Greetings community. I am looking for a guild to call home on this server. I have been browsing around but have had no such luck because guild finder is practically useless in my opinion. I am a returning player and have been playing for over 4 years. I am on the East coast and if I could get a guild with a similar timezone it would be great but I can flex my hours of course. I love to roleplay and do dungeons. Once I get my Druid to an acceptable level I will also participate in raids when offered. I am helpful and social and you will see me more often than naught dishing out congratulations when you earn an achievement. I am doing Inscription and Herbalism as my professions and I plan to max out first aid and all secondary professions because I want to achieve stuff. If a player needs any help I will always offer assistance; granted I am not already doing something. I am also 26 years old and looking for some modicum of maturity. Will anyone take me in? :)
Druid looking for family
Welcome! I just migrated here myself a month or so ago, so I know how it can feel. So, first things first, join the "AllianceOOC" channel and get to know folks. There's a lot of various events going on right now RP and not RP for the holiday season, so it's a great time to get out and meet people. Just watching the chatter in OOC can give you a feel on who's where, who's helpful, and get a feel for the people.
Do not under any circumstances ask "Are there any RP guilds I can join?" in the OOC channel if you are not ready for a massive wall of text (or optionally, you can not ask the question and just go to the Macro of Doom thread on these boards and find all the same information).
Do not under any circumstances ask "Are there any RP guilds I can join?" in the OOC channel if you are not ready for a massive wall of text (or optionally, you can not ask the question and just go to the Macro of Doom thread on these boards and find all the same information).
Bring pants!
Just sayin'.
Don't do it, man! IT'S A TRAP!
Don't bring pants?
That seems illegal.
When in rome! -Wiggle wiggle wiggle, yeah.-
That seems illegal.
When in rome! -Wiggle wiggle wiggle, yeah.-
Plops down a pony keg and cracks the tap, filling a few mugs. The grizzled dwarf slides them across the table at everyone else.
"Welcome my boy! Have an ale compliments of the Valhöll MCC. Some of my finest brew yet!"
The dwarf drains his own mug in one draw and stifles a belch.
((What's your characters story? (aside from being worgen :P) and what's yer fancy? By that I mean is there a particular guild "RP theme" that you're looking for, or that your character would best fit into? Or perhaps you'd like to take the RP casually and focus more on Raiding and such. There are all sorts of RP guilds available :D ))
"Welcome my boy! Have an ale compliments of the Valhöll MCC. Some of my finest brew yet!"
The dwarf drains his own mug in one draw and stifles a belch.
((What's your characters story? (aside from being worgen :P) and what's yer fancy? By that I mean is there a particular guild "RP theme" that you're looking for, or that your character would best fit into? Or perhaps you'd like to take the RP casually and focus more on Raiding and such. There are all sorts of RP guilds available :D ))
Edited by Ødin on 12/20/2013 3:54 PM PST
Just going to chime in and say if you into casual play, light raiding, and/or genuinely good folks, you CANNOT go wrong with Pia Presidium.
Hordeside, OES is always looking for more folks who are f(r)iendly, vocal, and capable.
Hordeside, OES is always looking for more folks who are f(r)iendly, vocal, and capable.
Welcome to the server Paul, I hope you enjoy it here.
90 Worgen Druid
Thank you everyone for the warm greetings! Nice to meet some players of the realm. I rarely get the chance to meet people in game. Are there any RP hotspots or anything going on?
Anywhere I am, bro.
I have to second Plainswander's suggestion, Paulcouslano. Pia Presidium is one of the best destinations for someone looking for RP and light raiding. They're possibly the most welcoming and helpful group of people you'll find on our server.
Well, not to toot my own horn, but our raid team is doing well and we have a flex going as well. RP will always be our main focus. Join Piaooc and get to know us, run with us a bit. Even if we aren't for you, lots of none Pia people hang out with us just to have fun. More information at We're a pretty laid back bunch of people and have quite a few people on east coast.
We try to support our crafters as much as possible also, hence the overflowing second bank. Anyway, would love to meet you. If Pia isn't for you we'll introduce you around to some other people you'd probably love. Main thing now is just to get to know people.
We try to support our crafters as much as possible also, hence the overflowing second bank. Anyway, would love to meet you. If Pia isn't for you we'll introduce you around to some other people you'd probably love. Main thing now is just to get to know people.
Edited by Gentyl on 12/23/2013 9:08 AM PST
Hey, Liore, was good seeing you last night. Sorry others weren't as happy to see you.
Oh! Gentyl. Yeah, it was pretty nice being in the Recluse again.
And one of your friends got the /hug cheevo out of it, so that's my gift to the Alliance.
And one of your friends got the /hug cheevo out of it, so that's my gift to the Alliance.
Hello there,
On behalf the members of The Other Side, I would like to say “Hello” and invite you to join our guild. Our guild is comprised of like minded players who are looking to enjoy the game in a relaxed and social environment. The core of the group is made of long time daily players and weekly raiders who understand that real life comes first. All levels of experience are welcome. We have a number of resources available, including message boards, a mumble server, guild twitter, a facebook group and a streaming video channel (aka TOS guild TV). We are currently a level 25 guild.
We are always looking to add more people and make more friends! If interested in joining, please visit our webpage at:
and fill out a membership form! We’re looking forward to meeting you!
- Anjou
The Other Side (TOS)
Alliance guild
Cenarion Circle
On behalf the members of The Other Side, I would like to say “Hello” and invite you to join our guild. Our guild is comprised of like minded players who are looking to enjoy the game in a relaxed and social environment. The core of the group is made of long time daily players and weekly raiders who understand that real life comes first. All levels of experience are welcome. We have a number of resources available, including message boards, a mumble server, guild twitter, a facebook group and a streaming video channel (aka TOS guild TV). We are currently a level 25 guild.
We are always looking to add more people and make more friends! If interested in joining, please visit our webpage at:
and fill out a membership form! We’re looking forward to meeting you!
- Anjou
The Other Side (TOS)
Alliance guild
Cenarion Circle
Please report any Code of Conduct violations, including:
Threats of violence. We take these seriously and will alert the proper authorities.
Posts containing personal information about other players. This includes physical addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and inappropriate photos and/or videos.
Harassing or discriminatory language. This will not be tolerated.