Very New to "IG" RR-Making an alt on CC

100 Blood Elf Paladin
Hello CC!

(A little introduction first)
This is my most "geared, played, advanced, etc" character on my account, but I've been around WoW for about 3 years. I've done raids, PvP, some arenas, crafting/gathering, some achievement hunting, pet hunting, xmog hunting, and many, many alts. I hope to be doing heroic raiding in the future...BUT in my downtime I feel "burnt out" on most of my characters. I've played a few different MMOs (GW1 & 2, Aion, TERA, several f2p titles) yet I always return to WoW just to do the above then leave for some other MMO and repeat the process over and over again.

The only aspect of the game I haven't taking any part of is role playing. I understand what it is as I've done forum RP and played D&D in the past, but in my gaming lifetime I've never actually done RP "in-game". I've lurked all the different RP servers and even made a few alts on both factions to see how it was. Some servers claimed they had "tons" of walk-ups and open role play yet it seemed as if all the RP went on in whispers or party chat. And yet I was still curious, so I looked up as much information as I could and created two potential role playing characters.....

Well here I am still on the same server, different faction, different but very nice guild and yet still feeling "burnt out".

My main concern is finding a "Main" like I have with this one. I absolutely LOVE Goblins, their lore, and everything they stand for. I would love to role play a Goblin rogue, but I fear I won't really "connect" with it the way I have with my PvE main. I love my paladin, love healing, tanking, dps.....I could heal mindlessly, but I'm dying to try my hand at in-game role playing. Now I'm sure some of you reading this might think 'Well why not make a paladin here and role play too?' Well, I've looked into that and from what I've found I don't think the lore of a Paladin suits me, race regardless. I know one of the major rules of any type of role playing is to separate yourself from your character, but I can't seem to do that when I think about creating a RP alt. My mind immediately goes to Goblins.

So I will be making/leveling a Goblin rogue sometime soon. A few questions first:

How is the current state of Goblin role play? Is there a decent amount? Are we hiding?
Are there any Goblin guilds, legions, etc?
How open are other guilds to Goblins?

I've read that Cenarion Circle is very friendly to newish role players so I am very excited! Hopefully I can transition well from being so crazy focused on PvE and into RP.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Hey hi hello, welcome welcome.

To answer your specific questions:

I'd like to say that CC has a pretty diverse spread of races in the rp community. Blood Elves are the dominant force, because well, come on. But that just makes the other races more exotic and fresh. Keep in mind, selecting a class and race doesn't necessarily inform who your character will be. Not all shaman, for example, are element-attuned sages, and not all orcs are war-thirsty blood-grinders. It might help to have a fixed idea for -who- you want your little avatar to be, opposed to -what-. Deviating from tradition can yield some very compelling results.

I'm not toooooo sure about Goblin-exclusive guilds. They're probably out there. Running the AH and collecting rent from everyone in the world. (Wait, we've been over stereotypes, haven't we.)

That said, I've never seen someone rejected for their choices. I don't see people being left out of events or guilds because of their race or gender or even how experienced they are as a roleplayer. The people who seem to find the most satisfaction in rp are the ones who play their character honestly. Its a little hard to explain what I mean by that. I guess,

An easy mistake is to worry about what people will think or feel about your character, or your writing. This sometimes leads to compromise. Whether you decide to make a goblin rogue or a githyanki malconvoker, don't worry about what the community might think. When you're making your character, make yourself a gift. Something that you can share. People may or may not appreciate that gift, but your responsibility isn't to them. Your responsibility is to your gift, to make it as true and as honestly as you can.

There's a lot going on here on CC. My brood's always looking for fresh meat. There are a number of brilliant guilds recruiting. Look around, get comfy, and welcome to the party!
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100 Gnome Priest
Hey there llitiya! Welcome welcome!

Thank you for reaching out in the forums :) It was a refreshing read for me. Honestly I am not that far from where you are now. I'd run full bore and get burnt out, take a month off, then come back for a bit until I got burnt out again. Mix - Repeat. Then one day it hit me. I already play on Cenarion Circle... why then don't I try out the RP! And I have yet to get burnt out.

Before starting my RP here I read nearly everything I could get my hands on to be as well informed as possible going in. I think that's a fine way to begin. However I have learned over the past couple years as I experimented that what Liore has said is not only true but paramount.

Create the character you want to role play, something that is entertaining for you (as Liore said a gift to yourself) and you will always have fun. Focus on who he/she is and not so much on which class/race they are, because in my experience the who helps define the what... if that makes any sense.

Every community has standards and customs and we're no different. Learning them will come in time. However CC is very kind, very friendly, and very forgiving so don't be afraid to explore your RP and reach out when you have a question or need some help. There are lots of pros here that can offer great tips :)

I play almost exclusively Alliance, though I do have a few Horde side, but at any rate I'm happy to see you jumping in! Welcome and have fun!

*gnome wave* Be seeing you around!
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Fresh meat!

To redundantly echo what the others have posted, the best way to not burn out is enjoy what you do. With that in mind, when you're picking what to RP, the best thing to do is create a someone that you're passionate about. If you try and force it, you'll just end up burning yourself out on something you don't enjoy.

Don't be skurred to try something out. If you find you don't like it - murder the character and start afresh. They're fictional! Tried to be a goblin and you hated it? Kill him off, start anew. There's nothing binding you to a character except you. If you decide to RP a goblin who is greedy as all hell but is allergic to the gold, live it up. Try it out, see how fun it is. Just be true to the character you create. Imagine that they are a real person. Try and keep their motivations and their personalities as consistent as possible. It'll help other people react to you, and you'll start to discover that your little creation creates situations to RP in all on their own.

Maybe your gold-allergic goblin seeks out an alchemist to cure his allergy and hijinx ensue! Bam, you've got a character who's off having an adventure. Maybe he's cured, but then the cure makes him incapable of math? More hijinx! See? We're already having fun! Maybe after he loses all of his fortune due to his newly minted math-debilitation, he steals from someone wealthy and gets knee-deep in some debt, and now he has to sell his services before his kneecaps are replaced with several pieces of knee-caps!

Anything's possible - just make sure you're having fun. Chase your own ideas, be true to them when possible, and then be fearless when you share those ideas and characters with others.
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100 Goblin Shaman
Yay! More goblins!

I've never had any trouble fitting in as a goblin and I've met a few other goblin roleplayers. But yes... blood elves and forsaken do seem to dominate the RP scene.

I don't know of any particular goblin specific groups. The Plunderblood Cartel has a good number of goblins in it as well as other races.

And also to echo some of the others posters, try to find a character you personally enjoy playing, both as a class and as an RP personality. If you like the character, but not the class, or vice versa, it's eventually going to be a chore to get on that toon.

I have a few Horde characters, but none have really "clicked" for me the way my two goblin gals have. I've rolled everything Hordeside except an orc. So if you really love goblins, that sounds like a great place to start, but don't feel like you have to stick with whatever your first choice is.

I should add a disclaimer that I play a gnome Alliance side, so maybe I just really like short people... ^.^

But anyway, welcome to the RP scene and I hope to see you in game!
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