The Healing Priest Symposium
A dialogue, discussion, and exchange of all things Healing and Priests.
Hello everyone, my name is Ägis. I'm a healing priest here at Warcraftier looking to give back, help, and connect with the Cenarion Circle community! With my knowledge and experience, I believe this thread is a solid way to go about that.
Our mission here is to create a meeting place for casual, hardcore, and every player in between to come and exchange ideas, discussions, and questions! This thread should be a safe place of learning. To that end, as long as your questions are about Healing, Priests, or both, ask them freely. There should be no judgment, no ridicule, and no cruelty.
I realize this is a public place, and keeping the trolls out is neigh impossible. But I ask everyone to be kind, compassionate, and respectful. Everyone starts off new at one point, and even veterans need help from time to time. If you intend to be mean, please put yourself in the poster's shoes before you respond with malice. We're all in this together, as priests, as healers, and as people.
Some of you may be asking yourselves "why should I come here? Why not just go find a guide on the web, or post in a thread specific to my question?" Those are awesome questions, and I encourage you to do those things in addition to posting, chatting, and having fun here! However, what if you can't find a thread specific to your question? What if the guides all seem too impersonal, or too full of terminology and subtlety? What if you want a more hands-on, personalized experience? Then welcome to our symposium!
Guides and question-specific threads also won't usually cater to the more nuanced of questions, such as those pertaining to mods and user interface. Your UI is the medium through which you do everything in WoW, and its importance can't be overstated. As such, this is also a place for those questions!
Lastly, this thread offers a unique advantage over other means of priestly learnings, and it goes back to the personalized experience. It's one thing to search World of Logs for ranking disc or holy priests, cross-reference their profiles and find out their stat priority, glyphs, etc. It's another matter entirely for one of those priests to have access to your profile, your questions, and your experiences and to provide you with consultation accordingly. That's the essence of this thread, the heart of it: helping each other to heal better, stronger, and dominate the world with bubbles and echoes of light.
TL;DR, be kind, post, learn, and enjoy!
A dialogue, discussion, and exchange of all things Healing and Priests.
Hello everyone, my name is Ägis. I'm a healing priest here at Warcraftier looking to give back, help, and connect with the Cenarion Circle community! With my knowledge and experience, I believe this thread is a solid way to go about that.
Our mission here is to create a meeting place for casual, hardcore, and every player in between to come and exchange ideas, discussions, and questions! This thread should be a safe place of learning. To that end, as long as your questions are about Healing, Priests, or both, ask them freely. There should be no judgment, no ridicule, and no cruelty.
I realize this is a public place, and keeping the trolls out is neigh impossible. But I ask everyone to be kind, compassionate, and respectful. Everyone starts off new at one point, and even veterans need help from time to time. If you intend to be mean, please put yourself in the poster's shoes before you respond with malice. We're all in this together, as priests, as healers, and as people.
Some of you may be asking yourselves "why should I come here? Why not just go find a guide on the web, or post in a thread specific to my question?" Those are awesome questions, and I encourage you to do those things in addition to posting, chatting, and having fun here! However, what if you can't find a thread specific to your question? What if the guides all seem too impersonal, or too full of terminology and subtlety? What if you want a more hands-on, personalized experience? Then welcome to our symposium!
Guides and question-specific threads also won't usually cater to the more nuanced of questions, such as those pertaining to mods and user interface. Your UI is the medium through which you do everything in WoW, and its importance can't be overstated. As such, this is also a place for those questions!
Lastly, this thread offers a unique advantage over other means of priestly learnings, and it goes back to the personalized experience. It's one thing to search World of Logs for ranking disc or holy priests, cross-reference their profiles and find out their stat priority, glyphs, etc. It's another matter entirely for one of those priests to have access to your profile, your questions, and your experiences and to provide you with consultation accordingly. That's the essence of this thread, the heart of it: helping each other to heal better, stronger, and dominate the world with bubbles and echoes of light.
TL;DR, be kind, post, learn, and enjoy!
Edited by Ägis on 1/20/2014 12:28 PM PST