I just logged in today and I saw that our beautiful server become from a highly populated area into a near ghost server. How did this happen?
What happened to our population?
I don't know, but I'm going to go out on a limb and blame it on the time of day (near noon server?), time of month (close to Valentine?), lash back from Jay Leno leaving last night ( D..= ), Sochi Winter Olympics....
...Obama Care.
On a serious note though, it does tend to fluctuate. Wildly at times, or so I have noticed. Nothing to worry about, I don't think.
...Obama Care.
On a serious note though, it does tend to fluctuate. Wildly at times, or so I have noticed. Nothing to worry about, I don't think.
I actually think they tinkered around with what constitutes what on a server population. Most of the servers I've seen rarely leave medium (CC included) even in the middle of the night are low pop during the day anymore.
Blame Moon Guard. That's what I always do.
Cail we need to hang out more.
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