[Event] Kosh'harg 2014 BladeMaster Tournament

90 Blood Elf Paladin
Attention brave members of the Horde!

As the Spring Kosh’harg approaches it is time once again to measure your strength against your brothers and sisters of the Clans to determine who is the strongest, the most cunning, and the most durable of our great warriors.

Who will emerge victorious from the Ring of Trials and claim the title of Blademaster of this season’s festival? Only the crucible of combat will tell.

Sign up now for the tournament and test your might while hundreds of Horde spectators cheer you on from the stands overlooking the Arena floor!
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100 Undead Mage
Ask and ye shall receive!

Sign me up.
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86 Undead Monk
Whats the deadline to sign up?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
The Kosh'harg takes place on the 20th of this month. So I would say the cutoff for sign up would be the 18th, that way we have time to make the brackets.
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100 Tauren Paladin
Only one week to go before the Kosh'harg!
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Sign up form is here:

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Shortlink version:
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90 Undead Warlock
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100 Orc Hunter
Doh! How the hellfire did I miss this posting? Okay I can't make it myself, but just to make certain - tomorrow the 18th is the last day for people to sign up, right?
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100 Undead Mage
Talk about getting my butt handed to me. :P

Who won? I had to dash, I had raid.
Edited by Vivimord on 3/23/2014 12:23 AM PDT
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Vdo, warlock from Blackrock, won the tourney.
Zarashunda, shaman of Feathermoon came in second.
Zagrosh, orc hunter from Moonguard came in third. It was a good time!
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100 Troll Shaman
Demo Cheese spec, because the only way to beat me is to not fight me >.> I may or may not have a warlock murdering complex now.
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100 Undead Mage
Ah, yes, I fought Vdo at Halaa before the Kosh'harg started. He ate my face.

Congratulations to those who placed! Sorry you didn't win, Zarash.
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It was a great Tourney. We all know the game isn't balanced around 1v1, so the predictable class imbalances were on display but I feel like we did a good job seeding the brackets to provide the best possible match ups. The semi-finals match between Zara and Zugrosh was a perfect example of that. It was an intense 3 minutes and ended in a double KO. You can't ask for much better than that from a spectator's point of view!

If you haven't seen it, check out that match on our YouTube channel, voice-over commentary provided by Iselian who managed the stream for us that night:


More highlights on the way throughout the week!
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100 Troll Shaman
That's alright Vivi. Haven't been beaten by a warlock in a fair fight before or since. I don't count that spec, because you don't get to fight it. Ah well, happens. Shouldn't have dueled him at Halaa before hand, but it was too tempting to pass on.
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