((RP as nobility?))

85 Draenei Shaman
12/03/2011 05:18 PMPosted by Travarys
OK...how about this....my father was a Lord in Lordaeron before it was destoyed and I still claim the title and have vowed to restore the honor of my "house." I know "House Blackburn" sounds very ASOIAF, but that is the only reference in my story. The rest of my RP is very WOW-y.

Please, please look at the date in this thread.

12/03/2011 05:39 PMPosted by Béatrix

Actually, he's an eternal... He can't really be killed by anything a player does right now.
He can have the tar beaten out of him several times. Then again, I'm splitting hairs.

HE was killed. We defeated him in his own realm. Ragnaros and Al'akir are dead forever.

Someone will rise to take their place.

You too.
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87 Blood Elf Death Knight
So if the issue is still valid and people want to know if it is acceptable why can't the thread be moved to front page? Nothing wrong with that...
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44 Human Paladin
Technically, Drahlina was correct. Even though the Highborne were of nobility, they were castaway and rankings like that in the Kaldorei structure perished because of the arrogance and superiority. So Drah was right. Night Elves no longer have Noble families, Despite the fact they have re-accepted the Highborne, so you'd probably have to start with a Dwarf, Human or Gilnean. They're the only races that have families of nobility.

But anyway, if you were, DO NOT go for major characters like Bronzebeard, Wrynn, Lightbringer or Lothar. These are names you want to keep away from. I'm not so positive with Gilneans, but it seems that Greymane wants to be the only name you avoid. Why? Because it means you have alot of studying to do, and will face much mockery if it isn't convincing. I think if you were to use names like these as ancestors or VERY distant relatives, it would be better, but still a joke to the Roleplaying community.

So because of what I said above, creating your own family of nobles/royals is a better idea, but keep it subtle. No Princes or Princess's, Intense and Legendary knights, ect. Say, a good,known name with wealth in their hands. It's simple, and people normally go by this method, but it's the most effective. People will take you a lot more seriously.

EDIT: Oh wow, did not see that this thread was far over a year old. How on Earth did it re-surface?
Edited by Oliviër on 12/4/2011 3:33 AM PST
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90 Human Warrior
Some ***hole was curious. Let's all gang up on him and make him feel like an idiot!
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85 Draenei Shaman
12/03/2011 07:54 PMPosted by Sydric
So if the issue is still valid and people want to know if it is acceptable why can't the thread be moved to front page? Nothing wrong with that...

Make a new thread then. And link this for reference. A thread that's dead does not need to be necro bumped.

For example,
12/01/2010 10:36 AMPosted by Lecter
We can't all have killed Ragnaros...

Actually, he's an eternal... He can't really be killed by anything a player does right now.
He can have the tar beaten out of him several times. Then again, I'm splitting hairs.

Was said last year before 4.2 was even conceived.

Point in case, there is information in this thread that is not up to date and can cause confusion. That's why it's always better to just making your own thread instead of bumping one that's a year old.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
12/01/2010 02:47 AMPosted by Slaye

Wrong on that aspect. Highborne were Night Elven nobility. It's entirely possible to RP as a still-living Highborne Night Elven noble.

You forget the other half of that "aspect" The Highbourne made a considerable effort pre-Sundering to make themselves despised and hated by the commoner Kaldorei population. The Sundering effectively overturned the positions of the survivors leaving them disposessed. Quite a few of the Highbourne were killed by Kaldorei survivors as complicitors in the invasion of the Burning Legion. The only surviving Highbourne population existed until now as hidden exiles in Eldre'Thelas or went into exile in the East whose descendants are now the not particurlarly loved Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei.

All you have to remember are how the Highbourne ambassador was treated by the Temple Sentinel during the Prologue and since then they've been pushed to a position OUTSIDE the temple.

A position of nobility is one of deference. A Highbourne in the present who tries to act as if they were in the "good old days" of Azshara's reign is very likely to be lynched and tossed off of one of Teldrassil's branches. The length of their fall would prove ample time for them to contemplate their error.

If you're going to play a Highbourne noble, such airs would be best reserved for putting on in Stormwind where gullible and impressionable Humans might lap that up.
Edited by Drahliana on 12/5/2011 8:02 AM PST
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