Kinship, now recruiting! [A- Heavy RP guild]

90 Night Elf Priest
Rasmira leaned along the edge of the thick table, her eyes darting from the papers up to the two entrances but her expression seemed to fade when no one crossed into the meeting room. Tyr's Hand had been a miserable experience for her, the memories made her view of it sour and her skin crawled just being with in its walls. She looked down at the papers, a small sketch of a coastal town accompanied by a note that looked like it was written in a child's hand writing, clearly from her weapons master who was known for his very poor penmen ship.


I agree on your choice about the hand and this place struck me, even the name I found fitting. Kin's Bay, Its a small coastal town off of dustwallow home to mostly fishers and traders and plays host to a multitude of travelers and adventures. They await your arrival and the occupation papers are already waiting thanks to Doll.

-Weapon's Master Dai

She sighed again, Kin's bay was every thing she had hoped for. Plenty of room and accommodations for all of the Kinship's Sects, A tavern where everyone could relax, stables, a smith, even a lovely dock. She couldn't argue with the perfect location and once she had arrived she had eagerly signed the occupation papers and sent word to all her Kin where they could make their move too. She was the first to show and she would wait as long as was needed for the others to arrive. In the mean time she knew what needed to be done, the accident had left the kinship stretched far beyond its means and people were either missing, dead or still trying to pick up the shattered pieces of their lives. If the kinship were to thrive as it did, they would need to bolster it population. Slender fingers curled around the writing tool, easily scripting out a notice to be copied, and posted in all major cities.

"In life, and sometimes even in death, one of the hardest things anyone can strive for is family. A place to call home, people to protect you, and people to care for. We are the light that will always be there in your darkest hour. We are the armor and blade that will always stand true at your side. We are the voices of encouragement and support that will keep you going when all hope is lost. We are Kin, and we are a family."

Kinship seeks any and all members of the alliance who wish to be part of something more then a mere group, or war machine. Be part of a family.

Please seek the kinship at Kin's Bay off the coast of dustwallow. (Theramore, pre mana bomb)

She chuckled, it was sappy, oh so very sappy but its what she felt when she thought about her kin, so it was what she would tell the world about them. She folded the paper and tucked it neatly into an envelope, adding a quick bit of instructions to have it copied and posted in all major cities and left it on the table to be picked up by one of the carriers.
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90 Night Elf Priest

Well it seems to have taken forever but we finally have kinship up and running on Cenarion Circle! We are a small family style RP guild that focuses on progressive and social RP plots that have a heavy focus on the guild as a whole, and our members. We are also VERY open to cross guild/faction RP so anyone who is interested in getting any guild/faction RP going with us please contact me in game. We transferred over from an RP-PVP server and have made our new home on CC, however sadly we lost a good portion of our members and are looking for serious, active, and dedicated RPers to rebuild our core group that wants to join in a fully immersive RP environment.

Level: 19

RP base: Kin's Bay, a small trade/fishing town off the coast of dustwallow (we use theramore pre mana bomb, but ICly it is NOT theramore. ) ** At 90, when you do the fall of theramore it will phase you into a destroyed theramore, IF you haave done this in order to change theramore back to being all nice and pretty go to the very end of the south west bridge and at the end you will see a floating NPC from keepers of time, talk to her and ask to see theramore before the bomb. **

Add-ons required: TRP2 is an addon everyone in kinship is required to download, you don't have to use it if you do not want too how ever it allows us to make items, stashes to leave trp2 items in for others, as well as TRP2 quests I script to help make our RP plots a bit more in depth. It also always others with the same add on to see a bit of vital info about your character such as trp2 made buffs/debuffs (called states), characters full name, custom titles/races/classes (such as my race/class shows as a Kal'dorei Shadow-Waver instead of a night elf priest ) it allows for much more text then mrp but it also works with mrp in some regards (you can see some of the text, and titles and full names) I have personally found that TRP2 is the most amazing add-on to end all add ons for RP purposes. and I will be more then happy to help ANYONE learn how to use it, you can even check our web site for a trp2 guide for the basic info.

Level req.: Any level (we would really prefer mains, but we also allow alts so long as you stay ACTIVE )

Interview: IC interview required

Application: an app needs to be filled out by all members.

Web site: (please click 'next page' at the top after you enter the site to get to our table of contents, clicking the link at the bottom of the page will take you to our guild's forums and NOT the table of contents)

-One week inactivity period
- IC G chat and OOC officer chat
-weekly event (once the sects get more members)
- sects/groups with specific functions in the RP
*The Iron vanguard: the military/peace keepers of the kinship that helps maintain the balance and protect the harbinger and her people.
*The life watch: Menders and medics who tend to any and all injuries of the kin, physical or mental.
*The Onyx Bloodguard: Responsible for the research and study of all magical aspects (this is a very edgy sect and caters to a much darker RP audience)
*The white cloaks: The self appointed personal guard's of the Harbinger
-mature friendly and social group to enjoy RP with!

Basic OOC Rules:

No OOC drama
Keep IC and OOC apart! ( we don't need drama from people taking IC actions too seriously OOC)
all members are required to check the web site/forum when or before they log on
all members are required to stay active with in the guild
No Meta Gaming
No Godmodding
Remember IC actions have IC (and OOC) consequences.
It is a mature guild, we all love to goof off and joke around but please keep it respectful!
All CRZ are to be ignored while in kin's bay (unless some thing has been set up/discussed prior)

Please contact me in game if you have any questions or visit our web site and fill out an app if you are interested in joining.
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90 Human Paladin
Rasmira, something you might want to consider is posting this on the Sisters of Elune forum as well. Since we will be merging with them soon it would give you another pool of people to hopefully find some guild mates in.

I'm glad the Kinship has found a home here on CC and I hope we can get together for some RP soon. :)
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90 Night Elf Priest
Wonderful idea! i knew we are connecting didn't even think of posting on their forums as well. thanks! and i am always up for RP! ill be around either theramore or SW if i am not off doing something. My rule of thumb, if i am just sitting somewhere, chances are i am hoping to find some random RP hehe
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90 Night Elf Priest
Now level 20, and still looking for committed, and active RPers looking for a great heavy RP guild to call home!
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90 Night Elf Priest
now level 22 is still looking for active and dedicated RPers. We are in need of any race/class/level to help fill in the Iron vanguard sect, The Life watch Sect, and the Onyx Blood Guard sect. No RP, no matter how epic, planned, organized, or structured is worth anything with out other people to participate! Whisper me in game for more info or check out our website and fill out an app!
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90 Human Hunter
I am EXTREMELY interested in your guild and I would like to speak with you further about it if at all possible. Also I am going to check out your website :) and feel free to add me in game my battle tag is necro#1676
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90 Night Elf Priest
added you to b tag, looking forward to talking to you :)
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100 Worgen Warlock
Question, if I may...where exactly is ""?
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90 Night Elf Priest
no clue lol a guild member was kind enough to offer to design and host the guilds website since she liked the guild so much and wanted to help any way she could. so i dont know where comes from.
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100 Gnome Priest

.CO.NF domain : Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is .NF domain? What does it mean?
A: Dot NF is a ccTLD (country code top level domain) of Norfolk Island, .NF ccTLD is assigned by ICANN and can be used and accessed worldwide, and DotNF is currently operated by reliable registry system.

Q: What is CO.NF domain?
A: CO.NF domain name zone is administered and operated by Hosting to provide a free domain name registration service to those Internet users who can not afford to buy a domain name.

Q: Why to register a .CO.NF domain?
A: Well, .CO.NF extension and thus a registered domain (e.g. looks like a real paid domain name, e.g. the domain of United Kingdom (, Austria (, India (, etc.
However, .CO.NF domain registration is totally FREE, and one can register up to 50 free .CO.NF domains.
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100 Gnome Priest
I love Google :D
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Bump to keep this at the top....Rasmira is a most excellent individual.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
This is Commander Aromist Lusren,and i approve this message! Kinship is an excellent rp guild, since my time being there, i have felt more involved and wanted, then in any other guild. if your looking for a great RP experience and want to make friends on the way, join kinship. Iron vanguard is always looking for new recruits, as well as the other two sects. so RP on Cenarion. RP on!
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100 Gnome Priest

-One week inactivity period
- IC G chat and OOC officer chat
-weekly event...

Bold:Underlined ^

Does this mean that if you're inactive for one week you're booted?
Once you join you are required to stay at the guild's lowest ranking for a One Week Period?

I'm banking on the first, but thought I'd ask just to clarify :)
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90 Night Elf Priest
it means that if a week goes by and you either haven't been on at all (with out letting someone know you have some real life stuff going on) OR if you have been on but you haven't been active in the guild. So if you are on but not Rping, not talking and are just kinda there taking up space. However i wont just boot people, i will try to contact them either with a whisper, or with mail giving them a warning that they need to start being active or will be asked to leave. :) hope that clears it up
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90 Pandaren Monk
((Hello people of Cenarion Circle! I am an officer of Kinship, some of our members, including Rasmira are having some stuff going on are away. We are looking to build our core RP group again, and dedicated members! All the old rules still apply, myself and Arrowmist will be temporarily leading the guild. Shoot me some mail if your interested in joining! We are trying to get things rolling again :) ))

Mater Ting Zhe was making trips to all the major capital cities posting a simple recruitment posters for the Kinship.
"Those seeking a place to call home. or a family, and still do what they enjoy should head to Kins Bay and join Kinship. We have a place for everyone and are looking to grow!"

((OOC I thought I would mention though the idea might sound simple it allows us to help and cater to all RP. Give us a shot!
PS im debating of making a new thread since this is so far down and kind of a major update, just dont want to clutter the forum))
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100 Gnome Priest
Tingzhe, Rasmira, feel free to btag me. I would like to coordinate some RP with the Kinship :)
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