Somewhat New To The Server

80 Orc Rogue
Hello all,

I transferred to Cenarion Circle about a month or so ago (transferred for a friend) and have enjoyed the community a lot so far, some of the people have been so friendly it's almost suspicious, when you're used to a PvP or PvE server.

To the point, I'm originally from a PvE server so that's primarily my interest. I haven't dabbled much in RP yet, but I'm not against it by any means. My question is, what PvE/Raid guilds are out there on Horde side? My RL friend was recently recruited into Infusion, so I'm aware of them. Any others?

tl;dr: I'm looking for a raid guild.

Stats: I like sunsets, cuddly kittens and I've been raiding WoW content since tier 2 had placeholder graphics.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Eternal Sorrow, After Dark, Infusion and Hellions (Though currently we are inactive in raiding until Cata) I believe were the "main" 25 man raiding guilds in Wrath. Mojo was also but they are no longer.

ES is currently the top horde raiding guild on the server.

Now obviously there are smaller guilds out there that also do raiding, but it just depends on what you wanna do as a raider. :-/
Edited by Araceli on 11/21/2010 10:58 AM PST
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