I want to solve an argument. Is there a blizzard link anywhere that says how much time has passed sience deathwing poped out of the ground. Some people are saying a year plus others are saying he popped out tuesday and there has been NO advancement of time. Apparently he really came out months ago but because of code we saw no changes?
A link somewhere please?
I want to solve an argument. Is there a blizzard link anywhere that says how much time has passed sience deathwing poped out of the ground. Some people are saying a year plus others are saying he popped out tuesday and there has been NO advancement of time. Apparently he really came out months ago but because of code we saw no changes?
The closest thing I've seen to an answer from a blue implied that there was no timeskip. The changes either happened quickly, or happened gradually over the past five years, but was invisible due to game mechanics.
The changes couldn't have happened over 5 years, because there'd have been some quests that alluded to things going badly, but our focus needing to be on getting off world or stopping the Lich King.
I am more of the idea that all this stuff suddenly happened. The rebuilding I guess you can RP it as taking longer than it has, but I don't think any of this was really gradual...other than the Orcs chopping down Ashenvale I guess.
I am more of the idea that all this stuff suddenly happened. The rebuilding I guess you can RP it as taking longer than it has, but I don't think any of this was really gradual...other than the Orcs chopping down Ashenvale I guess.
Well technically there is a quest in EPL (probably WPL as well) that specifically talks about the Lich King being killed. And with how things have changed so drastically in both WPL and EPL (WPL more-so), I would also assume something else..
The Lich King was killed months ago, when the world first LK kill happened. During that time, there was a gradual change in the landscape as far as WPL and EPL goes.
I am not sure of the quest lines in Hillsbrad or anything, but considering it seems the Horde took over Southshore (if that's what happened), then maybe while we were busy messing around in Northrend fighting the Lich King, we had the..whatever their group was called..the Forsaken who are trying to re-plague everything..take advantage of that time to destroy Southshore and take over Hillsbrad Foothills.
The zones on the planet in which there are major structural changes (talking about ground shifting..not buildings), that all happened suddenly.
So we are playing from the standpoint now that it's been months after Lich King has been taken out, Deathwing has been communicating with demons or whoever is in charge of the cultists, and had the elemental forces out there trying to soften up the world for his re-emergence.
He then causes all the earthquakes, floods, etc, busts out of the ground, and is now laying waste to everything.
The Lich King was killed months ago, when the world first LK kill happened. During that time, there was a gradual change in the landscape as far as WPL and EPL goes.
I am not sure of the quest lines in Hillsbrad or anything, but considering it seems the Horde took over Southshore (if that's what happened), then maybe while we were busy messing around in Northrend fighting the Lich King, we had the..whatever their group was called..the Forsaken who are trying to re-plague everything..take advantage of that time to destroy Southshore and take over Hillsbrad Foothills.
The zones on the planet in which there are major structural changes (talking about ground shifting..not buildings), that all happened suddenly.
So we are playing from the standpoint now that it's been months after Lich King has been taken out, Deathwing has been communicating with demons or whoever is in charge of the cultists, and had the elemental forces out there trying to soften up the world for his re-emergence.
He then causes all the earthquakes, floods, etc, busts out of the ground, and is now laying waste to everything.
It may be a matter of the quests as you do them progress through the time line. Early quests that speak of it JUST HAPPENING (Deathwing showing up) may chronologically be older than later quests or the 'current' time. After all the quests you do in Outland happen what, three years ago? Then you skip ahead to Wrath where the LK is still alive and then when you get to Cata quests time progresses again.
Its all very confusing. Even the Blue posts about it haven't cleared up jack.
Its all very confusing. Even the Blue posts about it haven't cleared up jack.
I kind of see it more like a book series. You read one book and it's about an adventure that happens, then the next book in the series could happen months or years later, and it just doesn't talk about the middle boring stuff. So that's how I see the Shattering.
LK dies, boring stuff that isn't overly important to the heroes happens, and then Deathwing breaks the planet and we start a new adventure.
From the standpoint of just some Human Peasant say, working out in Westfall, all he was aware of as far as anything went was that he was living his day to day life, maybe heard some story of the hero Arthas Menethil going off to be a hero, and all of a sudden a piece of the land blows up.
We see these things from the eyes of heroes who are wanting to know the day to day goings on of the world and are about MORE than just living a safe existence. Most NPCs are fine with their mundane lives, which is why they tend to ask adventurers to help them with chores of attacking bandits, rather than forming their own groups to do it themselves.
LK dies, boring stuff that isn't overly important to the heroes happens, and then Deathwing breaks the planet and we start a new adventure.
From the standpoint of just some Human Peasant say, working out in Westfall, all he was aware of as far as anything went was that he was living his day to day life, maybe heard some story of the hero Arthas Menethil going off to be a hero, and all of a sudden a piece of the land blows up.
We see these things from the eyes of heroes who are wanting to know the day to day goings on of the world and are about MORE than just living a safe existence. Most NPCs are fine with their mundane lives, which is why they tend to ask adventurers to help them with chores of attacking bandits, rather than forming their own groups to do it themselves.
The closest thing I've seen to an answer from a blue implied that there was no timeskip. The changes either happened quickly, or happened gradually over the past five years, but was invisible due to game mechanics.
Yep. And even she said that you have to suspend your disbelief a bit. It's a little strange. We RP in real time, but big changes happen in "story time" (just not gradually enough to be realistic). But this is how it's always been. I think we can at least safely say that we should be RPing as if the Shattering happened very recently. It doesn't have to make a whole lot of sense, and probably never will.
Edited by Talumas on 11/25/2010 8:06 PM PST
I found this . .
Tom Chilton: The culmination, we're already at the final stage of the event that builds up to The Shattering. The final "event" is the in-game cinematic. And that's really what the transition is for players, that players will play through this event that's building up and then at some point... just because of the realities of the code, we have to flip a switch.
So we're going to be doing that during maintenance when The Shattering happens, and so when players log back in for the first time, it's a very small patch for players, and be introduced to the cinematic. That's suppose to be what happened while you were asleep. Conceptually, this is what just happened while you weren't controlling your character.
Source: MMO Champion
But I'm still looking for the original MMO Champion post. Gonna see if I can find it.
Tom Chilton: The culmination, we're already at the final stage of the event that builds up to The Shattering. The final "event" is the in-game cinematic. And that's really what the transition is for players, that players will play through this event that's building up and then at some point... just because of the realities of the code, we have to flip a switch.
So we're going to be doing that during maintenance when The Shattering happens, and so when players log back in for the first time, it's a very small patch for players, and be introduced to the cinematic. That's suppose to be what happened while you were asleep. Conceptually, this is what just happened while you weren't controlling your character.
Source: MMO Champion
But I'm still looking for the original MMO Champion post. Gonna see if I can find it.
That makes all the sense in the world to me, Ehlina. It makes sense that while we were sleeping, Deathwing broke lose and broke everything. That might be WHY we woke up, because the ground was shaking or lurched under us, or something.
Well there you go.
And I have to say that Oskor has the best forum avatar hands down.
Basically, all the changes to the world that were caused by Deathwing are new, as of this week.
All the changes to the world that were caused by the Alliance and Horde are older.
did you shave again!?
That place is CRAZY awesome!
Quoting for emphasis.
It really is something else. Completely blew my mind how much it has changed.
Edited by Vectus on 11/26/2010 8:51 PM PST
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