Engineering: What's reasonable? Opinions! OOC

85 Blood Elf Hunter
Hi! I just made a topic like this but I think something happened. If there end up being two of these, sorry in advance!

I'm sure all of you know Engineering gets pretty high tech in WoW. Some examples of this are lasers (K3 Defense System), airplanes and helicopters (Do I really need a specific example?), motorcycles, radiation has been discovered and been used (Gnomeregan), and machine guns (New Gnome starting area boss fight. The boss uses it as an ability). Most of this is only available to the military though.

But I've always wondered. Let's say you're a big, strong, engineering warrior. Maybe an Orc. If you were strong enough to carry around a heavy machine gun normally mounted on some advanced machine and could carry around some ammunition, and had a justifiable reason for having access to this technology, would you guys let him be?

I've never had the audacity to try this and never will but it's just something that's been drifting in my head. The most advanced weapons I've let my toon hold are a 4 round pump action shotgun and a single action revolver that could only be fired once per emote, which I think is incredibly fair. However, some people did have a problem with that.

Basically, I'm trying to ask you guys what you think is reasonable and fair when it comes to engineering and ICness.
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82 Draenei Paladin
Anyone with a justable reason for whatever they do in RP is alright with me, as long as they're not forcing game mechanics and lore that isn't there. Personally, I find RPers that are intuitive like how you stated,

Maybe an Orc. If you were strong enough to carry around a heavy machine gun normally mounted on some advanced machine

There are machine guns in WoW, that I've seen, so I'm sure that a bloodthirsty Orc could come up, and just carry it around. But this is just one example.

I say it is totally reasonable and fair that people can use strong weapons in role-playing, through engineering, if they have a justable reason.

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70 Troll Death Knight
my only advise is to remember that all engineering stuff fails some of the time. thats part of what makes it so lovable. now, lets say this is 1/20 for arbitrary reasons. lets say your machine gun is like an old, civil war gatling gun and shoots 4 shots per second. that means, on average, every 5 seconds of firing, something goes wrong. this would generally be more comical than harmful, but would most likely render the gun useless after that.

furthermore, a machine gun, being rather advanced and complicated, would have an increased chance of failure.

on the other hand, many players can get shot in the face by a hundred bullets and walk away just fine, so perhaps it would be okay. /shrug
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Some have higher fail rates than others but yeah. You should definitely make it fair XD Like I said, I only allow my toon to get off one shot with a revolver per emote, despite the fact she's an expert marksman who could do that one action movie thing where they keep a palm on the hammer while the other is on the trigger. Though, then again, how long does an emote last in terms of time? Because I once made a failed attempt at tabletop RP, and the book I used said a round lasts six seconds, which is what I like to time my emotes to.
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70 Troll Death Knight
well, the reason why you might only shoot one bullet per emote is because the gun might have a tendancy to overheat or break or fail or whatever if you fire shots too rapidly. and while i do not believe wow rp has a set time for emotes, six seconds is 100% the time used for one "round". however, since emotes need to end when you attempt to do something to your opponent and give them a chance to respond, your emotes may be taking the time span of a second or less. however, shorter timespans like this are far more likely to happen in close combat, where you probably wont be using your gun, so it shouldnt matter too much.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
I've done plenty of mechanical limbs. This toon is two in one (Dead mum and daughter following her path), and the Mom was an expert on mechanical limb replacements. Mechanical arms, mechanical legs, even mechanical eyes. And everything would have a special modification to it.

I actually based them off of different characters from other stuff. I once had an arm where the hand came off to expose a mini cannon (Operated by a really tight spring), and the person carried mini cannon balls around. That was my Samus arm.

Sometimes, for people who are more pacifistic, I've made a mini Gnomish-Net-O-Matic Projector in the palm. Spiderman arm.

Done different beams out of the fingers. Shrink, death, etc. I call that my Freeza arm.

One arm had a knife come out of the wrist. Assassin's Creed.

If there were two leg replacements, they would have rocket boots.

And the eyes often had a zoom capability.

So yeah, I had a lot of fun with all the limb stuff. And I think your hologram idea is genius XD
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68 Blood Elf Rogue
My character is an engineer who officially heads the R&D department at the Wester Incorporated Technology and Pharmaceuticals divisions(soon[tm] to be a guild), which ICly supplies many weapons, devices, potions, and other essentials to the Horde and other neutral forces, so the level of quality is pretty refined. For instance, Ivanezze always wears a device under his clothing (on his left shoulder) that has the capacity to absorb a single spell into a crystal and neutralize the magic before it expels the shard down his sleeve and onto the ground (which, after dropping, will shatter to dust and evaporate. Never count on Ivanezze leaving any evidence of his being anywhere). He also has telecommunications devices similar to smartphones of today that he uses to manage his business and such, several plated-metal matches that run on enchanted shards that take months to burn out, an encoded messaging system that runs on an alphabet of different musical notes, and one thing that I will not mention, due to the fact that it is absolutely essential to his character and is something he tries to hide from the world.

I know, it sounds absolutely absurd for a single character to have so many advantages, but, so long as you're responsible, there is no problem with it. Hell, the stuff I mentioned is just what he carries around in the city at all times - his arsenal is immense and unmistakable for anything other than Wester-brand quality. But, I will never abuse any of the things he has to glorify him or put him ahead of the game beyond reason. I can make him use up every item he has in an attempt to defeat someone in a fight. When that fails, he'll mask his trail and turn tail. But, I have never actually had to use him in a fight, simply because he almost solely relies on and manners and gentlemanly charm to disarm an opponent rather than resort to violence.

Simply put, be as awesome of an engineer as you want, so long as you know well the limits of your technology. Oh, and, be sure to use that Goblin Dragon Gun. You don't have it up your sleeve for your own damn health, you know.
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