All Anonymous Merchandise - Delivered!

100 Gnome Priest
All Horde letters have been sent. If you are a member of the Horde who signed up and have NOT gotten a letter, please contact the AAMS.

Alliance letters will go out this afternoon.
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90 Undead Warrior



*drools eagerly on her AAMS notice, smearing her exchange partner's name with ichorous bile*
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100 Gnome Priest
All letters have been sent! If you did not receive a letter (an hour from now) please contact the AAMS!
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100 Goblin Shaman
She stopped the moment she saw the first feather on the floor of the AAMS offices.

Her keen ears then heard the flutter of wings, even as Sprocketquill held the door to the storeroom shut and tried to grin innocently at her.

"What... is... in ....there?" Kezrin slowly asked.

"Not chickens! I promise! No chickens!"

"Riiiiight...." Kezrin backed away slowly. "Whatever it is... Braedori's dealin' with it this time!"

And with that, the goblin ran back out the door.

Why birds? Why always birds?
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100 Goblin Shaman
She was doing her best to avoid the offices, so it was a few days later when Kezrin happened upon the next rather... usual shipment.


The crates sitting in the middle of the floor shook now and then, ominously creaking and croaking. Cori Sprocketquill sat on top of the largest one, strands of hair out of place and shoulders heaving.

"Oh! Hi, Miss Kanzelry!" she huffed. "New shipment, just in!"

"What's all this? Pia's not up to their tricks 'gain, are they?"

"No, no, not from Pia Presidium. I don't think..." Cori leaned over the edge of the crate to peer at the label. The crate jumped again, but the gnome failed to tip over. "Nope, not from the cat lady."

Breaodori's problem, Breadori's problem.... "I'll just leave ya to deal with it."

"We'll take care of it!" Cori cheerfully promised. "We'll just stick 'em in the animal holding area with the rest of 'em."

"You mean with the..." Kezrin used her hands to make a flapping motion.

"OH! RIGHT!" Cori's eyes went wide. "Can't put them together, can we? I'll just have to find somewhere else to stick them. Any ideas?"

Kezrin was already leaving, but Cori clearly heard her say "Braedori" as she left. The gnome cocked her head thoughtfully.

"I'm sure she won't mind if we used a corner of her office, right?" she asked the crates.

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100 Blood Elf Mage
She eyed the crates with a slightly lifted brow. The trip to Ratchet for her new nameplate had taken slightly longer than she'd anticipated, but things always seemed to with her current restrictions on teleportation. At the very least, whoever had stored them in her office had used the corner she'd managed to excavate from under ancient paperwork instead of further into the mess.


The sound almost made her giggle. Instead, she snorted and shook her head. This time of year it seemed the office turned into more of a zoo than a delivery service. The sound drew a curious 'mrr' from the small Winterspring cub that habitually shadowed her footsteps or inhabited her basket.

"Oh n-no you d-don't. St-stay away from th-the crates, Siame. Oth-otherwise I'll le-leave you at home." The cat gave her a look of feline disappointment before returning to mauling the mage's hemlines. Brae negotiated the small ball of fur and stuck her head out the door, offering Miss Sprocketquill at warm smile. "C-Cori, c-could you be s-so ki-kind as to remind me to as-ask some of our n-new re-recruits to make m-more animal st-storage in one of the q-quieter w-warehouses?"

With a nod from the self-styled executive assistant, Brae disappeared into her office to continue her excavation, chuckling to herself.

Ribbit, ribbit.
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42 Blood Elf Paladin
((So, the person I have (Name) doesn't show up on the armory, which makes it hard to figure out what to get for a gift. Anyone have any idea who this is?))
Edited by Tylenastus on 12/13/2013 10:09 PM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
((Armory has been broken lately.

Aaaaand I might have misspelled the name.

Nothing else to see here, move along!))
Edited by Derscha on 12/14/2013 7:06 AM PST
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88 Night Elf Priest
Thank you ^.^
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100 Gnome Priest
Deliveries start today!

If you haven't turn in your gift yet, expect a gentle nudge from me or Brae soon.
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90 Gnome Death Knight
Spriggel hummed the jingle and it reverberated within the new red "hat" her friend, Khromie, had Winter Veil gifted her. The acoustics were spot on!

She was returning to the Ironforge office (having delivered a Swap), cheerfully greeting friends and strangers as she made her way through Stormwind's Dwarven District, onto the Tram, through Old Tinkertown and the Military Ward, and then to the office steps in the Commons.

At the top of the Ironforge Visitors' Center/AAMS Office's steps, she turned to look out over the Commons and the crowds surrounding Greatfather Winter and the Smokywood Pastures concession. This was her favorite time of the year. Meeting so many new and old friends while spreading the season's cheer through the AAMS All Anonymous Merchandise Swap.

She turned and entered the office, eager to pickup her next delivery assignment.
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100 Gnome Priest
Getting near the end, here!

Any gift we can't deliver by holiday's end will be mailed, but we're still trying to catch people in person!

If you have not gotten yours, feel free to bother one of us if we don't bother you first!
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100 Gnome Priest
All the remaining gifts that were not delivered in person have been mailed.

Thank you to everyone who participated this year! We had lots of fun moments and deliveries.
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