Did you hear? Sinterklaas is coming soon!

48 Dwarf Mage
Have ye been good this year? I hope so!

Let me know what ye want for Christmas, me mailbox is ready to be filled with yer Christmas wishes and I'll will be working hard to grant as many as I can this year. Be sure to post yer letter by December 20th.

Ho, ho, ho!
Back to the toy shop I go!
*disappears in a flurry of snow*
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90 Undead Warrior
Braaaaaains, yesssss! Juicy, oozy, squishy braaaaaaains. For joy.
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90 Orc Rogue
Many years ago, a certain spectral crustacean promised me a pony. He has yet to deliver. Can you get me a pony? Purty Please?
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95 Gnome Priest
*seals envelope and deposits in the Stormwind mail*
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100 Undead Warrior
Give to Abominusss your liver sssqueezingsss, yesss! They are the mossst potent alcoholic beverage in the exissstence of alcohol, yesss!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
More so than pandaren?
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100 Undead Warrior
The bear-thingsss have nothing when it comesss to a dwarf and liquor, yesss. The capacity of the dwarf-creaturesss liver to take in alcohol and hold it for thossse lean periodsss of non consssumption are legendary, yesss! You know, that time in between the period it takesss a dwarf to gulp down one tankard and pick up a fressshly filled one, yesss. The worssst period in their livesss, actually, yesss.

Thisss brief period of time, called "No Ale", hasss lead the Dwarven culture to become exissstential philosssophersss of the highessst caliber, yesss! Alssso, the liver sssoaksss a bit then, recharging for another go, yesss. collecting the sssqueezingsss at thisss point guaranteesss fressshnessssss and potency, yesss!
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