Seeking Casual, Friendly RP/PvE Guild

100 Draenei Hunter
Hello everyone. I recently came back to WoW after a year-long hiatus, and figured I'd try and get back into my favorite RP server, Cenarion Circle. I was a little disappointed to see that CC has become a low-pop realm as of late, however I have high hopes of good things to come once Sisters of Elune are merged with our fair server. :)

I know a lot of Guild Leaders ask the very popular question of; "What kind of character do you play?", and to that I can say I'm not quite sure yet. I haven't been back long enough to consider what type of character I'll be fleshing out, however I hope this doesn't deter anyone from extending a friendly invitation or two.

So, I'll get right to it and explain what I'm looking for:

#1) Friendly and Active - I can't stress this enough. I love to be around friendly people, and I put up with as much drama as I bring-- which is absolute zero.

#2) Primarily Roleplay / Secondarily PvE, or an even amount of each - I enjoy PvE somewhat evenly as I do RP. I don't really need groups for leveling up (I've started all new characters on this server since my hiatus) but I'm not opposed to going along with others. Casual raiding would be awesome, but I won't get my hopes up too much. Roleplay is important to me, thus why I'm on (in my opinion) one of the best RP servers on WoW. I hope to find a Guild that can bring an even amount of both RP and PvE.

#3) Time Zones and Activity Hours - Not a requirement, but it would be fantastic if I could find a guild that is primarily active around 7pm-3am EST or Central time. I'm very much a nocturnal player, and these are my most active hours. :)

#4) Alignment - A mixing pot of character types is always enjoyable to me. I don't like choosing a guild that is primarily Good/Evil/Neutral, but rather a guild that will accept characters of all types. I have a hard time deciding a guild based on what type of character I have, as I like to expand my character styles and all that.

That's about it for preferences and requirements. I'm hoping to hear back from some recruiters that think I may fit in alright! Thank you for reading, and replying if you do. :)
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
For a start, I point you in the direction of the in-game channel, AllianceOOC. It's a madhouse - I think insanity, temporary or otherwise, is a prerequisite for being on this server, which is what makes it great, heh heh - but I'm sure there will be plenty to point you in the right direction.

EDIT: And yeah, I'm posting on a Horde character, but I have Allys too, heh. Though I should pop in with this guy more...
Edited by Ketiron on 4/2/2014 10:36 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Hunter
I do poke around that channel a bit, but so far haven't found much. I'm rather soft spoken, and figured the forums would be a better place for direct communication on this matter. I kinda feel like that channel gets derailed / hops subjects too quickly for me to find what I'm looking for. xD
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100 Human Rogue
Catch me next time you are around and I'm on :) I'm a fairly nocturnal player myself and would be more then happy to chat. (And before belpha smacks me even to offer cookies)
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Or turns the poor soul into a frog or something.
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*hunts down a Rhubug* where's that thrice be-blasted Macro at when you need it eh?
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100 Goblin Warlock

*excitedly runs over to Dawni*

Heya tentacly space girl! Would you like to appear in the next issue of Dancing Draenei? I think you'd be a perfect cover goat.
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