Warcraftier's Challenge Contest!!

Hi CC:

Warcraftier would like to announce another server wide (kinda) contest. While we would like to include our horde brethern in this one, its really only possible for an alliance side level 90 to actually get the prize.

In this case, one of our challenge mode groups (as of the time of this post the one holding all of the realm first records) is offering its services to give the lucky winner a full challenge mode Gold carry. This involves about 2-3 hours of work on the winners part, as well as access to either mumble or skype (voice comm is required.) Also, Warcraftier reserves the right to veto this prize being awarded to anyone that has a demonstrated past of poor community relations and/or is widely considered by our members to be toxic. Winning this will not only give you access to the Mount (a pandaran phoenix of your choice) but will also grant a full set of challenge mode armor.

I'm sure that many of your would love to get your hands on such epic prizes, and I'm also sure that you are wondering about how you would go about becoming that lucky winner.

Well, in this case, what the contest entails is writing (from your character's point of view) an RP story that relates, involves or is completely centered upon your character's desire for and/or plans for that full set of armor (or the mount) that you will win if your RP is the strongest. To put it another way, the best RP that features one of the potential rewards will, in fact, win that award.

The judging will be conducted by myself (the monk formerly known as Tyrilian), Lerrielin, and 3 other Warcraftier challenge mode runners (to be named at a future date). Entries should be posted on the CC realm forums, and can take as many posts as you need to complete the story. Please try to post them sequentially so as to not make the contest any harder to judge than it already will be. The contest opens immediately and will run for one month, ending on 03/03/14. Judges decisions are final and are not subject to appeal. Additional prizes MAY be provided for exceptional non-winning entries. One entry per character, though you may enter on more than one character. Only the CHARACTER that wins gets to go on the run. For what its worth the appoximate in game value of a run of this type is ~ 120,000 gold.

SO! CC, get your RPing hats on and tell us why your character won this set of challenge mode armor! All individuals are eligible to enter, even if you have never previously RPed. Horde characters are welcome to participate however you would have to faction transfer to actually collect your prize.
Edited by Qhi on 2/3/2014 6:24 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
This is awesome!
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90 Night Elf Druid
There's lots of creative writers on CC, hoping to see some great entries! :D
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100 Gnome Priest
Oh! The mind churns with possibilities!

Release the hounds! *opens up a word doc and begins typing like mad...*
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90 Night Elf Druid
Come on folks, time's a-ticking!!

Since we're going to be merging soon with Sisters of Elune before the contest deadline of 3/3/14, SoE entries are welcome as well!
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100 Gnome Warlock
02/11/2014 07:51 AMPosted by Lerrielin
Come on folks, time's a-ticking!!

Since we're going to be merging soon with Sisters of Elune before the contest deadline of 3/3/14, SoE entries are welcome as well!

I was going to wait until I actually got to the required materials (I'm still working up to it) but here ya go!
[Story Collection] Raven's Grimoire: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11674227517
It's fairly long as is, so you're welcome to start working your way through it. I'll be posting on it almost everyday. I am getting closer to meeting the requirements, so stay tuned :D
Edited by Ravenblack on 2/11/2014 9:57 AM PST
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90 Pandaren Warrior
y u do dis.

Why do you wear heels, when you dance upon a man's dreams. Why do I keep coming back to you, Stompybird?
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I'll post something for an Alliance toon I have, if only to encourage such an awesome forum contest.

Also, continue to stomp on Lio. He's gotten cheeky.
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100 Worgen Warlock
For your perusal...and it's a work in progress, but the first part (I hope) meets the criteria of what you're looking for. With a bit of a twist. *grins* http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11675537951
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90 Night Elf Druid
02/11/2014 09:59 AMPosted by Liore
y u do dis.

Why do you wear heels, when you dance upon a man's dreams. Why do I keep coming back to you, Stompybird?

Damnit Liore, you make me want to draw this. :|
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90 Pandaren Warrior
You could instead draw your guild, doing awesome things like opening the doors to the RP community with amazing rewards. Honestly the things you guys do, you're so ahead on the karma meter you could literally eat a baby and still be considered pretty decent folk.
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And baby marrow keeps you young forever. So you'd be decent folk AND youthful!

At least that's what the villains say. And they never lie.
Edited by Finnaeus on 2/12/2014 10:27 AM PST
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90 Night Elf Druid
02/12/2014 09:11 AMPosted by Liore
You could instead draw your guild, doing awesome things like opening the doors to the RP community with amazing rewards. Honestly the things you guys do, you're so ahead on the karma meter you could literally eat a baby and still be considered pretty decent folk.

HHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nope, stompy bird wearing heels dancing on Liore makes for a sexier drawing. :>

And based on what you said, I could do that, draw it, and still be a decent person! Yay! :D
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90 Human Death Knight
once upon a time, I won a contest on the CC forums so I don't have to shell out 120k to Teneb. the end.
oh and i was uh in the woods, battling evil yada yada yada.
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100 Draenei Shaman
No Giving Lerrielin Idea's!
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90 Worgen Death Knight
02/12/2014 02:05 PMPosted by Osthur
once upon a time, I won a contest on the CC forums so I don't have to shell out 120k to Teneb. the end.
oh and i was uh in the woods, battling evil yada yada yada.

But you still have to deal with my crazy during the run ;D so it works out!
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90 Human Death Knight
02/12/2014 05:00 PMPosted by Teneb
02/12/2014 02:05 PMPosted by Osthur
once upon a time, I won a contest on the CC forums so I don't have to shell out 120k to Teneb. the end.
oh and i was uh in the woods, battling evil yada yada yada.

But you still have to deal with my crazy during the run ;D so it works out!

You clearly have not dealt with MY crazy on mumble during a run!
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90 Night Elf Druid
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90 Dwarf Warlock
((This is Finnaeus, from Wayfarer's! Just wanted to toss this story up to support your contest. Maybe it'll spur on more submissions!))

Of the Betrayer

The door thundered from the outside, the noise echoing off of the dark stone walls. Just barely audible above the din were the sighs of little Aggie, standing in the middle of the room, her tiny dwarven hands balled in front of her mouth. Her eyes widened, agape at the door. She stood as still as the stone of the walls, except for the tiny little shivers through her small frame. It was dark in the hall, perhaps too dark for the child, but Thane Umbros had no concerns for lighting at this time. His red eyes could see the little child quite clearly.

“Do not fear, Aggie,” he said, his granite voice stern rather than comforting. “They will not touch you. You’re safe in here.”

“You promise?”

The question came without a glance his way. She could only stare at the grand wooden doors that trembled from the beating they were taking.

“I promise,” he said.

He moved away from her, following the mottled red carpet that led from the hall doors to the grand, stone slab that acted as a dining hall. As he walked by, he let his fingertips trace across the surface. The stones came from deep within Blackrock Mountain, burnished smooth and black from the heat and ash. It was, perhaps, his most prized possession. So loathe to ruin it, was he, that he hardly invited any guests over. Lady Mag constantly chastised him for his improper manners, and encouraged more guest hostings as befitting a Thane of Blackrock Mountain. Umbros, however, had no compunctions for politics. Words meant nothing – actions meant everything. And surely he had done enough in the battles with the neighboring orcs to merit a bit of a break.. All the talk of Ragnaros this, Ragnaros that. So many of his kin were quick to follow their Emperor into the servitude of an elemental being that would sooner ignite their bones than share in any real power.

“Who are they?”

The voice brought him out of his own musings. The girl had followed him, and clung to his sides. Her hands clenched the red of his cloak. She knew better than to try and hold his hand.

“Unwanted house guests,” he said. “Pay them no mind.”

“They’re so loud,” she said. “What if they break down the door?”

“That door won’t open until I’m ready to open it,” the Thane replied. “Do not be afraid of them. It’s unbecoming.”

“Ok,” she said, falling silently astride him.

It was a common theory in his region of Shadowforge City that Thane Umbros was disappointed that he had a daughter. It was true, but not in the sense that the gossipers believed. He never wanted any children, and when Lady Mag announced with glee that she was with child, his normally dour disposition only deepened into a snarling, malicious demeanor. Children were a bind, something that made one less flexible in times of crisis. They needed constant attention, to be taught, praised, loved, and protected. Thane Umbros wanted to do none of those things. He hoped that Aggie would pick up on his lack of any outward concern and spend more time with her mother, but the opposite happened. She clung to him, probably drawn to his power and authority. Her mother’s dotings did nothing, and eventually it soured his own relationship with the Lady. Which was fine by him – he had no use for her after she betrayed him by getting pregnant.
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90 Dwarf Warlock
Today, though, he was glad to have Aggie with him. She was precisely what he needed, with all of the racket at his door. They walked down the hall, silently, passing a large lump as tall as Umbros, covered in fine, velvet red cloth. Aggie reached out to touch it, and he yanked her away.

“No touching,” he said.

“Just wanted to see what was under there,” she said, her hand falling to her side.

“It is covered for a reason,” Umbros said. “It is not for your eyes.”

The girl nodded and fell silent. He turned away from the pile, and continued to follow the table. At the end of it sat his chair. It was taller than the others, with a gold finish to the edges. All along the top and side the gold was inlaid with precious gems and stones. Lady Mags constantly harped on its extravagance, about how imposing it could be if visitors were to dine with them. She made subtle hints that it was perhaps too showy, that it looked more like a throne and could be seen as an affront to the Emperor. The Thane threw those complaints away without any consideration. It was his hall. He would do was he pleased.

He sat at the head of the table, his hands resting upon the blackened stone tabletop. His eyes ranged over the elegant tapestries that hung from the walls, all of which were adorned with the Thane’s emblem. There were a few orc heads as well, from his conquests against their constant enemies. All of the pieces he selected, and he arranged. Umbros gazed upon it all, relishing it despite the pounding at the door, until his eyes landed upon his daughter. Aggie hung nervously a few paces away, her body fidgeting. She exchanged glances towards the door and then towards Umbros. He quirked an eyebrow and waved. Eagerly she scrambled onto his lap, her eyes gazing up at them.

“Is it true that you can keep them from coming in here?”

“In where?” he asked.

“In the hall,” she responded.

“Yes,” he said. It was not a brag – it was by his power alone that kept the doors intact. Any others would have fallen long before now. “It is, after all, my hall.”

“Why are they here?”

“Because I have made many enemies in defense of the mountain,” Umbros said.

“Some of the other kids said that you’ve killed lots of orcs,” she said, looking up at him.

“That I have. You can see some of their heads along the walls.”

“And that you even killed black dragons!”

“Several,” Umbros said. Despite himself he was bemused by the child’s admiration.

“And you trained a drake?”

“I have in my possession a black drake, yes,” he said.

“Can you fly it?”

“What good would having a black drake be without being able to fly it?” he asked. She giggled at that, and for a moment she seemed to have forgotten their immediate peril. He saw the innocence in her eyes, the trust, and at that moment it was sealed. They sat still, not talking, both of them watching the door thump rhythmically from the pressures outside. Aggie’s gaze was on him, with the kind of expectation that Umbros wanted to spite, just out of malice. But he saw that she wanted him to say something.
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