Amazing Cenarion Circle player: Dreaming !

100 Night Elf Warrior
I cannot sing the praise loudly enough. I ran into Dreaming recently on complete accident, in a rather embarrassing situation at that. Upon assisting me out of this situation, we began to have a semi regular bit of small talk via whispers, and in this chit chat I mentioned how I've been farming a certain item for the past nearly 11 months, all to no avail.

To my utter astonishment, I found a gift wrapped package in my mail the next evening, and inside this package this wondrous item was found! A battered hilt !!!!

I am a lore junky and have been wanting to play through this questline for a long while, having lost the hilt twice through nefarious and shameful examples of human behavior. Elrith also has a thing for two handed swords, elven blades at that, and this was a must have. I've been saving the gold actually to buy one.

That Dreaming took it upon them self to gift me with this goes above and beyond what is warranted, and it has restored the cosmic balance to the universe.

DREAMING! I salute ye. One million thanks be upon you.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Dreaming/Dreadsong is one of my favorite people on the server as well! <3 her!
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80 Blood Elf Mage
I have never met Dreaming, but I have come across another person who done exactly the same for me on my pally back on WrA. Good people are out there, although there aren't very many of them these days. They pop up in the most unexpected places and times, and they always give me inspiration to keep playing (I get a little disillusioned with the current general attitudes now and then).
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Yeah, the community in this game has been getting more and more frustrating over the years. it can get distracting. Such an example of altruism is encouraging.
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100 Night Elf Priest
That's a lovely story. :)

I once gave a random player an item, and they put me on ignore (and kept the item). :(
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86 Human Paladin
That's a cool story, nice to see we still have some decent people on the server. I try to be nice, but it's so hard sometimes. Gave a low level player 100g the other day when they said they didn't have time to chit chat because they were trying to get their leather on the AH to make enough money to buy their next set of talents and what not.

Obviously not as generous as a Battered Hilt, but the Pay It Forward concept will hopefully work for ideas like this down the road.
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80 Orc Warrior
"Dreaming" as in "I must be?"

I think so.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
I saw you in Ogrimmar last week, Korigal. I like your outfit/Gorehowl look.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
You're very welcome, Wyrmb- er, Elrith! You were very gracious, despite the embarrassing situation and my picking on you for it. I'm merely paying it forward as I've been shown some incredible displays of selflessness from other players in the past. (Kalithrien, I'm looking at you.)

I hope the blade helps you fend off many dragons!
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Dreaming caught me with my lance equipped and with the wrong talent spec selected as I aggro'd Chillmaw and died. I've been solo'ing Chillmaw for many months, but with 4.0 it got a little more tricky without using victory rush. The most embarrassing part was when she asked me if i wanted help, then I aggro'd him again while in arms spec meaning to use fury, and he killed me again as I was frantically trying to figure out why I wasn't dual wielding.

Now she calls me Wyrmbait,...
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100 Night Elf Warrior
And Dreaming! That bloodlust set is awesome, yeah? I used to have the set in my bank but got rid of it for room. You look awesome in it.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
There are some amazing players out there, and I'm pleased to say I've found several of them on Cenarion Circle.

My favorite example was when I started playing 5 years ago. I was in an awesome guild with my Paladin (oh yeah, I remember playing Ret prior to Burning Crusade... *shudder*), and I had little concept of Epic weapons. I saw a Fiery War Axe in the auction house while browsing (at the time it accounted for why I *never* had cash on my toon... constant AH upgrades...), and it blew my mind. I never imagined a weapon could do that much damage, much less have an awesome proc like that! I didn't understand that you couldn't farm for world-drop Epics, so upon hitting a site that showed drop locations/percentages, I proceeded to ask my guild to help me left and right to acquire the weapon through legitimate effort.

Finally, another FWA showed up on the AH; I didn't have the money to buy it, so a guildmate gave me the cash. I bid, but then someone outbid me, so I gave the gold back, and went on my way. I peeked later and saw someone else had outbid that person, so I got a small glimmer of satisfaction.

Turns out the guildmate who had given me the gold had outbid the person. They presented me with the Fiery War Axe in Menethil Harbor the day the auction was done. I was stunned.

I used that axe through most of my 40s and early 50s. Later, I was in the Wetlands farming for whelpling eggs, when a 60th level Paladin comes running up to me. "I'm closing my account, you want my gold?" he asks. Figuring he was joking, I responded, "Sure." He opens a trade window, puts in 500 gold, the screen turns green, and my jaw drops again. I finish the trade, he /salutes, then disappears.

I immediately went and bought a Kang the Decapitator from the AH, a new weapon I'd discovered, and bought one for a guildmate of mine as well who'd been drooling over it (heya, Thunderbeer!). Carried that weapon well into Molten Core.

Those were the days.

Be nice to others, folks: it pays off. :)
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100 Worgen Death Knight
There are some amazing players out there, and I'm pleased to say I've found several of them on Cenarion Circle.

My favorite example was when I started playing 5 years ago. I was in an awesome guild with my Paladin (oh yeah, I remember playing Ret prior to Burning Crusade... *shudder*), and I had little concept of Epic weapons. I saw a Fiery War Axe in the auction house while browsing (at the time it accounted for why I *never* had cash on my toon... constant AH upgrades...), and it blew my mind. I never imagined a weapon could do that much damage, much less have an awesome proc like that! I didn't understand that you couldn't farm for world-drop Epics, so upon hitting a site that showed drop locations/percentages, I proceeded to ask my guild to help me left and right to acquire the weapon through legitimate effort.

Finally, another FWA showed up on the AH; I didn't have the money to buy it, so a guildmate gave me the cash. I bid, but then someone outbid me, so I gave the gold back, and went on my way. I peeked later and saw someone else had outbid that person, so I got a small glimmer of satisfaction.

Turns out the guildmate who had given me the gold had outbid the person. They presented me with the Fiery War Axe in Menethil Harbor the day the auction was done. I was stunned.

I used that axe through most of my 40s and early 50s. Later, I was in the Wetlands farming for whelpling eggs, when a 60th level Paladin comes running up to me. "I'm closing my account, you want my gold?" he asks. Figuring he was joking, I responded, "Sure." He opens a trade window, puts in 500 gold, the screen turns green, and my jaw drops again. I finish the trade, he /salutes, then disappears.

I immediately went and bought a Kang the Decapitator from the AH, a new weapon I'd discovered, and bought one for a guildmate of mine as well who'd been drooling over it (heya, Thunderbeer!). Carried that weapon well into Molten Core.

Those were the days.

Be nice to others, folks: it pays off. :)
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