RP Questen: Lifespans of the Playable races


55 Human Death Knight
It's something I've been curious about for a long time. In Azerothian standards, how long do the races generally live for? Humans are obvious, but what of the other races? I thank you for your time and effort on this post; it will help a great deal.
8 Troll Druid
It's something I've been curious about for a long time. In Azerothian standards, how long do the races generally live for? Humans are obvious, but what of the other races? I thank you for your time and effort on this post; it will help a great deal.


The elf ones are off.

Way, way off.

Most Night Elves live for... 4,000 years, I think, and most Blood and High live for 2,000 years.

They can live longer.

And I also think some of the points in their life are off, for example an elf taking a hundred somethings years to grow into an adult...
55 Human Death Knight
Ty =)
85 Night Elf Druid
Yeah, ignore the "x amount of ages to reach physical and sexual maturity" bullcrap. That came about not because somebody thought logically "hey, if they live so dang long then perhaps they'd have far more time to mature more slowly and therefore completely or something." It's because somebody took 4,000 and divided it by 70 and decided that elves age at a direct ratio of 1 year to a human's 57, starting from birth. Sorry, they aren't infants for 57 years and they aren't children for 400 years. That would be detrimental to the species as a whole since predation, war, and illness would have wiped them out long ago lol.

While the end of life age is generally accepted, it's safe to assume that most if not all races physically mature at roughly the same rate as humans and simply age more slowly or more or less cease to age upon full physical maturity.

Now, to be considered an adult in a long-lived species such as the Night Elves, that's different. A certain level of maturity may be expected and that may only come with centuries of experience and wisdom. Physical adulthood and accepted adulthood aren't the same. It's kind of like how we are sexually mature around 12-15 years but generally aren't considered adult until 18+ years. Doesn't mean we're actually underdeveloped children until 18 when we magically grow reproductive organs and mature a little.
8 Troll Druid
Yeah, ignore the "x amount of ages to reach physical and sexual maturity" bullcrap. That came about not because somebody thought logically "hey, if they live so dang long then perhaps they'd have far more time to mature more slowly and therefore completely or something." It's because somebody took 4,000 and divided it by 70 and decided that elves age at a direct ratio of 1 year to a human's 57, starting from birth. Sorry, they aren't infants for 57 years and they aren't children for 400 years. That would be detrimental to the species as a whole since predation, war, and illness would have wiped them out long ago lol.

While the end of life age is generally accepted, it's safe to assume that most if not all races physically mature at roughly the same rate as humans and simply age more slowly or more or less cease to age upon full physical maturity.

Now, to be considered an adult in a long-lived species such as the Night Elves, that's different. A certain level of maturity may be expected and that may only come with centuries of experience and wisdom. Physical adulthood and accepted adulthood aren't the same. It's kind of like how we are sexually mature around 12-15 years but generally aren't considered adult until 18+ years. Doesn't mean we're actually underdeveloped children until 18 when we magically grow reproductive organs and mature a little.

This, it's more accepted that the ages listed for adulthood and etc. is that the elf, or what have you is still considered to be a child at 400, for example, but that they are physically, mentally, sexually, etc. mature.
85 Blood Elf Mage
Yeah, ignore the "x amount of ages to reach physical and sexual maturity" bullcrap. That came about not because somebody thought logically "hey, if they live so dang long then perhaps they'd have far more time to mature more slowly and therefore completely or something." It's because somebody took 4,000 and divided it by 70 and decided that elves age at a direct ratio of 1 year to a human's 57, starting from birth. Sorry, they aren't infants for 57 years and they aren't children for 400 years. That would be detrimental to the species as a whole since predation, war, and illness would have wiped them out long ago lol.

While the end of life age is generally accepted, it's safe to assume that most if not all races physically mature at roughly the same rate as humans and simply age more slowly or more or less cease to age upon full physical maturity.

Now, to be considered an adult in a long-lived species such as the Night Elves, that's different. A certain level of maturity may be expected and that may only come with centuries of experience and wisdom. Physical adulthood and accepted adulthood aren't the same. It's kind of like how we are sexually mature around 12-15 years but generally aren't considered adult until 18+ years. Doesn't mean we're actually underdeveloped children until 18 when we magically grow reproductive organs and mature a little.

This, it's more accepted that the ages listed for adulthood and etc. is that the elf, or what have you is still considered to be a child at 400, for example, but that they are physically, mentally, sexually, etc. mature.

Right, I'm going to second what this guy said. Nowhere does it specify being physically mature at those ages. It just wouldn't be a convincing evolutionary trait for something to spend so many years sheltered by a parent and slowly developing. Instead, think of it as the age of maturity within their culture. Much like the drinking age of different regions.

However, I would disagree on completely disregarding the Sin'dorei ages on that chart. I prefer the 400 year lifespan. I guess no one is wrong until (or if) Blizzard decides to update the lifespan for all the game's races. I just personally like the shorter one better, though I'd believe a powerful magi could extend his lifespan beyond the average limit.
85 Orc Mage
Yeah, ignore the "x amount of ages to reach physical and sexual maturity" bullcrap. That came about not because somebody thought logically "hey, if they live so dang long then perhaps they'd have far more time to mature more slowly and therefore completely or something." It's because somebody took 4,000 and divided it by 70 and decided that elves age at a direct ratio of 1 year to a human's 57, starting from birth. Sorry, they aren't infants for 57 years and they aren't children for 400 years. That would be detrimental to the species as a whole since predation, war, and illness would have wiped them out long ago lol.

While the end of life age is generally accepted, it's safe to assume that most if not all races physically mature at roughly the same rate as humans and simply age more slowly or more or less cease to age upon full physical maturity.

Now, to be considered an adult in a long-lived species such as the Night Elves, that's different. A certain level of maturity may be expected and that may only come with centuries of experience and wisdom. Physical adulthood and accepted adulthood aren't the same. It's kind of like how we are sexually mature around 12-15 years but generally aren't considered adult until 18+ years. Doesn't mean we're actually underdeveloped children until 18 when we magically grow reproductive organs and mature a little.

This, it's more accepted that the ages listed for adulthood and etc. is that the elf, or what have you is still considered to be a child at 400, for example, but that they are physically, mentally, sexually, etc. mature.

Right, I'm going to second what this guy said. Nowhere does it specify being physically mature at those ages. It just wouldn't be a convincing evolutionary trait for something to spend so many years sheltered by a parent and slowly developing. Instead, think of it as the age of maturity within their culture. Much like the drinking age of different regions.

However, I would disagree on completely disregarding the Sin'dorei ages on that chart. I prefer the 400 year lifespan. I guess no one is wrong until (or if) Blizzard decides to update the lifespan for all the game's races. I just personally like the shorter one better, though I'd believe a powerful magi could extend his lifespan beyond the average limit.

Indeed one could.

I prefer the longer lifespan, but generally just go around the whole thing by saying how old my character looks in human years.
93 Night Elf Druid
I'm always wary of lifespan charts when it comes to these things especially because first hand resources (the game, the books) are typically murky on the subject. Personally, I funnel knowledge of all "standard' fantasy when dealing with such things.

Night Elves were (are?) immortal, and even post-Third-War, they are fairly long-lived. The lifespan is for you to decide, really. I mean, after immortality, even 10,000 years to live is horribly short if you catch my drift.

High Elves happen to be even more unclear... Do they live a little longer (few centuries) than humans? Or substantially (like 1000+ years) more than humans?

Then, take Orcs... I would think that typically, they live up to their mid-100s if possible. Given their bloodstained history, I doubt many made it to that age.

Taurens, a culture that is so firmly cemented around the concept of Elders...I would think a couple of centuries.

There's always an exception here and there, and of course, it's always fair to employ the Hero complex... when someone lives because of their sheer will and strength.

I try not to get into specifics unless absolutely necessary. I might reveal an exact number OoC to help others understand the character but even that number is subject to change.
Edited by Khelekh on 11/26/2010 5:52 PM PST
73 Human Paladin
Night Elves: They Lost their Immortality but will start to age. I'd say even the eldest have about 5,000 years left in them before the age into dust.

High Elves: It's been said they live to around 3,000 years TOPS but Bloods Elves on the other hand considering the absorption of Fel energies could either make them live longer or Shorter lives compared to High Elves. Nothing clear on that.

Draenei: Velen Is Immortal(probably). most likely due to his connection to the Naruu and the Light. As of the General Populous I am not sure but I imagine they live rather long lives perhaps up 1,000 years.

Dwarves: 250 - 300 years If they are still going by tolkien standards.

Trolls: Their regenerative abilities must give them long lives, but after losing a limb or whatever the energy required must shorten their lives. 500-1000 years, possibly more given the history and condition.

Tauren: 250-300 perhaps Bovines are strong.

Goblins: Either longer lives than Gnomes or shorter (lol)

Humans: 150-250. These are Azerothian Humans not earth humans. Also Human Paladins

Gnomes: Like how little dogs live forever Gnomes must live long lives. Perhaps 300-400 years. but chance of that would be very low (lol)

Orcs: 250 years tops just feels right though aging would not occur until the latest years so that they might fight longer.

Forsaken: Self conscious spirits trapped in dead bodies or other wise they will stick around until the lich king cycle ends.

Worgen: I imagine in around 200-300 years if they are careful.

100 Blood Elf Warlock
As far as I know. Nelves live at least 10,000+ years -after- being immortal for who knows how long. From one of the things I have read on the life spans of ALL ELVES on blizzard's own site under lore was that all elves live for several thousand years. Goblins live short lives. Due to most blowing themselves up, few ever reach full aged. Would figure 100 years or so. Dwarves, not too sure on. Same with gnomes. Draenei, I would assume a long freaking time, Ten thousands of years, if not immortal, as far as we know that is. Tauren live a good life span, I have heard anywhere from 100 to 400 years. Though I am not sure on this. Worgen, not a clue. Assuming they are/were human. Would figure a Human life span, or less...they -are- werewolves now...Dog years and all. Orcs, would figure around the same of a human's, maybe a bit longer if not killed in combat. And Forsaken are -immortal- or untill they loose control of their will and become 'Mindless' or what ever they were refered to. They do not age, though they have only been around for a few years. Hard to say how long their unlife span is. Trolls, Normaly don't live much longer than 100 years of age. Depending on war. The Regeration cuts their lives short. Meaning more regeneration, shorter life. Near no combat/Regeneration, longer life. Average life span for them if I remember was 30-40 range. Good thing they breed like rabbits, hm?
Edited by Emalista on 11/27/2010 3:07 AM PST
5 Goblin Hunter
huh i thought level was age and level of strength and such but i guess i'm "23" in goblin years a "young pup"
85 Night Elf Warrior
Holy thread necro batman.
6 Night Elf Rogue
If I remember correctly dwarves live to about 200 years, maybe 250.

Undead's bodies decay VERY slowly, so It'd probably take a good millenia before they rot even a little. But they'd still be alive, just a little rotten and shriveled, depending on situation of rotting.

Draeni are immortal.

Humans could live to 100 if they lived a very healthy life, exercised a lot, etc. But the average lifespan lasts 80-85 years.
60 Worgen Rogue
11/26/2010 5:50 PMPosted by Khelekh
High Elves happen to be even more unclear... Do they live a little longer (few centuries) than humans? Or substantially (like 1000+ years) more than humans?

A little longer is half elves, I think.
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Since the thread was necro'd, anyway --

Personally, I was originally operating under the assumption that Blood Elves live only several hundred years, as noted in that chart, but then I remembered that Kael'thas was the grandson of the original Sunstrider king which led his exiled people across the great sea.

7,000 years ago.

Now, the Sunstrider line probably is a bit on the extreme side, since the highborne were definitely a magocracy and thus their leader necessarily had to be extremely powerful in the arcane arts, which is pretty accepted as something which can extend your natural lifespan. Still, it's pretty obvious that High/Blood Elves live an incredibly long time.

And, given the above note about the arcane arts, this seems sensible, regardless, since even the least magically-adept Blood Elf *still* has been inundated with arcane energies every single day of their lives, with the exception of the relatively short period the Sunwell was down for unexpected maintenance.
Edited by Risari on 3/8/2011 8:00 AM PST
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