Alright. This has actually bothered me quite a bit the more I think about it, and the best solution in my head thus far has been to stop RPing until Cata itself hits shelves.
I'm referring to the sudden massive changes in the world. More specifically, the new towns and inclusion of the new races. The natural catastrophes that will be popping up everywhere would make sense, since those are all a direct effect of Deathwing breaking free, and there's a few other changes that make perfect sense, but there's a lot that doesn't.
Orgrimmar was burning down as of yesterday, and now it's going to be a redone entirely. Wherever there's a sudden big battle like Southern Barrens and Stonetalon, the NPCs will be acting as if they've been waiting for heroes to come strolling through like it was any other day. Inclusion of the Worgens and Goblin, it would make sense if a few started to trickle in over time, but we'll be seeing full towns (and in the Goblins case, and entire region) affected by their appearance.
So how, ICly, are you the RPers going to handle this as far as story and timeline goes? Me personally, if I can avoid the topic of new areas I will, otherwise I think the best bet is to just claim they're under construction until December 7th, and we see the full game hit shelves.
I'm referring to the sudden massive changes in the world. More specifically, the new towns and inclusion of the new races. The natural catastrophes that will be popping up everywhere would make sense, since those are all a direct effect of Deathwing breaking free, and there's a few other changes that make perfect sense, but there's a lot that doesn't.
Orgrimmar was burning down as of yesterday, and now it's going to be a redone entirely. Wherever there's a sudden big battle like Southern Barrens and Stonetalon, the NPCs will be acting as if they've been waiting for heroes to come strolling through like it was any other day. Inclusion of the Worgens and Goblin, it would make sense if a few started to trickle in over time, but we'll be seeing full towns (and in the Goblins case, and entire region) affected by their appearance.
So how, ICly, are you the RPers going to handle this as far as story and timeline goes? Me personally, if I can avoid the topic of new areas I will, otherwise I think the best bet is to just claim they're under construction until December 7th, and we see the full game hit shelves.