy glitter pen. The glittery goop took forever and a day to dry completely, so whoever signed after her would do so at their own sparkly peril.

[ And Benoite, too, please! ]
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((Add Gen and Tren please))
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100 Draenei Warrior
*stares at the list shrugging as she signs her name*
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
((Sign Vitaki up please :D))
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100 Human Paladin
Add Gentyl.
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100 Draenei Hunter
Add Thel
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100 Draenei Paladin
*looks at the flier, and chuckles a bit at the sparkles of Khromie's name written on the first few lines. She looks down at Precious, her undead pup companion*

"What do you think Precious? Shall we join in on this joyous occasions?"

*Precious barks as she wags whats left of her tail as Jataa pulls out a vial of ink and a quill. She carefully writes her name on a line. She then pulls out a small piece of paper, pours a bit of ink upon it, and allows Precious to dip a paw in it. As Jataa holds the flier, Precious presses her ink covered paw next to Jataa's name and steps back, wagging her tail again. Jataa places the flier back in its place, and proceeds on her walk around Stormwind, Precious following right along side her.*
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100 Gnome Priest
18 sign-ups so far! Still a week left to add your name to the list!

Goal's to match last year's group of thirty, so c'mon, folks.

Current Sign Ups:



Notice something about that list? A little lopsided, don't you think? Some people should get to correcting that!
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Add Thaettir, Tankalo, Liyo, Tylenastus, Quelsin, and Wilva to the list for horde-side.

Tell Kez she can thank me later ;)
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100 Gnome Priest

And wow, you weren't kidding!
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
*slowly rubs a whetstone across the blade of her axe* Well are you going to add me or must I do it myself?
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90 Undead Warrior
Daci was the very first to sign up, yesss? Her squishings and drippings should not be denied! Put Daci on the list, for gooey holiday joy.
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100 Draenei Mage
Alniyat for Alliance and Nanepi for Horde. :D Blame Brae.
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
Add Ethariel for Alliance. :)
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Well, what could it hurt.

He didn't have a pen on him, so the name "Ser Fastice Blackblade" Was written with a piece of bright orange chalk, borrowed from a child on the street.

"Who knows. It could be fun..." He returned the chalk and continued wandering the streets.
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100 Gnome Priest
One more day to sign up!

You have until Saturday night to sign up... or until whenever on Sunday I get around to making the gift lists.
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100 Gnome Priest
Sign ups are closed!

Expect a letter with a name either this morning or this afternoon.
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