Faction Changed my Paladin

100 Night Elf Mage
I Faction changed my blood elf paladin to horde side here, and im looking for a good RP Guild that would fit the character he doesn't have much of a history, I am going to work on that as I rp him more, however in the story he will be more of a blood knight type character, my blood elf paladins name is Tholannan anyway just wondering for advice or ideas..
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100 Goblin Warlock

I'm not the best resource since I'm from SoE but there was another thread recently asking about Blood Elf RP on CC.


Some of the info in there should be useful to you. Now to my knowledge there are not any racially themed guilds but there are still a good selection of active Horde guilds you can look into. Some of the ones that spring to my mind are AAMS, Homeland, Wayfarer's Coterie, The Royal Library, Rib Cage, and The Burning Scroll. I'm sorry if I missed any.

You can also join the OOC channel during peak hours and start chatting with people about what you are looking for. I'm sure they will be happy to help.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Sorry Mormel, I cannot accept your guild application.

My uh. Guild slots are. Full.

There's still room in my corvette tho.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Awww... an' I was so lookin' forward ta comin' ta your place for coffee an' dessert.


I guess the corvette will have to do.
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