((I'm proceeding with the cure in Westfall, and making the "posse" generic enough so that anyone who was involved in the investigation - Watch, Pia, so on - could say they participated. Since it's been a while, and the sick are just getting sicker, heh heh.))
Rakeri awakened just before sunrise. Today was his first day as a completely free man, having had his last visit from the Watch parole officer last night, while he was making preparations for this journey. Choosing to show off exactly what he was, he stuck to the robes embroidered with glowing green runes, with the serpentine heads on the shoulderpads. He would not wear the horned helmet, but he did choose to wear his richly-patterned purple-and-red cloak, which he thought matched these robes quite nicely.
Smoothing out his robes, he put on his belt, with the felsteel dagger on one side and his spellbook on the other, as well as transport beacons and wormhole generators, should he require them for quick travelling; he knew the originals had likely been destroyed by the Watch. Finally, he headed downstairs and left a moderately-sized bag of gold for the innkeeper. "My thanks for your hospitality," he said. Finally, he stepped outside, summoned his felfire dreadsteed, and rode out to the Valley of Heroes. There, the group was assembling - Watch officers, Presidium priests and apothecaries, warlocks sanctioned by the crown of Stormwind, and druids from the Cenarion Circle. The apothecaries had been given the formula Merral had decoded from the notes Rakeri had given him, which he in turn had been given by the human called Azheira ("Glad to finally put a name to the face," he'd said to himself when he'd found out who she was). Circling overhead, he could see, was Zherron, fulfilling his end of the bargain. He smiled to himself.
After about another hour, those who were ready to go were present. Standing up onto the saddle, holding the reins in one hand, Rakeri raised the other hand high in the air...then brought it down swiftly, and the assembled force began to move out, crossing through the gates of Stormwind down the road into Goldshire. The Army's morning patrols saw them coming and stepped out of the road to let them pass, saluting their brothers and sisters in the Watch - although, Rakeri could see, some of the respect was being shown to him, too. Turning west at the Westfall-Redridge road, they travelled through the forests until they gave way to the drought-parched farmlands of Westfall.
The transient population watched silently, with eyes glimmering with hope as they watched the procession pass. One woman came up to Rakeri, grasping the hem of his robe. "My husband is sick in Moonbrook, sir," she said shakily. "Can you save him? Is he still alive to be saved?"
Rakeri smiled, patting her hand gently. "We're here to save anyone we can," he replied. "Have faith in that, madam. We will do what we can." The woman nodded and stepped back, letting him continue on the road, leading the procession onward through the fire-ravaged garrison of Sentinel Hill, which was again forced to rebuild after the attack by Vanessa VanCleef and the Defias during the Cataclysm. Once more, the road turned westerly, and Rakeri could see the belltower of Moonbrook's schoolhouse.
On the northern outskirts, the guards halted him. They were Watch officers, sent by Orwyn to enforce the quarantine. "Sir, I'm afraid --" The Watchman suddenly realized who it was, and saw the group with him. "Er...forgive me, Professor Sputterspark - we got word you were coming, but weren't sure when you'd show. A lot of curiosity-seekers here. You can go on ahead, sir."
Rakeri nodded and led the party into the town itself, dismounting in the town square - his dreadsteed disappearing in a burst of felfire until needed again. Zherron landed neatly next to him and shifted back into his "usual" self. "Zherron, pick two of your colleagues and bring them along. The majority of them are probably in the schoolhouse. You there, and you!" He pointed at a human male and a worgen female, both in attire marking them as warlocks sanctioned by the crown. "Come with me. The rest of you, fan out! Check every house and tend to who you can, and meet at the schoolhouse."
Accompanied by the ones he had asked to join him, he entered the schoolhouse, where it was clear that death had visited this place and had taken at least two or three people...but the majority were still in various stages of clinging to life. Beside him, he heard Zherron inhale sharply - whether at the stench of death or the aura of despair in this place, he wasn't sure. Admittedly, he felt similarly. Some who were still conscious and not lost in hallucinations looked up hopefully, seeing these new people.
Finally, Rakeri cracked his knuckles. "Alright, people," he said, "let's get to work."