Officially Saying Hi, So Forth

20 Goblin Hunter
Hey guys. Back to WoW after a lengthy hiatus (WLK, I believe).

Wondering - are the Horde-side RP channels still active? I haven't checked yet (ice storm = no consistent internetz. Happy winter, amirite?)
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90 Undead Warrior
Daci speaks! Sometimes juicy things listen and speak back, with their voices all so squelching and sweet, mmmmmmmm. On the hearthstones. Yessssssss.

But sometimes Daci speaks and no one answers. Very sad. Then Daci has to make all the squelching sounds itself, with brains and bowels and dead things it finds. Lonesome.

Come speak with Daci, juicy thing!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
If you're out and about looking for some work come and find me. I can always use more discreet and talented employees. Do you have a trade?
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