I... I do not know what happened...

100 Draenei Mage
Fellow citizens, I do not know what happened, I strongly suspect Goblins have gotten to the Ethereals transmogrification technology.

I warn you all, STAY AWAY. Current Transmogrification Tech appears to have been severely compromised, and the Ethereals have informed me they can no longer be responsible for results.

Please, for your own sanity, LEARN FROM MY MISFORTUNE, and avoid the Ethereal quarter of Stormwind at all costs.

Now, if you will excuse me, I must go wash......
Edited by Veraci on 1/15/2014 1:59 PM PST
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100 Worgen Rogue
Uhh... what did I miss?
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100 Draenei Mage
I assure you sir, I do not know.

I entered their establishment, seeking perhaps a more stylish look, something refined, something elegant, perhaps with just a hint of mystery. Something to set me apart from all the other prestidigitators and casters of arcane ephemera. They assured me that all was in order, and that good taste, restraint, and a gift for subtle fashion would be at the forefront of their minds.

But I could tell something had gone horribly awry the minute their devices were switched on. It was as if a color out of space had bathed me in it's lurid glow. Upon exiting the shop, I found myself dressed in this eye searingly vibrant assemblage. A veritable sartorial assault upon the senses. I have to wear these goggles at all times now simply to avoid blinding myself.

I have been attempting to warn others away, so they do not suffer a similar fate, but no one is listening, I think perhaps my unfortunately permanent garb (no matter what I change into, it all looks like this ....suit...) is damaging my credibility somewhat.

YOU believe me though, don't you?
Edited by Veraci on 1/16/2014 1:02 PM PST
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