RP Guild / Event Directory - Upd. 6/2015


90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Greetings and welcome to the Cenarion Circle server. If you are at this thread, it is because you are looking for a role-play guild or information about one of our numerous weekly events. Well, you have indeed came to the correct spot!As you peruse our guide, be sure to remember that both Alliance and Horde side have OOC channels, AlliOOC and HordeOOC respectively.
    You can at any time, join one of these channels to talk to the majority of our role-play community. They can probably answer questions you may have about our community, our guilds and events, or at least point you in the direction of someone who can assist you!


    1. All submissions are taken into account. However, this guide is updated as soon as reasonably possible. Guilds must be at least level 2 prior to being added. Sometimes I'll wait even longer to add because I see no activity from said guild. Also, if your guild becomes inactive it may be removed.

    2. Please make your submission as small as you can. Remember, each thread can only contain 5,000 words each.

    3. Cenarion Circle does not have an extremely large amount of guilds compared to Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord. For this reason, guilds will be simply listed in terms of Alliance or Horde, and not further separated into racial guilds.


    • <AAMS>

    Website: aams.enjin.com
    Guild Leader: ((OOCly Kezrin))
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character, with an "AAMSOOC" channel for out of character chat. We also use HordeOOC.
    Contact: Kezrin

      The AAMS -- short for "Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service" -- is a neutral organization that serves both the Horde and the Alliance, abstaining from conflict (PvP) involving either. They work as couriers, diplomats, translators, and occasionally smugglers between the factions. The <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> function as a single guild, with a shared "office" (website), Vent server, etc.

      <Da Doctas>

    Website: dadoctas.guildportal.com
    Guild Leader: Sidonwy
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: IC
    Contacts: Sidonwy, Oskor, Knowles, Llejna

      Originally founded by Docta Hrookzhin "to Heal the Horde", Da Doctas School of Medicine has expanded from its focus on the healing arts to encompass the training of both healers and protectors in the various occupations across Azeroth. New students or those interested in faculty postions should contact the Registar, Dean of Students, Head Protecta, or Headmaster.

      <Grim Maw Clan>
    - Guild may no longer be recruiting. Please contact a guild member for info.
    Guild Leader: Dalines
    Contact: Abominus
    IC/OOC Guild chat: OOC
    Website: http://www.grimmawclan.com/

      - Possibly inactive.
      Website: http://www.homelandcc.org
      Guild Leader: Onixhoof
      IC/OOC Chat: In-character guildchat.
      OOC Channel" HomelandOOC

        We are the Homeland. We are mothers and fathers to the children of the Horde. We are daughters and sons to the parents and childless of the Horde. We are sisters and brothers to any who wish them. We are bound by love and respect, not by authority and rank. We are governed by consensus, not by static laws. We are free people. We are a home. No purpose greater; no people humbler.

        <Legacy of the Warsong>

      Website: None
      Guild Leader: Korigal Windaxe
      Guild Chat: In Character, with separate channel for OOC
      Contact: Korigal

        Following the revolution against Garrosh and the Siege of Orgrimmar, the Horde's forces have been severely weakened. As such, many enemies that had been swept under the rug will rise again to take advantage. That makes now the time to bite back with the greatest ferocity. And how better than to embody the legacy of that most ferocious of clans, the Warsong. Seeking make amends for Hellscream's tyranny, Korigal Windaxe, a veteran soldier of the Warsong, gathers champions with honor and courage in their hearts to give their all to defend Horde and Home against any who would threaten them.

        <Modas il Toralar>
      Website: modas.guildportal.com
      Guild Leader: Armaya [Co-leader: Trenetir]
      Guild Chat: In Character
      OOC Chat: Seperate OOC chat, we'll let you know when you join!
      Contact: Armaya or Trenetir.
      [ul]The Modas il Toralar is a heavy RP guild of (for the most part) ethically flexible characters. We have dark sorcerers, twisted cultist, cut-throats, sociopaths, selfish rogues, blackguard, assassins and all other likes. We seek out power of all kinds: magical, economic, political, militaristic, and a variety of other forms.
    Edited by Araceli on 6/30/2015 3:29 PM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin

    • <AAMS Alliance Branch>

    Website: aams.enjin.com
    Guild Leader: Derscha
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character, with an "AAMSOOC" channel for out of character chat. We also use AllianceOOC.
    Contact: Derscha

      The AAMS -- short for "Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service" -- is a neutral organization that serves both the Horde and the Alliance, abstaining from conflict (PvP) involving either. They work as couriers, diplomats, translators, and occasionally smugglers between the factions. The <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> function as a single guild, with a shared "office" (website), Vent server, etc.


    Website: http://www.conclaveguild.org
    Guild Leader: Genevra
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: OOC Guild Chat
    Contact: Genevra, Jacksen, Dustwing
    RP: Medium-Full Time

      Originally founded to harbor individual's search for answers, Conclave is a loosely affiliated order surrounded on the quest for enlightenment and answers to those grand scheme of things questions. Members are you searching for answers in these dark times, or defenders of truth (whether big big picture or self truths... either works) Med-Full time RP, PvE (Dungeons) and PvP as well. We also host: The Light and You (6p server on Wednesdays).

      <Crimson Blades>

    Website: http://crimson-blades.enjin.com/
    Guild Leaders: Adrazel, Reuz
    IC/OOC guild chat: IC, with a separate channel for OOC

      We are a small band of people drawn together with the protection of Stormwind and the surrounding lands in mind. We frequently gather together for RP, as well as utilize our guild channel for RP. We are open to all levels, with an application and details of our membership process on our website.

      <Dsyfunctional Veterans

    Website: Unknown
    Guild Leader: Eldinon
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: unknown

    [ul]The DV is a criminal style guild based off a "mob" style themed. Currently we are working on a large storyline along with a couple other Stormwind based guilds. Our goal is to give the lawful aligned guilds something of a catalyst to role play against. At this time we are running three in guild events a week and looking to expand them to a open style event where all will be welcomed to join us.[/u]
    Edited by Araceli on 6/30/2015 3:38 PM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
      <Feathers of Iron>

    Website: Foi.guildportal.com
    Guild Leader: Franziskah
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: IC
    OOC Channel: Yes

      All people are effected by the course the world is taking, some more than others. Many feel as if surviving in the world is all they can do... Leaving hopes, dreams and even their happiness behind. Those who refuse to be held down by the weight of this world are always in search of a place where they can realize their dreams, a place where they can live their lives again. The Feathers of Iron is a place for those individuals. The Feathers of Iron is a mercenary company, founded and led by Liabelle Thorngrove. The group was founded on protecting it's own, and is largely unconcerned with the politics of the Alliance and Horde in any official way.

      <Fellowship of Teldrassil>

    Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=340854&TabID=2853396
    Guild Leaders: Arkonn Treeshadow & Arahnu Treeshadow
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: OOC
    OOC Channel: FOTShare

      Elune be with you, friends! The Fellowship of Teldrassil is a mostly night elf, light to medium RP guild committed to experiencing the content of the World of Warcraft within an RP context. This includes Raiding, Questing, Dungeons, and PVP content. We also RP through events and storlyines of our own creation. The primary focus of the Fellowship of Teldrassil is to create a supportive community where players can enjoy playing and experiencing all game content within an RP setting, when it is so desired.

      <Lluchduu Ocheliad>

    Website: http://ocheliad.org/
    Guild Leader: Kurick
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: IC
    OOC Channel: Yes, contact an officer.

      The Ocheliad is mostly for villians, and other bad people.

      <Northrend Commonwealth>

    Website: http://www.guildofguilds.org
    Guild Leader: Kaylene
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: OOC
    Note: Guild does not RP exclusively and contains members that enjoy many aspects of the game, from RP to PvE to PvP.

      Founded by refugees of the Lich King's domination of Northrend, this organization has gathered many like-minded allies over the years. Sworn to the tenets of the Light, the Commonwealth works endlessly to prepare themselves for their return to Northrend's shores. Their goal is not only to destroy the Lich King and his Scourge, but to settle the northern reaches as a place of peace and a center of faith for all.

      <Pia Presidium>

    Website: piapresidium.guildportal.com
    Guild Leader: Gentyl
    Guild Chat: IC (though we're not super-strict about it)
    OOC Channel: piaooc

      We are a militaristic holy order sworn to protect the Cathedral, Stormwind, and the people of Azeroth from internal and external threats. We are known for our honor and fairness.
      OOC: We accept all classes except Warlocks (even the occasional Death Knight, though we are very selective here in regards to the backstory and character's personality) and all races. Please see our web site above for more information on applying.

      <Terra Incognita>

    Website: tiguild.org
    Guild Leader: Lahkin
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: IC
    OOC Channel: tiooc (civilized guests allowed)
    Contact: Lahkin, Erelyn, Kordrion, Ronnad

      "Here there be dragons." Terra Incognita is a somewhat secretive military order that is affiliated with the Argent Crusade and the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind. With their focus more on special ops than on any active duty, Terra Incognita has a wide variety of characters. Not your typical military order. RP, PvP, and PvE all have their niche here.
    Edited by Araceli on 6/30/2015 3:41 PM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Edited by Araceli on 4/5/2012 3:16 PM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin


    Event: Pia Presidium Healing Clinic
    What: Clinic to heal the Alliance. Alternates with the Troubadour Night.
    Who: Pia Presidium
    When: Monday Evening at 5:00PM Server Time

    Event: Pia Presidium Troubador Night
    What: Come and sing a song or tell a story. Alternates with the Healing Clinic


    Event: Da Doctas Clinic
    What: Clinic to heal the Horde.
    Who: Horde (Hosted by Da Doctas)
    When: 7:00 PM Server Time
    Where: Spirit Rise on Thunder Bluff

    Event: Feathers of Iron Tavern
    What: Bar. We have a wide selection of drinks from Azeroth and Outland, as well as an assortment of freshly cooked food.
    When: Tuesdays, 6:30 pm server time
    Where: Booty Bay Inn
    Who:Kitchen is tended by Cup, Bar is tended by Mariiku.


    Event: The Light And You
    What: A discussion focused on the Light and it's interaction and influence on the inhabitants of Azeroth.
    When: Wednesday, 6PM Server Time
    Where: Location Varies
    Who: Conclave


    Pia Presidium Campfire Storytelling & Giveaway
    When: Thursdays at 6:00 PM
    Where: Northshire Abbey
    Who: Pia Presidium


    Event: Scarlet Raven Tavern Night
    When: Friday evenings, usually starting around 8pm server time (pst)
    Where: The Scarlet Raven Tavern in Duskwood
    Hosted by: Kalleesti & Trever, proprietors of the Scarlet Raven
    The new proprietors of the Scarlet Raven Tavern in Duskwood (Kalleesti & Trever) invite you to join them in an evening of drink, dance & camaraderie. Lets bring merriment back to Duskwood!


    Event: AAMS Lounge Night
    When: 7:00PM ST
    Where: Hardwrench Hideaway in STV


    Event: Sister Magdelyn Sermons
    When: 12:00 Sundays
    Where: Stormwind Cathedral

    Event: Pia Presidium Knighting Ceremony
    What: We start out at Stormwind gates and make our way tot he Cathedral. While only members may take the vows, all are welcome to attend the ceremony and the trial by arms that follows.
    When: 2:00 PM Sunday Server Time
    Where: Starts In Stormwind, goes to the Cathedral.
    Who: Pia Presidium

    Fishing Night
    When: Sundays at 7PM Server Time; This is only temporary until December.
    Where: Location Varies, visit HordeOOC channel to determine where.
    Who: Raoul Zharikov of Razortalons and Dernes Proudhorn of Wardens of Ysera
    Edited by Araceli on 9/22/2013 7:47 AM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Also..does anyone see the report function on here? >.>
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    100 Night Elf Hunter
    It's in the upper right under the time next to the like option..but when I click it nothing comes up when you select report.
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    ...I don't even think I have a like option.. >.> I'm also pretty blind.
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Oi. Nevermind. Found it. :-)
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    100 Worgen Death Knight
    For your list I bring you...

    The Reclamation
    Website: currently in progress
    Guild Leader: Brynnara
    Vent: 15-man

    IC/OOC Guild Chat: OOC (we have a separate channel for RP)

    The Reclamation is a group of like-minded individuals working to restore Azeroth in the wake of Deathwing's destructive rampage after his eruption from the Maelstrom. We cross all intra-Alliance boundaries, featuring a collection of all races and mindsets; if you're a thief, no problem, as long as you're a thief who'll stop to pull some rubble off folks once in awhile. ;)

    We're "medium RP", meaning our guild chat is out of character, in order to keep the guild cohesive for those who don't want to, or just aren't yet comfortable with, role play. We're currently very new and underpopulated, and looking for all classes and races of all levels. The goal is to raid at 85th, and enjoy leveling with each other in the interim. Remember that family you had when you found your first awesome guild, that made you want to log in and quest with those people more than with PUGs? That's what I aim for our guild to be. :)
    Reply Quote
    85 Blood Elf Paladin
    I'd like to add another Hordeside

    The Scattered Soldiers
    Website: Under construction, but the link is www.scatteredsoldiers.guildportal.com
    Guild Leaders: Ianmoo, Gorrgesh, Nalarian

    IC/OOC Guild Chat: OOC (Global Channel for IC)

    The Scattered Soldiers is aiming to be a casual pvp/raiding guild once we have sufficient people at 85. It is also an introductory RP guild for newcomers to learn and grow in the role-playing portion of the game. We have small guild RP events throughout the week and are looking to expand into hosting a server wide RP-PvP type tournament once we have enough members and are well trained!
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Both have been added. :-)
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Bump! Please report this post for sticky.
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    85 Undead Rogue


    I really hope it isn't intended to be unable to delete posts.
    Edited by Vectus on 11/20/2010 9:25 AM PST
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    85 Blood Elf Rogue
    While I am not looking into expanding my Guild for the Goblin Trade Princes, I am stepping up my RP functions on most the Goblin hubs. If you want to put: "Auction House" on the list, I am more a wondering RP session than anything. I have posted a short interlude to Guild's character on the CC and RP forums here. So if you want to check them out now and then, I will be updating them as the time rolls on.

    Auction House
    Website: In Progress (You'll like it when it's done)
    Leader: Guild
    Vent: 75 Users

    IC/OOC Channels: AHIC (In Character) / AHOOC (Out of Character)

    Auction House is the "Voice of the Goblins" for all Faction cities. The sole member of the Auction House, Guild is given orders from the Trade Princes from time to time and negotiate with the Capital cities. Guild has given up her races name of Blood Elf when taken in by the Goblin Trade Princes. As the voice for the Trade lines and Regions of the Trade Princes, Guild is mostly loathed when people learn that she is one of the main reasons for the Auction Posting Fees that occur when Auction House trades are posted.
    Edited by Guild on 11/20/2010 2:12 AM PST
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    I'd like to add an Alliance Guild:

    Fellowship of Teldrassil
    Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=340854&TabID=2853396
    Guild Leaders: Arkonn Treeshadow & Arahnu Treeshadow
    IC/OOC Guild Chat: OOC
    OOC Channel: FOTShare

    Elune be with you, friends! The Fellowship of Teldrassil is a mostly night elf, light to medium RP guild committed to experiencing the content of the World of Warcraft within an RP context. This includes Raiding, Questing, Dungeons, and PVP content. We also RP through events and storlyines of our own creation. The primary focus of the Fellowship of Teldrassil is to create a supportive community where players can enjoy playing and experiencing all game content within an RP setting, when it is so desired.

    Please visit out website for more information and guild application. Feel free to contact Arkonn or Arahnu in-game as well.
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    87 Blood Elf Warlock
    Nice list
    Edited by Ashinara on 11/21/2010 9:48 AM PST
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    85 Undead Priest
    This is a great post! Thanks much for doing this!
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    90 Human Mage
    Requesting on behalf of the venerable lady, Kalleesti, currently having posting issues. Please add the following guild to the sticky:

    Esoteric Order of Dagon
    Site: http://dagon.guildportal.com/
    Guild Leader: Kalleesti, with Freihda, Trever

    IC/OOC - Guild chat is OOC, with slight IC influences
    Ventrilo info given out to members only.

    We are a tight-knit Order of people who harbour knowledge of things unseen by most. Members are required to meet with the council if interested in joining. Regular RP raids/dungeons runs/events are held. All classes & levels are welcome to seek us out!
    Reply Quote

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