Kirin Tor/Dalaran RP?

68 Human Paladin
(I looked around on the realm forums and couldnt find the answer, if I am repeating something I am sorry in advance)

I was thinking of leveling a mage here on CC and wanted to know if there is any Kirin Tor/Mage guilds as well as what the RP community is like in Dalaran. Dalaran would be where i spend most of time, I love it there so information involving Dalaran is preferred but if mage guilds exist outside of Dal thats fine to.
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100 Worgen Warlock
I admit to being curious too; I know there are maybe a handful of people, my mage included, who are RP'd as members of the Kirin Tor or have some form of association with Dalaran. As for organization, however, I don't believe so; and I have rarely seen RP events held in Dalaran of late. I believe there was one, held in the Beer Gardens, but my brain is blanking as to exactly why. I think it was a Winter Veil thing.
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100 Goblin Shaman
There used to be MAGI (, but it was primarily a Horde organization, which made things rather interesting after the whole purge of Dalaran. However, I haven't seen any group since then. Unless those mage players are being really secretive!

I haven't RP'd in Dalaran since 5.1 I imagine the relationship between the AAMS and the Kirin Tor is probably a little awkward at best at the moment, and although Kezrin is officially neutral, she'd not be very welcomed there. I could go as an Alliance character, but haven't had reason to do so.

Lore wise, there is some question as to -where- Dalaran is at the moment that makes me hesitant to go there; it had left Northrend during the purge. I remember reading they planned to take it to above Orgrimmar, but scrapped that plan, so I have no idea where its official location is now.

If I actively played a mage, though, I'd still be interested in any RP groups forming, but sadly, I do not!
Edited by Kezrin on 3/9/2014 6:53 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Mage
I'd LOVE to see a Kirin Tor themed guild!

As of 5.2, I've been rp'ing Celestyl as an Archmage of the Kirin Tor. She's recently gained an apprentice as well. I'd be happy to help organize Kirin Tor themed events should there be enough interest.

Send me an in-game mail to Celestyl if you want to get something started!
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100 Goblin Warlock
All I know is I see A LOT of erping upstairs in that one neutral inn of Dalaran. Just saying...

Listening to Rhonin yell out about the titans every five minutes also grates on the nerves too.

Meh... Dalaran sucks.

*goes off to her mud hut in Orgrimmar to eat rocks*
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