As it says on the tin, I need an that point, I intend to change up the priest a bit, dependent on when I get pocket change to spend on anything besides the subscription - probably not until my birthday, which is in June. The idea that sprang readily to mind was resurrecting my former Forsaken shadow priest and mad scientist, Sekhesmet of Stratholme; anyone who remembers Sekhesmet may be aware of just what kind of loon you'd be getting. Sekhesmet's soul is kept in a soul shard locked up in Watch HQ, after it was taken out of Shankolin during his and Rakeri's mutual imprisonment period, but that will change at some point in the (hopefully) near future.
The options I am considering at the moment are:
1)Resurrect Sekhesmet as a full flesh-and-blood human, after taking control of Shankolin's body upon his death (Shankolin is consumed utterly by him). The really big problem with this option is that Sekhesmet is well-known as a Forsaken war criminal - and was also formerly a member of the Modas il Toralar, which would especially earn him the attention of the Pia Presidium, as well as his personal squabbles with Genevra and Conclave (and by extension, Kordrion and Terra Incognita). It may be resolved by an alias, but like Saavedro/Shankolin, the truth will out eventually.
2)Change the priest back to Horde, undead - either as Shankolin (falling fully to his own madness and corruption) or as a resurrected Sekhesmet. The state of Horde RP, and the lack of real cross-faction interaction in recent days, makes this far less than likely. Back when Sekhesmet was an active participant in RP, Horde RP was a bit more substantial than it is now, and we had regular interaction with the other side (even in a sort of "rawr kill them all" sense). Plus, there's no guilds left that would be fitting for a madman, with Modas having gone belly-up.
3)Scrap the Sekhesmet idea altogether, just kill him and Shankolin off entirely, and change it into something else. Leaning heavily towards draenei, especially in light of the coming expansion. Likely to be the option people suggest, but I wanted to check and see first...
Now I am aware that resurrecting characters is a really, REALLY big stretch, but - in my view, at least - the mechanisms for it are there, and it would just be a matter of acceptance. Again, there is a major hurdle for making Sekhesmet suddenly go Alliance, given that as a Forsaken, he had worked on the blight that was used to rather devastating effect at (among other places) the Wrathgate, Southshore, and Gilneas. In the end, it may just being a big to-do for nothing, and I just make the priest whatever else I decide on (again, leaning heavily draenei), but given that the changed fellow will eventually have to interact with the RP community at some point, I'd like to gauge it first.
- J.
The options I am considering at the moment are:
1)Resurrect Sekhesmet as a full flesh-and-blood human, after taking control of Shankolin's body upon his death (Shankolin is consumed utterly by him). The really big problem with this option is that Sekhesmet is well-known as a Forsaken war criminal - and was also formerly a member of the Modas il Toralar, which would especially earn him the attention of the Pia Presidium, as well as his personal squabbles with Genevra and Conclave (and by extension, Kordrion and Terra Incognita). It may be resolved by an alias, but like Saavedro/Shankolin, the truth will out eventually.
2)Change the priest back to Horde, undead - either as Shankolin (falling fully to his own madness and corruption) or as a resurrected Sekhesmet. The state of Horde RP, and the lack of real cross-faction interaction in recent days, makes this far less than likely. Back when Sekhesmet was an active participant in RP, Horde RP was a bit more substantial than it is now, and we had regular interaction with the other side (even in a sort of "rawr kill them all" sense). Plus, there's no guilds left that would be fitting for a madman, with Modas having gone belly-up.
3)Scrap the Sekhesmet idea altogether, just kill him and Shankolin off entirely, and change it into something else. Leaning heavily towards draenei, especially in light of the coming expansion. Likely to be the option people suggest, but I wanted to check and see first...
Now I am aware that resurrecting characters is a really, REALLY big stretch, but - in my view, at least - the mechanisms for it are there, and it would just be a matter of acceptance. Again, there is a major hurdle for making Sekhesmet suddenly go Alliance, given that as a Forsaken, he had worked on the blight that was used to rather devastating effect at (among other places) the Wrathgate, Southshore, and Gilneas. In the end, it may just being a big to-do for nothing, and I just make the priest whatever else I decide on (again, leaning heavily draenei), but given that the changed fellow will eventually have to interact with the RP community at some point, I'd like to gauge it first.
- J.