Southshore: The final Battle

(( Figured I'd repost this as it is tonight. I might be late to my own event due to random family visit bug (three months of nothing and naturally when I plan something, sure now they come to visit..., but I am off so I will be there.))

With Cataclysm around the corner and the end of Southshore ever closer, I figured we could give the old town a nice send off.

There have been many and I do mean many, tug of war matches between Tarren Mill and Southshore. Some have even lasted for days. Sadly, those days will be behind us and will fade into memory.

On Nov 20th at 5:30pm server time, I call on anyone and everyone to Hillsbrad, both Horde and Alliance, to host a final Southshore Vs. Tarren Mill fight. Spread word to anyone and everyone to come and fight for their town one last time. For a full night or however long people stay around, we take and hold the opposing factions town as long as possible. The whole of Hillsbrad will be a battlefield where battlelines can be drawn and plans formed.

This event will be open to all. Raiders, pvp, casual, rp, non-rp. Everyone will have their reason for being there and the more the merrier.

As for the date, I figure at least 2 weeks to get word spread around and prep time. Weekend after would be harder due to everyone probably out shopping or with family. Weekend before Cata might be busy with a massive final grind to stock up. This is the only day that may work for this and, well, I might be off that night. I’d like to be around for the full event heh.

The start time being 5:30 to gather up and form raids with hopes to start the fight at 6:30. However, as with any battle, skirmishes can break out beforehand.

This is kind of a rough idea of what I hope will be a massive world pvp fight for an area that has seen a lot of it.
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The Roughnecks will represent... time to load 'n lock!
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*The cat druid seems to smile before shifting into a worn looking female tauren. She bows her head.

You shall see me there.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I really wish I could be there... honestly, I'd planned on going, but it hadn't occured to me that the 20th (today) was a Saturday - I don't get off work till 6 at the very earliest, often not till closer to 7.

Server time, at least.

I'll definitely try and at least catch the tail end of it on one of my characters, though.
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100 Draenei Shaman
Allaidia will be attempting to Record, from the Alliance PoV in Tonight's Battle. assuming Fraps doesn't cause me any lag in-game.
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85 Worgen Warrior
It does appear the Alliance won. We defended Southshore several times, and completely ran over Tarren Mill. Granted, we had numbers on our side, but the Horde put up a great fight! Had a lot of fun! O' course I was just runnin' around hamstringin' and mortal striking to be as much help as possible.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Yeah, from hopping back and forth from Horde to Alliance, the Horde never even had a full raid. There was an offensive raid and a defensive raid, neither of which filled until the offensive raid filled just recently, but that's when they decided for whatever reason to run off to Arathi Highlands in an attempt to lure Alliance from Tarren Mill. But by that time it seemed Alliance was mostly disappearing anyway.

So overall the fight lasted a GOOD hour or so, but then it was just minor skirmishes here and there. And the Alliance outnumbered the Horde probably 2.5:1 (as was usually the case even in the old days).

It will be sad to see it go when the Sundering happens..but it was nice to do this as a salute/tribute to the old days when it wasn't about queuing for a battleground or Arena, or getting purples from killing each other.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
but that's when they decided for whatever reason to run off to Arathi Highlands in an attempt to lure Alliance from Tarren Mill. But by that time it seemed Alliance was mostly disappearing anyway.

They sent a group to raid Ironforge
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100 Draenei Shaman
Southshore: The Final Battle video, to hopefully follow hoping to get atleast 10 Minute's worth. but we will see, and if people want they can attempt to give music idea's for me to use, and nothing to annoying.
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100 Draenei Shaman
Edit: I have a slight problem, i only have 5 Minute's of Useable Footage. if anyone else was filming and has extra footage they can send to me, even on Horde would be wonderful! :)
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Unfortunately, all I have are screenshots, I thought about recording it but I was having internet connection issues and was already lagging =/
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100 Draenei Shaman
Got the Video to 7 Minute's and thats without the Credits for the Music when i finally add it in.
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85 Human Paladin
I'm kicking myself for missing this but real life beckoned. Looking forward to the video.
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100 Draenei Shaman
The Video is from my PoV, and shows me dieing whenever i get Deathgripped away from my healers lol.
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100 Draenei Shaman
Video: Finished
Rendering: Finished
Youtube Upload: Upload Failed due to Unforseen Error, CURSE YOU YOUTUBE!
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Edited by Allaidia on 11/21/2010 5:08 PM PST
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