Stormwind Law: A Deeper Look

53 Gnome Mage
Yeah, except you refused to prosecute Miss High and Mighty when she sold me to Imperon, a blatant case of slave trading. I am still traumatized by it.
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100 Human Paladin
We used to have trials. We had a set of lawyers and judges from various guilds and unguilded players that could be called on for trials. Most cases had a panel of judges. They went very well and were a lot of fun. We had several large trials, some not so large. The trial of Azurio being one of the largest probably and the horde trial, who was that? My memory. The divorce case of the five gnomesses against the unfortunate human man who I can't recall now, his name started with a B and probably several Twobit trials as he was always in trouble. That's how Pia wound up with him. We were supposed to rehabilitate him. That went well.
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100 Worgen Warlock
I think trying Rakeri or Shankolin (or both!) woulda turned out to be interesting - especially Rakeri, given his current hero-of-the-hour status - but the way it ended up working was basically how you see it on "Law & Order": plead to a lesser charge, get off with a little jail time/probation/fine/etc. Granted, there has to be a semblance of law (and it's to the credit of the community that the Watch is acknowledged both IC and OOCly as Stormwind's police, and we work with them in such matters accordingly), but under-the-table deals are not entirely out of place, either.
Edited by Rakeri on 4/21/2014 11:11 AM PDT
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