For those with Orgrimar disconects

80 Blood Elf Mage
If you are getting locked out of toons based in Orgrimar (going to log into a toon which is there, and you get disconnected from the server), simply log into another toon and open a GM ticket clearly stating it's a stuck character and they will quickly come and move it for you. I had mine stuck tonight, took about ten minutes for the GM to appear and help me out. Probably longer at peak times though.

Hope this helps anyone with issues!
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100 Night Elf Priest
It's usually fairly quick, as they have a special team dedicated to looking out for stuck people. :)

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90 Tauren Druid
Logged on to do the cooking dailies before heading to work and found this little bit of fun to have happened to EVERY character (8...) I have sitting in Org. Hope they get this figured out/restart the server before I head back home.
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97 Tauren Hunter
I have been unable to get to the EK via the Forsaken area because I keep getting the lovely crashes due to some Undercity error.

So, I was patiently waiting for a patch, which will usually fix things for me. Now though, I've come to no other choice but to re-install the game. Yay. I've done all the other fixes recommended by Blizzard to no avail... several times.

I've got the full game on another drive in case this one is a bust too. But yes, been rather bummed out that I can't play the game unless I stay in Kalimdor. My rig is borked. GM's can't help me since it's my system - I can go anywhere I want on my laptop - but I prefer my main computer.

So.. I wait.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Logged on to do the cooking dailies before heading to work and found this little bit of fun to have happened to EVERY character (8...) I have sitting in Org. Hope they get this figured out/restart the server before I head back home.

Roll another toon elsewhere, it doesn't need to be on Cenarion Circle. Only takes a moment to roll a toon.
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100 Night Elf Priest
I have been unable to get to the EK via the Forsaken area because I keep getting the lovely crashes due to some Undercity error.

So, I was patiently waiting for a patch, which will usually fix things for me. Now though, I've come to no other choice but to re-install the game. Yay. I've done all the other fixes recommended by Blizzard to no avail... several times.

I've got the full game on another drive in case this one is a bust too. But yes, been rather bummed out that I can't play the game unless I stay in Kalimdor. My rig is borked. GM's can't help me since it's my system - I can go anywhere I want on my laptop - but I prefer my main computer.

So.. I wait.

If possible, try to just copy the entire WoW folder from your laptop onto your desktop. I've thrown the entire WoW folder on an external drive and plug it into a PC which has never had WoW installed at all, double-clicked the EXE, and everything just magically worked. You may be able to fix your problems that way.

Backup your WTF folder to preserve UI settings. If everything works with a factory-default WTF folder, move your backed-up folder into place. If it still works, great! If it doesn't work, nuke it and rebuild.
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35 Blood Elf Paladin
This was weird, only one city on one realm. I wonder what could have caused this...
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