Higher Standards

100 Goblin Warlock
04/03/2014 08:37 PMPosted by Ketyru
Clearly, Mormel, you have the gift of charisma that I lack. I don't have the sort of connections that you do, or I wouldn't be posting. This is sorta my "one last shot before I give up" thing. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have that sort of reach within the player base, I just don't. And there are certain people I flat out avoid.
Would you be willing to mentor a lowly, grumpy Goblin?

I appreciate the compliment but I don't have that much reach within the player base. There are still plenty of groups that I have minimal, if any, contact with but the important thing is I've found a great group of people that enjoy the same type of RP as I do. Regardless, I'm more than happy to mentor a grumpy goblin... since that means we will be one step closer to us goblins conquering the Horde RP scene!



Oh... did I say that out loud? Erm... anyway! If you are making a goblin then I suggest you come to the AAMS Lounge Night this Saturday. It takes place at the Hardwrench Hideaway at 7pm Pacific Time (Cenarion Circle server time). While it is a laid back bar type of event you will probably be able to meet many of the Horde regulars at it.

Finally, if things don't work out then I recommend checking the RP scene on WrA. They have an established reputation for more "serious" RP which might prove to be up your alley.

Flexibility will be the key in that cassse, yesss.

There's the magic word! Flexibility. I've seen scripted, static events succeed because the host was flexible and did not view any disruptions as an attempt at derailment but, instead, as an opportunity to further develop character relationships.
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Flexible I can be, because I'm not looking for something with a narrow focus. That's what quests are for (even though I have totally done them all on this side...le sigh). I don't mind people coming in with different views and opinions, as long as they're not disrupting anyone.
Currently I'm piecing together ideas and stages for an open storyline involving the Kor'kron at large. I'm trying not to make it a guild only thing, but it will certainly be the driving force behind Legion's militant advances through Pandaria.
I'll probably start my Goblin tonight, though I don't expect to get off the island until tomorrow. Not sure what class I want to level as. A constant dilemma, and frustrating. Why can't Demolishionist be a class?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I think this is all that I'm going to say on the matter. RP like you are seeking is out there. It takes a lot of effort, dedication and communication by all parties. We just wrapped up a storyline that was 7+ months in the making and greatly changed characters around the board on both sides of the faction fence. While I cannot speak for the numerous characters involved, I can speak for myself it was a hoot.

Edit: I missed my own whole point about flexibility. When it started I knew what I wanted to happen with my character, this still has not happened but the resulting story and rp that came from it was better than anything that I had originally planned.
Edited by Trenetir on 4/4/2014 3:49 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock

No need to rush. If you can't make the Lounge this Saturday then you can always come to the one next week. I'm also perfectly open to meeting up with you in game before then if you want (either IC or OOC). As for a goblin Demolishionist... that is kind of why I made a destro lock. Blowing things up is what we do but a fire mage can also work for that. Really any goblin class is fun and a good fit for the race though.


*narrows eyes and points an accusing finger*

Mormel might not know yet but I'm onto you!


I even made you that "sword" for your wedding too...
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I'll probably make something easier to level, like a Priest or another Shaman. I much prefer to heal my way through the lower levels when Mana tends to be inexhaustable.
Druid is also tempting, and I love Tauren..
*chin stroke*
*returns chin to owner*
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100 Gnome Priest
I was going to suggest a Goblin Shaman with Goblin Engineering. It all rather fits well aesthetically plus you can make loads of explosives and a nifty mining hat!

The Kor'kron eh? That sounds interesting. I did read that short story last night and loved what they did there. I'll be interested to see what you come up with and if any of my characters can join or at the very least dovetail into your RP... if'n you don't mind that, I mean. :) Respectfully.
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That would be great Cail =) The more, the merrier, in my opinion. Still waiting on guild things to smooth out so we can get them organised though. It's been a busy week. How is it Saturday already?!
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