An Open Letter to CC [OOC]

100 Gnome Priest
Dear CCers,

January 21st will mark my one year anniversary on this server. They say time flies when you're having fun--and it's absolutely true.

Apart from hilarious and heartbreaking RP, time and time again, you fine folk have shown me that terms like IRL and Internet Friends are completely arbitrary. The friendships we make here are real. The people are real and their acts of kindness and generosity are genuine and heartfelt.

Someone who has been with me practically from the start of my adventure on CC, is a bang up mage by the name of Nyuula. In character, Nyuula has unquestioningly put up with every bit of Khromie's shenanigans. Out of character, I'm honored and humbled to call this wonderful player my guildie and friend. Noo, I've never seen your face, but you are brilliant beyond words and one of my best friends.

For a while now, I've had this crazy idea that I wanted to buy a Vial of Sands to express even a fragment of my gratitude to my friend. It should come as no surprise, though, that I'm terrible with money (I really do blow all my money on pets and pretty dresses IRL). No matter how much I slaved at the AH, 40k was just not materializing. With the clock ticking to Christmas, I sent out a reckless and hasty SOS through AOOC.

Under two hours--two hours!--and incredibly, ridiculously, obscenely under-budget, I had a Vial of Sands wrapped up and ready to go. Khromie got to give Noola a jar of dragon today and I'm so, so, so very happy to report that it was a Kodak RP moment. For those who keep up with the CC Facebook, there is actual photographic evidence of the Kodakness! (

I want to say a special thanks to Elvenmoon who simply does too much for me. Your generosity can't ever be repaid, as it is constant and unprompted. To Thel, who held my hand through the whole process. Let's wear more matching hats in the future, T-heck. To Elren for the volatiles and always welcome burst of RP. And last but not least, to Noodliewoodlie who is the bee's bazoombas. I mean it. The llama's yabambams. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And thank you to each and every CCer out there for just being awesome human beings. I would so totally list every single one of you here, but this was supposed to be a short and sweet message to link to some silly photos that's already gotten way away from me. Happiest holidays, everyone, even to those I haven't had a chance to meet yet. All of my love for the new year.

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100 Human Paladin
Khromie, you are awesome and we are thrilled to have you as part of the family.


The goblin queen
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I am choked up, I read this out loud just to make sure it was real and I barely got through it! All of you are the best! You are the reason I am still plugging along in Azeroth. Khromie, you are the single best player I've ever had the pleasure to hang out with! I cannot thank you enough for this insane gift! You are the BEST!
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95 Gnome Priest
This kind of post makes me all warm and fuzzy inside

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100 Gnome Priest
Awww, my dearest Khromie!
Your fun, often silly, and usually glitter filled shenanigans along with your incredibly unique point of view on things always bring a smile to my white whiskers and warm this old gnomes' heart. You will alway hold a cherished place within it, IC and OOC ;) Thank YOU for your online friendship and always fun/interesting RP.

Dr. Quaks
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
I knew there was a reason I came back after months of TOR...people here know how to have fun for a change. Bring on day three!

One question, though...Valentine Candy? That was what came to mind?
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100 Night Elf Priest
Khromie, my dear sweet friend! I share your passion for pretty dresses. I was very happy to help you. Everybody knows that you are ready and willing to help anyone at a moments notice!
Just another great example of the wonderful community we have here on CC!
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100 Gnome Priest
An incredible update: I've been gifted a dragon jar (and an accidental roach!) of my very own by T-heck and Noodliewoodlie!!!!! Thank you thank you, you finest of fellows!!! Please excuse me as I ugly sob with joy forever!!!!!! NOT ENOUGH EXCLAMATION MARKS IN ALL OF AZEROTH!!!!!!!!!!
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100 Draenei Mage
Cenarion Circle is the best server. This just proves it.

And Khromie is always fun to RP with.... I just need a job that doesn't schedule me during the most active hours.....
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90 Worgen Death Knight
You made me cry my own tears! nobody make me cry my own tears, nobody!!
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100 Gnome Priest
Eats, you make me belly laugh.
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100 Gnome Priest
FURTHER PLOT TWIST: Thank you, Conclave, for my surprise Sky Golem!!! He has found a nice home with Noola (as I already had one!)! I can confirm that Noola and I are pretty much having the luckiest Christmas ever!
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100 Human Paladin
Congrats Khromie! If it weren't for this great community we wouldn't have had them to give away. It's truly a server effort to get things done around here. ^.^
Edited by Genevra on 12/21/2013 6:02 PM PST
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92 Night Elf Druid
Az feel warm inside. Maybe because had gnomes earlier. But feel warm for story.

(( Az think CC best people ever! Except druids better. And Guards. But best people ever, apart. Az hungry again. ))
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90 Draenei Warrior
Christmas holiday was good until I shot soda upon reading an IC mail addressed to "His Blueness" from Khromie. Then it was great. That was by far the best Christmas anything I've received in-game, before. Makes me enjoy the people on this server all the more.
Edited by Çyrus on 12/21/2013 11:41 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
Carbonation through your nose = Merry Christmas? I'll have to remember that.
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100 Gnome Priest
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