New guild <Shadow Gear>

90 Worgen Warrior
Hello all! Crosswolf here advertising for my brand new guild, <Shadow Gear>. It is a brand new Light/Medium Roleplaying guild looking for members that seek to shield themselves from the past.

Do the sins of your past weigh against your shoulders? Have you lost something dear and close to your heart and blame yourself for it? Do not carry these burdens alone...Allow a helping hand to lift these troubles from your shoulders. Gear yourself against the Shadows of the past!

(Yeah, I know its new, and I am sorely lacking in members. But the only way a guild gets bigger is if people willing to help build it up join. I am looking for such helpful souls.)

Shadow Gear is and will be a Roleplay Guild, light to medium style that is based around its mysterious leader Layla Forcross (Crosswolf). Rumors have it that she seeks to gather friends and like-minded souls around herself in an attempt to hide from her own unfortunate and unpleasant past by helping others overcome theirs.

Will she ever find anyone that can help her with her own Shadows? Will this unlikely gathering of strangers help unlock the secrets of her ironbound heart?

Join to find out! Message me online via whispers or in-game mail at Crosswolf.
Edited by Crosswolf on 4/10/2014 10:06 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Rogue
*carefully watches from the shadows with interest*
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90 Worgen Warrior
*Pokes the sneaky rogue.*

Here's hoping I get some intrest...Its so hard getting started >.<
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100 Gnome Rogue
Atop a dark roof on a dark night gnome sat. Leg dangled. Light from lamp post filtered through tree. Gnome mottled with shadows. Eyes watching. Unmoved. Wolf curious to gnome. Rumors say wolf seeks friends. Souls with like-mind. Wolf seeks souls? Gnome intrigued.

Gnome can deliver souls. Gnome can deliver, so long there are promised coin. Shiny, glittery, golden coin. Gnome also accept sparkly stones of color. The clearer the better.

Gnome watch. Gnome wait.... and see.
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90 Worgen Warrior
The tall worgeness leans back on the high-backed chair of her hall, gazing over the empty space before her. With a heavy sigh she almost seems about to drift off into an endless sleep when a drifting shadow comes into her sight. With a ghost of a smile the woman straightens herself in her chair, greeting the strange shadow that has graced her presence.

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90 Worgen Warrior
Layla Forcross shakes herself from her light nap as a booming sound fills her main hall. The tall worgen woman rises from the high-backed chair, dragging a crimson greatsword up from its place onto her shoulder as she approaches the heavy oaken doors. The pounding echoes again through the hall before she can heave the doors open, leaving a meaty dwarven fist swinging mid-air where the door was.

"Ach- About time ye open tha' blasted door. What, were ye asleep?" The gray-haired dwarf huffs and waves a gnarled hand at her as he shuffles past the bewildered woman. "Nevermind ye. I heard ye be looking for some...Troubled souls or somethin'." The dwarf turns to face her, his old face framed in a groomed beard with its edges singed off. "Ye have room fer a dwarf that's gone and got himself booted from jus' 'bout every guild nearby and has a knack for blowing things up?"

Layla simply grins down at the dwarf that smells heavily of sulfur and burned hair. With a wave of her hand she welcomes him into her hall. "Always, master dwarf. The Gears welcome any who choose to enter our halls."
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100 Gnome Rogue
Little legs dangled from the shadows of the rafter above. Curious ears witnessed the commotion below, prepared to drop eaves upon all manner of conversations to come. A thin blade danced between nimble fingers while the gnome reclined.
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