A couple DK questions

71 Orc Shaman
I'm starting to like the DK class.

1. Are they walking corpses like the forsaken? They don't look like it. And they have an ability that lets them "turn undead".
2. Are they all evil? After they get freed from the LK, do loose the evil tendencies.
3. Do you have to be brought back from the dead? I'm asking this because arthas didnt die first. And from the unworthy DK initiates where you first start out don't look like they're dead.
4. Can they get their normal emotions back? Instead of anger and hate, maybe slowly start to think and act like normal.
5. Could they have relation ships? I'm not looking to ERP, but I like to know if my character can be attracted to other and vice-versa.

Edit: I'm thinking of a troll who lived in desolace and his small village was ransacked by the scourge. He was then knocked out by a scourge soldier and woke up with a few other in a small dungeon. Several hours later the LK came and told them that they were all to become his unholy soldiers. He tried to resist, but it was futile. After several weeks of training, he soon lost his normal emotions. His memories were all but forgotten, and he was essentially a walking robot. After the DKs were freed. His memories slowly started returning. He went back to his birthplace, the crossroads. They shunned him, but after thrall demanded rights for DKs, they slowly started excepting him. He met a nice troll female that tried to make contact with him. He slowly started talking to her, and in return, he started becoming like he was before the turning.

Thats all I've got. Would that work Lore-wise?
Edited by Korrag on 11/29/2010 4:45 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Druid
It's kinda weird I gotta admit though your first question can probably be answered by their bodies are freeze dried I guess is the best way to put it....the bodies are well preserved via necromancy. Similar to what the Forsaken in the Warcraft RPG books their held together with preservative spells more than likely though think more so living death.

Well from the evil thing....it appears that at least the alliance DK is very much mourning the loss of his life. He tries to make amends from what I've seen through playing through the WotLK. However I've also seen the Horde blood elf representative and he is one bitter son of a gun that is for all accounts evil still.

Not from all accounts some wanna-be DK's were from the cult of the damned other hero's were left half dead and brought back brainwashed and still others were litterally undead. It's all a matter of how you approach your character in an rp sense.

See answer 2 the alliance DK Thassarian is very much a tragic and loving it appears hero.

Yep their mind is their own in a nut shell now so yeah it's probably possible.
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85 Human Death Knight
On the second and third pages there are a couple of DK threads that address pretty much all of your questions.

In short:

1.) Yes, they are dead, but they will not rot over time like the Forsaken. The Acherus Death Knights were elite storm troopers of the Lich King. Lieutenants and Generals, whereas the Forsaken were raised as cannon fodder. It would not make much sense for your commanders to rot and fall apart now would it? ;)

2.) Yes and no. Some willingly became Death Knights, others will killed and raised from the dead under the Lich King's control. After they were freed, some remained as brutal and cold, while some tried to pick up their lives from where they left off. It all comes down to the individual Death Knight.

3.) No, some people willingly joined the Scourge, and eventually became Death Knights as a 'reward'.

4.) Sure they can, though obviously the whole experience of being killed, raised from the dead, mind controlled, then freed from said mind control will obviously have some effects on an individual's personality.

5.) The current consensus is yes, they can. There are some ways that could, with some creative reasoning, explain how a Death Knights, erm, 'gear' could still work. However, it is EXTREMELY unlikely. Think about it, they are seen as abominations, spitting in the face of the Light and the natural order by simply existing. How likely would you be to go out with a dead girl? And no, reproduction is NOT possible among Death Knights. Hanky Panky possibly, as stated above, but no undead babies. Again, the chances of a Death Knight having a relationship are extremely low, with perhaps the exception of with another Death Knight. The emotional and psychological damage resulting from a Death Knight's traumatic past combined with the social taboo make it a long shot at best.
Edited by Björn on 11/29/2010 5:00 PM PST
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71 Orc Shaman
How would a Draenei DK work out? How would the other draenei look at them? With a "scum of the earth" outlook or a "redeemable" outlook?
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85 Goblin Shaman
1. Are they walking corpses like the forsaken? They don't look like it. And they have an ability that lets them "turn undead".
Well, "turn undead" isn't a literal description, for one. They're like walking undead popsicles. They don't have to be rotting and falling apart, but they are always undead.

2. Are they all evil? After they get freed from the LK, do loose the evil tendencies.
No, they are not all evil. They can act however you want.

3. Do you have to be brought back from the dead? I'm asking this because arthas didnt die first. And from the unworthy DK initiates where you first start out don't look like they're dead.
The DKs we play died. But in RP, you can chose to be someone who chose to join up so long as you stick to lore.

4. Can they get their normal emotions back? Instead of anger and hate, maybe slowly start to think and act like normal.
Yes, they can be whatever you want.

5. Could they have relation ships? I'm not looking to ERP, but I like to know if my character can be attracted to other and vice-versa.
Sure, why not?

How would a Draenei DK work out? How would the other draenei look at them? With a "scum of the earth" outlook or a "redeemable" outlook?
I'd imagine they'd be looked at much like the broken.
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85 Tauren Death Knight
When I RP I usually see myself as thus:

1. Are they walking corpses like the forsaken? They don't look like it. And they have an ability that lets them "turn undead". :: I usually think of myself much like a frost-mummified corpse since in my back story I died searching for Anub'arak. in Northrend. Which is why I usually go for the cold as opposed to making others uncomfortable in a warm tavern.

2. Are they all evil? After they get freed from the LK, do loose the evil tendencies.:: In my experiences...I'd traverse to say I'm a little of both...I want to do the right thing but at the same time, I am seeking vengeance for losing my life-mate to the rampaging scourge and sometimes I feel I should do anything to achieve my ends.

3. Do you have to be brought back from the dead? I'm asking this because arthas didnt die first. And from the unworthy DK initiates where you first start out don't look like they're dead. :: This one all depends on your personal preference. For Mith I had chosen to follow Arthas because he had promised me a way to return my life-mate to me. (Little had I known it was his doing that left me alone in the world.)

4. Can they get their normal emotions back? Instead of anger and hate, maybe slowly start to think and act like normal.:: A good portion of my emotions stem from anger and hate but theres always a bit of sorrow and loneliness...I choose to make my companion a White Kitten to displace some of this and provide myself with a feeling of comfort. I would definitely say that getting old emotions back is a possibility.

5. Could they have relation ships? I'm not looking to ERP, but I like to know if my character can be attracted to other and vice-versa.:: In a few light novels I've written Mith has found some sort of relationship, whether it be a one night stand or a cute elf looking for something more, he does remain faithful to his long lost life-mate, in a typical Shu'halo fashion. Relationships are very possible if you are willing I'd say :)
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31 Night Elf Druid
11/29/2010 04:37 PMPosted by Korrag
2. Are they all evil? After they get freed from the LK, do loose the evil tendencies.

I want to point out on this one that a Death Knight must inflict agony upon something from time to time, otherwise, it hurts them. However, this doesn't mean you must go about killing people. Any living thing will do.

Q: Are blood elf death knights still afflicted by their racial addiction to magic?

A: No, though their new addiction, the one all Ebon Blade death knights possess, is arguably worse: the need to inflict pain. If death knights do not regularly inflict agony upon another creature, they begin to suffer wracking pains that could drive them into a mindless, blood-seeking hysteria—a far worse fate than that of those who suffer from arcane withdrawal.
Edited by Jorgle on 8/2/2011 3:06 PM PDT
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For the Draenei people, they generally have a distrust of all things dark/evil, and their views on Draenei Deathknights is more of a mixture between this distrust and pity. Since the Light is such a large part of their culture and Deathknights have basicly had their connection to it forcibly taken from them.
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100 Draenei Death Knight
Please do not necro old threads, sir.
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100 Undead Death Knight
Just wanted to note that "a couple" indicates only two, not five questions. As a result I'm feeling compelled to only answer two questions from your list.

11/29/2010 04:37 PMPosted by Korrag
4. Can they get their normal emotions back? Instead of anger and hate, maybe slowly start to think and act like normal.
5. Could they have relation ships? I'm not looking to ERP, but I like to know if my character can be attracted to other and vice-versa.
Yes and yes. In Vynathlon's case, I've been rping him for a while and I can say that while rping as a Death Knight is fun, rping as one devoid of living characteristics is high impossible for most people (I still find people rping their death knights as needing to sleep, eat, and breathe).

Unfortunately when you reach the height of being able to rp correctly, what you begin to realize is an Undead killing machine devoid of feelings, emotions, and not needing to eat becomes incredibly dull.

Especially when you take into consideration the fact that the only people you can fight are other players, and everyone wants to win even when realistically you should be the one who needs to win.

As a result, I'd say in order to play the Death Knight way and still have an interesting character, just be yourself. Your character doesn't need to be nigh invincible (that's metagaming anyways) nor does he need to be emotionless. I mean it's fun when you're actively questing, but how many conversation topics can you think of with when it comes to an uncaring, unfeeling emotionless Death Knight in a tavern?

I can think of three: What's your name, how many people have you killed, and in how many ways can you think of to kill the person in front of you who's asking all the meaningless questions?
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