The Sisterhood of Elune - nonguild rp group

90 Night Elf Hunter
The Sisterhood of Elune - A non-guild, CRZ friendly rp group!

Do you play a Kaldorei priest or novice priest character?
Are you looking for friends, contacts, and partners of similar concepts?
Do you like events of various play style?

I present to you, the Sisterhood of Elune.

We are a group based on the Kaldorei priesthood that is open to pretty much any and all who play Kaldorei priests.
Because we are CRZ friendly, and not a guild situated on one singular server, we hope to encourage Kaldorei religious play and events for anyone who frequents Darnassus and Kalimdor proper.
The events we hope to provide include D&D styled encounters/adventures, festive happenings, and open events such as the upcoming monthly school event for novice priests of Elune, and novice players.
More details on that at a later time.

So now that I (hopefully) have your interest, you’re probably asking what it takes to join!
-Play a Night Elf.
-Play that Night Elf as a novice or full priest with any of the following classes: Priest, Hunter, Warrior, Rogue, and Monk.

That’s it.
That’s really all there is required.
For more information, group FAQ and rules, and to officially join the group please visit
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100 Human Rogue
*Blinks* This is a rather nifty if only night elves didn't have that bounce -.-
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What's the stance on Worgen? I'm not interested in leveling an Elf, but I have a Worgen Priest currently
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100 Goblin Warlock
This topic is racist!

Oh and factionist too!
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100 Human Rogue
You're just grumpy you can't join Mormel :P
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100 Goblin Warlock
T-that's not it at all!

W-why would I want to h-hang around Darnassus with it's lovely shopping mall!?
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Poor Mormel. I know! *dunks in bucket of purple dye* Tell them you're a midget elf!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah! Good thinkin' space goat. There's no way they'll see through a disguise this perfect!
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*flail* I'm NOT a Draenei! I'm Halforcen!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Oh right! Sorry 'bout that.

*clears throat*

Good thinkin' space half-goat.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
04/15/2014 04:21 PMPosted by Ketyru
What's the stance on Worgen? I'm not interested in leveling an Elf, but I have a Worgen Priest currently

The group is Kaldorei only, I'm afraid- but if she can sneak into classes and smuggle notes from other Noices... well. Wouldn't that be interesting?
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100 Night Elf Rogue
04/16/2014 12:03 PMPosted by Mormel
T-that's not it at all!

W-why would I want to h-hang around Darnassus with it's lovely shopping mall!?

You wouldn't. We don't take kindly to illegal immigrants 'round these parts.

At any rate. I've been RPing in Darnassus for quite some time. As a Warden, my character isn't quite involved with the Sisterhoood (in lore), but if you need anyone else for events, general RP, or if you need someone to help you put some Horde infiltrators seven (for good measure) feet underground, let me know.
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100 Goblin Warlock
04/17/2014 05:38 PMPosted by Kyalin
You wouldn't. We don't take kindly to illegal immigrants 'round these parts.

Illegal immigrant!? What's the world come to when an honest goblin gal can't go where she pleases to shop for shoes!?
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*scoops up the purple Mormel, carries in on hip* Goblin? Nay, I adopted this Elf-child weeks ago!

and alas, for I will definitely not be rolling an Elf in the foreseeable future. Though I'm sure you'll see me around in one form or another.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Awww.... Thanks space half-goat lady!

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What can I say, I like Goblins and love to break the rules. When is Children's Week anyways?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Children's Week is coming up soon but I forget the exact dates. Do you have something special planned for it?
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*hefts* Nah, not really. But I find toting a fully-capable Warlock preferable to a puny orphan. Can I keep you?
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100 Goblin Warlock
W-warlock!? I'm n-not a warlock!? I-'m a f-fire mage!


Anyway... I think we could work somethin' out. I've always kinda wanted a space half-goat for a mom anyway.
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100 Human Rogue
Should at least try to keep it semi on topic folks :) 's a good thread, don't want to see it nuked because of spam.
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