Good Day From SoE

*inserts prybar between self and FILTHYHUGGINGOBLIN, removes with great force... cleans and returns prybar to Kord, then dodges the expected counterattack*

Thankya kindly fella, you want the first Punt, or shall I? Frikkin gobins.....
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100 Goblin Warlock
Yeehaw! That was almost as much fun as the carousel at the Darkmoon Faire.

*extends open palm to Plains*

Anyway, that will be twenty five gold.
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100 Human Warlock
February 27th.

So it begins. I need more kindling
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*Looks at Mormei's extended palm.*


Well dang honey, ain't you just ADORABLE. Y'all best be knowing, I ain't got no gold ta my name, just a few thousand here and there, fer rainy days ya know. But shoot, those soulful little eyes, and lubricated hair, I can't just leave ya hangin' now can I?

So here Darlin, all fer you.... I made it mahself.

*Drops what appears to be one of the single most massive omelettes anyone who doesn't know Plains has ever seen into the outstretched hand of the tiny tiny tiny green thing.*

Y'all enjoy now! it're made from the best stuff on Azeroth!

*BOMFs into a moonkin and woggles away whistling a cheery tune...*
Edited by Plainswander on 2/10/2014 11:02 AM PST
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02/07/2014 06:38 PMPosted by Tyvian
February 27th.

So it begins. I need more kindling

Can I call you "Fluffy"? That're fine right?
I mean, I'mma do it anyway, just lettin you know ahead of time, really. Mostly.



How you feel about maggots Fluffy?
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100 Draenei Warrior
*Begins building more cages*
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/10/2014 11:01 AMPosted by Plainswander
*Drops what appears to be one of the single most massive omelettes anyone who doesn't know Plains has ever seen into the outstretched hand of the tiny tiny tiny green thing.*

*Mormel stares down at the massive omelette for a few seconds*

Alright! I bet I can make a killing selling this thing as a vanity pet to some sap!

*runs off giggling towards the auction house*
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90 Human Paladin
02/10/2014 11:03 AMPosted by Plainswander
02/07/2014 06:38 PMPosted by Tyvian
February 27th.

So it begins. I need more kindling

Can I call you "Fluffy"? That're fine right?
I mean, I'mma do it anyway, just lettin you know ahead of time, really. Mostly.



How you feel about maggots Fluffy?




*Tilts her head to one side, considering this new nickname.*


*Shakes her head dismissively.*

Nah, I'm gonna stick with Mr. Magicpants.
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