Spring Festival 2014

100 Human Paladin
This is an extra special Spring Festival because it will be extended to our soon to be Sister Realm - Sisters of Elune

Two weekends of RP events to celebrate our roleplay community and our marvelous guilds! All are welcome!

March 28-30 Alliance [note change in date]
March 21-23 Horde

Location TBD

If you need transport, just join the allianceooc/hordeooc channel on the day and request a summon!

Want to run an event? Just let us know (see below) with the date and time you'd like to do it, and details of the event. Please let us know if this is a guild-sponsored event so we can give the appropriate credit.

Want to turn up to represent your guild and/or recruit? Just come along and turn up.
Want to advertise your wares and run an IC stall or shop? Just turn up on the day and find space.

Alliance - Genevra/Brandon/Tahlyn
Horde - Trenetir/Larcentius
Or just post here!
Edited by Genevra on 3/14/2014 1:33 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
I'll show up for the Horde events so I can eat everyone's cake.

Of course I'll need to know where they are and when they'll happen first.

Personally I think one of the Horde guilds should throw a beach day at the goblin resort in Feralas. What better way to celebrate Spring right? Besides, that will give me an excuse to wear my sexy bathing suit.
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100 Human Paladin
March 28
Tavern Night 6:30pm

March 29

March 30
2pm Sprocketeer's Demolition Derby (prizes!)

March 21
6p - Homeland: Festival of San Pad'rek!

March 22
7pm - AAMS Lounge Night - Hardwrench Hideaway

March 23
5p (or a little earlier) - Spring Hallow's End in Scholomance. Open the evening with recruitment, state what the guild and celebration is about then host, costume contests, a magic show, standard party stuff. End the night with a Q & A for the guild members you meet throughout the night.
Edited by Genevra on 3/28/2014 9:03 AM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
And Mormel, you can always host the beach night!
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90 Human Paladin

The Tavern Night that Alexithima, Bomi and I are hosting on Fridays would be happy to have any events you have lined up for March 14th to be held at the Blue Recluse.

In fact, I will talk to Alex and Bomi to see if we can come up with an event of our own! I'll let you know.
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100 Human Paladin
Just let me know Azheira, I can move one or both of Conclave's events to accommodate ^.^
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/13/2014 04:30 PMPosted by Genevra
And Mormel, you can always host the beach night!

I'm not opposed to hosting it but because I am not in a guild I can only guarantee that myself and my cat will be there. Still, if no other Horde guild steps forward to claim March 21st then I'll take it.
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100 Tauren Shaman
As part of the Spring Festival, the Homeland would like to bring back the rousing tradition of the Festival of San Pad'rek! More details to follow, as soon as we know where we end up falling into the schedule.
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100 Human Paladin
I just want to note that yes we can have more than one event/day, and yes we can extend each event by days in either direction. I encourage anyone/group/guild who is able or interested to have an event to feel like they have the chance to.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Thaettir had only been able to rescue a scant number of items from the longhouse before it was destroyed. As he sifted through the crate, he came upon a tome of Darkspear history and lore. He flipped through the pages, coming to one section that had been well-annotated. "Sen Pad'rek," he read out loud, knowing that the name sounded familiar. As he scanned both the story and the marginalia, he remembered where he had heard the name. "Perhaps it is time to bring back the festival," he thought to himself, as he brushed up on the history of the festival.

The Trolls, including the Darkspear tribe of the Echo Isles, have long had a relationship (sometimes good, sometimes bad) with the snakes that live in and around their settlements. Snakes can be found in a wide variety of environments and were famously common throughout the troll city of Zul'gurub; the trolls that lived there until recent years often worshiped snakes, fashioning bows and staves, among other things, to resemble the scaled serpents in the belief that snake worship would keep the snakes around them happy and that the Loa of Snakes would see fit to keep her people in and around trolls' settlements.

The Trolls depended on the snakes for food, skins, pest control, and for religious worship. Sometimes, they even extracted venom from some species of snake; the tips of their spears and arrows were dipped in the venom to create lethal weapons with which to kill their enemies -- for trolls were, and still are, a notoriously warlike people. To this day, many Troll tribes do not welcome outsiders and will kill on sight. Only the Darkspear tribe of Kalimdor has allied with the Horde or the Alliance -- and even they have only recently given up their cannibalistic ways (and whether any of those traditions remain alive among themselves, the Darkspear aren't saying).

It is said that Sen Pad'rek brought the snakes to the Trolls. Some say that it was Pad'rek who convinced the Loa to help the Trolls -- but, in any case, the Trolls don't need much of an excuse to party. For reasons long since lost -- although some will venture the guess that the Loa perhaps first appeared as a green serpent, or that the first snakes that appeared in Troll villages were green -- the color has been associated with the festival. It's possible that Sen Pad'rek feast celebrations were once more religious in nature (trolls will still pray to the Loa and invoke the "voodoo" when opening Festival of Sen Pad'rek celebrations) but today the celebrations are largely secular in nature.

((This year's festival will include merrymaking in the form of lots of booze.

There will be a trivia contest -- show what you know about Azeroth's geography, history, current events, and much more!

There will be a a Most Outrageous Outfit contest -- how green can you get? (We're not talking green-quality items here, but literally-green items). Accessories count, including mounts and pets! Make the judges laugh!))

Friday, 21 March 2014
Shadowprey Village, Desolace
Be there, or be a gnome...
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100 Human Paladin
This is in a couple weeks and it looks like we need to flesh some things out yet. Azheira, are you three planning a tavern night. And I'm assuming that since the Library has stopped hosting salons that they won't be hosting one that night. So in short, we are still looking for events.
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100 Goblin Warlock
I'm pretty sure an SoE guild (Broken House?) does a story telling event in TB in place of the Royal Library Salon. However, if you still have a blank day for Horde RP events then Rhazin, Swizelle and myself can probably do a bonus magic show to promote our store grand opening on the 28th.
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100 Human Paladin
Here's an update, due to overwhelming things RL and such I've had to reschedule the Alliance Event to the weekend after the Horde event. There is still a slot open for both weekends. Mormel if you'd like to do a magic show we'd love to have you on that Sunday just let us know what time.
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100 Goblin Warlock
I'd need to get in touch with Swizelle and Rhazin first to confirm but, for the time being, why don't you put us down for March 23rd 8pm (pst) at Thunderbluff Chieftain's Rise.

I'm sorry to hear that the Alliance weekend got pushed back. We'd actually scheduled the store RP event we're throwing on the 28th to avoid potential time constraints brought on by the Spring Festival :-/

Oh well. These things happen.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I could take the 22nd if it moves down, host a sorta Spring Hallow's End in Scholomance. Open the evening with recruitment, state what the guild and celebration is about then host, costume contests, a magic show, standard party stuff. End the night with a Q & A for the guild members you meet throughout the night. I might rotate toons throughout the night if that is ok. maybe 5pm realm time and last most of the night.
Edited by Zurom on 3/18/2014 9:22 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/18/2014 09:19 AMPosted by Zurom
I could take the 22nd if it moves down, host a sorta Spring Hallow's End in Scholomance. Open the evening with recruitment, state what the guild and celebration is about then host, costume contests, a magic show, standard party stuff. End the night with a Q & A for the guild members you meet throughout the night. I might rotate toons throughout the night if that is ok. maybe 5pm realm time and last most of the night.

NO U! Stop tryin' to steal poor Swizzy's magic show.

((Just kidding. Yeah, that event sounds fun but why Scholomance? It's kind of a creepy place and smells funny. Are you planning on telling scary ghost stories too? :-P ))
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100 Human Paladin
03/18/2014 09:19 AMPosted by Zurom
I could take the 22nd if it moves down, host a sorta Spring Hallow's End in Scholomance. Open the evening with recruitment, state what the guild and celebration is about then host, costume contests, a magic show, standard party stuff. End the night with a Q & A for the guild members you meet throughout the night. I might rotate toons throughout the night if that is ok. maybe 5pm realm time and last most of the night.

There is already an event at 7 server that night. If you could be done by then else maybe start earlier? We don't want people to have to pick and choose which thing they go to. Additionally we could add a day (either Thursday or Monday) if you'd like.

Mormel what time were you doing the show on Sunday?
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/18/2014 12:29 PMPosted by Genevra
Mormel what time were you doing the show on Sunday?

Well Zurom is Swizelle (ie the star of the show) so we can cancel the magic event in favor of Zurom's Spring Hallow's End event.
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100 Human Paladin
Zurom would you be willing to take Sunday at 5 then?
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Sure if Saturday isn't free then I could take Sunday at 5 maybe even a little earlier. If you want. P.s. Swizelle will handle the entertainment Zurom is the business part of the guild.
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