Orc background help

100 Gnome Priest
I'm working on building up my Female Orc Shaman for RP and as a Story character. Likely a villain. I would appreciate some feedback, insight, advise any would care to offer. :)

What I have so far:
She is a Blackrock Orc.
A member of the Dark Horde and perhaps resides in the Redridge/Burning Steppes area.
In-Game she is a shaman, so I thought I would work that in somehow. Perhaps a Dark Shaman, or perhaps ICly a shaman/warlock mix? Would that work?
As a shaman, I originally envisioned her as a "spiritual leader" of a small band of Orc. With the Blackrock tie I'm now thinking this is a small cult of some sort, perhaps hiding in the mountains deep within some sort of cave system, similar to the orc in the upper northwest of the Redridge zone... or perhaps she and hers mingle with the Shadowhide Gnolls in the northeast.

Thoughts? Tips? Advice?
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100 Orc Warrior
Orc RPer of close to nine years here!

Before I start throwing opinions and lore out there, I'd like to know the age of your Orc. Age defines quite a lot when it comes to Orcs, as it can be the difference between being on one planet or another, and can heavily define a back story.
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100 Gnome Priest
That... is actually something I hadn't thought about D:

Assuming Orcs age naturally about the same rate as humans, I would like her to be a young adult about the time of the First War. This would place her currently in her 60s? If she were in her 20s around the First War it'll be about 40 years since then when WoD goes live, no?

I should brush up on my Orc lore around that time, but would that work? I know at some point they were magically aging orcs to rapidly refill their ranks... or so I've heard. I'd would like her to be naturally aged, and had been around to see or at least know-of Ner'zhul. That's not to say I'm tying her to him, its just about the only real historical pinpoint I can cite off the top of my head right now. : /

Currently she's obviously aged. Grayed or graying hair. Scars, tattoos, an iron will and stoic presence. She is talented with some aspects of shamanism mixed with either fel arts, shadow magic, or troll influenced Voodoo. Whichever works better for her station as a Blackrock Orc'ess. But where her "power" comes from is her strength and ruthlessness as an Orc. She takes her pride and honor very seriously.
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100 Orc Death Knight
year 0 is when the orcs come through the Dark Portal. The First War lasts for five years (aka year 5). WoD starts for US in year 31.
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05/06/2014 11:51 PMPosted by Caileanmor
I know at some point they were magically aging orcs to rapidly refill their ranks

That's actually pretty significant for this character -- Ner'zhul had told Blackhand that the draenei were enemies, but after he (Ner'zhul) caught on to Kil'jaeden and backed away, then Gul'dan stepped in (and saw how easily Blackhand could be manipulated), Blackhand had the orc children aged so they could fight (IIRC starting with those in his own clan).

All of that happened about 70-100 years before the First War, with the Blood Pact about 45 years before. If you weren't aged magically, then you'd have had to be either born after it happened, or old enough to have been skipped for aging. To be about 20ish for the First War, you'd have been born while the orcs were ravaging Draenor under the Blood Curse, but Ner'zhul was pretty much out of the picture since everyone was listening to Gul'dan instead. I don't know if they continued to age children though, or if it was just that first bunch.

If you want to be around for when Ner'zhul still held sway, that'd be before the Blood Pact and put your age up there with Drek'thar. FWIW since the more brutal clans aren't really into taking care of the sick and elderly, you'd probably be pulling your own weight within the group somehow, while as a younger surviving Blackrock it's quite possible that you didn't hear anything nice said about Ner'zhul.

You character would most likely live around Blackrock Mountain, although some Blackrocks did ally with the Horde when Garrosh granted them amnesty. They had also turned their backs on shamanism and favored demon worship instead, so your orc would be better suited as a warlock, or possibly a Fire mage.

05/06/2014 11:51 PMPosted by Caileanmor
She takes her pride and honor very seriously.

That'd make a lot of sense, but she'll believe in the Old Horde, not this new sissy stuff touted by that shaman Thrall, which IMO would be very reasonable for someone born on Draenor not long after the Blood Pact.
Edited by Jakjak on 5/7/2014 11:03 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
05/07/2014 10:50 AMPosted by Jakjak
That's actually pretty significant for this character --

Thanks for the input Jakjak, and you're right. Getting this timeline nailed down is pretty significant.

For my own edification/clarification I've put down a generalized timeline of major Warcraft Story events below.
I've taken everything from year 0 to 27 from this Timeline: http://www.wowwiki.com/Timeline_(from_official_site,_2010)
[Edit] pre year 0 was taken from here:

Take a look and feel free to correct my timeline if I have anything out of place.

70-100 - the beginning of the In-Game book: Kil'jaeden and the Shadow Pact.
46 - the beginning of the In-Game book: Rise of the Horde; Gul'dan and the Shadow Council are secretly manipulating the Orc, Durotan warns against their new aggressive direction but other chieftains like Grom champion their new culture of warfare.
45 - The Last Guardian
40 - the end of the In-Game book: Kil'jaeden and the Shadow Pact
19 - the end of the In-Game book: Rise of the Horde; possibly -when- they actually took the demon blood. Blackhand set up as puppet Warchief.
0 - Orc's and Humans; Orcs invade Azeroth; First War.
6 - Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness; Second War?
8 - "..." : Beyond the Dark Portal
20 - Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos
21 - "..." : Frozen Throne
25 - World of Warcraft (PC) Begins
26 - "..." : The Burning Crusade happens
27 - "..." : Wrath of the Lich King happens
28 - "..." : Cataclysm happens ((year 28 or 29?))
30 - "..." : Mists of Pandaria happens (completion of year 30 understood when WoD goes live)

[Edit] updated the timeline

IF my orc were born after the Blood Pact then there is a chance she could have avoided being magically aged (and the demon pact?). If she was born into the Blackrock Clan then she'd likely never been a Shaman. Any magical training or aptitude would have been co opted by the shadow council, right?

That being the case then perhaps she should be born into a different clan, one that is eventually melted into the Dark Horde. Perhaps she could join the Blackrock Clan only after her's is basically destroyed during/after their defeat at Blackrock Mountain.


A thought: If she were 20-ish (naturally aged) at the time of year 0, then she would be 50-ish currently. What could be said about her station in clan at this stage of her life? Could she be a sort-of cult leader? I don't mean "Leader of the Dark Horde", but I'd like her to have a station of respect within their ranks... not an old grunt :P Someone who might be leading seasonal raiding parties against Lakeshire.

For that matter; Nefarius was once their leader. Now that he's dead is there another dragon acting as their lord? Would they have had any sort of boon from having him as their leader? Would those black dragons still affiliate with these Orcs?
Edited by Caileanmor on 5/7/2014 2:11 PM PDT
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100 Orc Death Knight
The before year 0 is wrong. Ner'zhul was not deceived for 30 years, nor did it take 45 years for them to go through the Dark Portal.
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100 Gnome Priest
05/07/2014 11:59 AMPosted by Skullcrusha
The before year 0 is wrong. Ner'zhul was not deceived for 30 years, nor did it take 45 years for them to go through the Dark Portal.

Yea, the reading I've been doing just now leads me to believe that things happened rather swiftly... but it offers no clues to date it. None that I can find anyway.

Anyone have a link that might shed some light on this?
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I'd used http://wowpedia.org/Timeline_(unofficial) before, which had pieced things together based on what what was known prior to the UVG. Those times never seemed right to me either, but I don't have the UVG to see if they stuck with the original span for those events being just a couple decades, or access to any other documentation that might contain a more definite indication of dates.
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100 Gnome Priest
05/07/2014 01:20 PMPosted by Jakjak
I'd used http://wowpedia.org/Timeline_(unofficial) before,

Around the time of Medivh's birth on Azeroth, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver sat and brooded amongst his followers within the Twisting Nether. The cunning demonlord, under orders of his master, Sargeras, was plotting the Burning Legion's second invasion of Azeroth.

-Kil'jaeden and the Shadow Pact

Wow! Thank you for that link Jakjak. Not only does it help me better understand what you said before, but it led me to the quote above! Those two sentences alone drew together what bits of lore I had already known, making it so much clearer :)

[Edit] Updated my timeline above...
Edited by Caileanmor on 5/7/2014 2:12 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
If there are no major objections to the timeline above, then I'll ballpark her birth at a time soon after Blackhand became the Warchief of the new horde (now 'Old' Horde, or in the case of the Blackrock Orcs the Dark Horde).

By this timeline, that would make her around 18-20 at the time of the Orc Invasion of Azeroth. She would likely be a grunt soldier and perhaps a necrolyte of the shadow council. Nobody of any great importance at the time, allowing her to skate beneath the radar when Grom eradicates the Shadow Council.

How does that sound?

... but this sparks another curious question. :)
Would it be taboo for me to claim a lineage to Blackhand for her?
I'm thinking a new Warchief might consummate his great station with all sorts of drunken orgies. So who actually knows who fathered whom, but her mother could have claimed that lineage for her.

... which begs a followup question...
Would that even be something to be proud of?
If memory serves Blackhand lost the support of most Orcs which led Grom to challenge him as Warchief. Is that correct?

Adjusted syntax, spelling, grammar, format, 'n such...
Edited by Caileanmor on 5/7/2014 2:29 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Yikes... this is expanding into an Orc History lesson. :)
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90 Tauren Paladin
The shadow council never existed. Only Guldan and like twenty other orcs knew the Council existed, let alone were in it. If you were born at the beginning of the Draenei purge, you would have been magically aged and never known Ner'Zhul except for in stories or in his weakened state. At some point you would have been a Warlock since all shamans were turned into Warlocks, killed, or ran away.

I would advise against a Lineage to Blackhand, even claiming to be. Most orcs are strictly married, they don't even think about having more women. And the wife would slap them upside the head. Orcs only really trace lineage a couple generations back so being a third cousin wouldn't really work either.
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100 Orc Warrior
Lots of posts, lots of writing, and not a whole lot of time for me... I'll try to sum things up nice and simple.

05/07/2014 11:57 AMPosted by Caileanmor
A thought: If she were 20-ish (naturally aged) at the time of year 0, then she would be 50-ish currently.


05/07/2014 11:57 AMPosted by Caileanmor
What could be said about her station in clan at this stage of her life? Could she be a sort-of cult leader? I don't mean "Leader of the Dark Horde", but I'd like her to have a station of respect within their ranks...

At the moment, the Dark Horde seems to be in shambles. Their Warchief Rend is dead, their dragon-leader Nefarian is slain and the Black Drakes they once worshiped and loved are all vanquished. I'd imagine they would have split up. Perhaps your character is the leader for one of these small cults?

05/07/2014 11:57 AMPosted by Caileanmor
For that matter; Nefarius was once their leader. Now that he's dead is there another dragon acting as their lord? Would they have had any sort of boon from having him as their leader? Would those black dragons still affiliate with these Orcs?

The Black Dragons of Azeroth are all dead, aside from Wrathion. There may still be a few out there, but the events around end-Cata and early MoP made sure they're one of the rarest species on the planet. Wrathion even went so far as to hire the world's best assassin league to hunt them down. So, in short, no. No more Dragons for the Dark Horde.

05/07/2014 12:07 PMPosted by Caileanmor
Anyone have a link that might shed some light on this?

I use Wowpedia.org/Timeline_(unofficial), as I believe it to be the most accurate.

05/07/2014 01:20 PMPosted by Jakjak
I'd used http://wowpedia.org/Timeline_(unofficial) before, which had pieced things together based on what what was known prior to the UVG. Those times never seemed right to me either, but I don't have the UVG to see if they stuck with the original span for those events being just a couple decades, or access to any other documentation that might contain a more definite indication of dates.

UVG Timeline is just the unofficial one toned down to maybe five pre-First War dates with vague information, and then expansion lore. It's rather boring, to be honest...

05/07/2014 02:23 PMPosted by Caileanmor
By this timeline, that would make her around 18-20 at the time of the Orc Invasion of Azeroth. She would likely be a grunt soldier and perhaps a necrolyte of the shadow council. Nobody of any great importance at the time, allowing her to skate beneath the radar when Grom eradicates the Shadow Council.

Orgrim Doomhammer is the one who kills the Shadow Council, not Grom. :)

05/07/2014 02:23 PMPosted by Caileanmor
Would it be taboo for me to claim a lineage to Blackhand for her?
I'm thinking a new Warchief might consummate his great station with all sorts of drunken orgies. So who actually knows who fathered whom, but her mother could have claimed that lineage for her.

Claiming any lineage with any lore character is heavily frowned upon by the general community.

05/07/2014 02:23 PMPosted by Caileanmor
Would that even be something to be proud of?
If memory serves Blackhand lost the support of most Orcs which led Grom to challenge him as Warchief. Is that correct?

Eh... You could argue it both ways.

05/07/2014 02:51 PMPosted by Urók
The shadow council never existed. Only Guldan and like twenty other orcs knew the Council existed, let alone were in it.

Thus, Gul'dan secretly brought together a collection of warlocks, necrolytes, chieftains, and even the occasional ogre into a clandestine council — the Shadow Council.

Certainly did exist.

05/07/2014 02:51 PMPosted by Urók
If you were born at the beginning of the Draenei purge, you would have been magically aged and never known Ner'Zhul except for in stories or in his weakened state.

Very few Orcs were aged this way. Natural aging was the normal at all times in Orcish history, and it was only when Gul'dan was impatient that he allowed fel to be pumped into babies such as Garona.

05/07/2014 02:51 PMPosted by Urók
At some point you would have been a Warlock since all shamans were turned into Warlocks, killed, or ran away.

Again, not the case. Some Shaman turned to Fel after the spirits abandoned them, but others simply accepted it and chose to continue to try and contact them throughout this period of time.

Hope this helps some Caileanmor!
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100 Orc Death Knight
05/07/2014 02:51 PMPosted by Urók
The shadow council never existed. Only Guldan and like twenty other orcs knew the Council existed, let alone were in it. If you were born at the beginning of the Draenei purge, you would have been magically aged and never known Ner'Zhul except for in stories or in his weakened state. At some point you would have been a Warlock since all shamans were turned into Warlocks, killed, or ran away.

I would advise against a Lineage to Blackhand, even claiming to be. Most orcs are strictly married, they don't even think about having more women. And the wife would slap them upside the head. Orcs only really trace lineage a couple generations back so being a third cousin wouldn't really work either.

Everything about this is rather wrong.

1. Shadow Council always existed. Kargath Bladefist was a member of it for example.

2. If you were born at the beginning of the Draenei purge you would have been able to know Ner'zhul.

3. Not all shamans were turned into warlocks, killed, or ran away. Rather broad statement. Some still tried to practice shamanism. Zuluhed the Whacked for example did.

4. There is an archaeology piece detailing a chieftain that had a jealous concubine stab him and kill him with a knife. Jealous concubine implies there would be others to be jealous of.
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100 Orc Warrior
05/07/2014 03:20 PMPosted by Skullcrusha
Zuluhed the Whacked for example did.

That's who I was thinking of. I couldn't remember him for some reason...

I do remember him telling Orgrim about it in the Tides of Darkness novel.
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90 Tauren Paladin
1. Shadow Council always existed. Kargath Bladefist was a member of it for example.

Meant it as a joke. It's so secret that basically doesn't exist. Like the Dmir guild in Magic the Gathering.

2. If you were born at the beginning of the Draenei purge you would have been able to know Ner'zhul.

Wasn't he mind screwed a couple years into the "war"? So she would have been a wee baby.

3. Not all shamans were turned into warlocks, killed, or ran away. Rather broad statement. Some still tried to practice shamanism. Zuluhed the Whacked for example did.

It was against the law. He must have not practiced it openly because he would be arrested and punished. His bio states that he also practiced Fel magics, so that works I guess.

4. There is an archaeology piece detailing a chieftain that had a jealous concubine stab him and kill him with a knife. Jealous concubine implies there would be others to be jealous of.

Can you post a link?

Very few Orcs were aged this way. Natural aging was the normal at all times in Orcish history, and it was only when Gul'dan was impatient that he allowed fel to be pumped into babies such as Garona.

At the beginning of the war all orcs between six? and twelve? were magically aged to thirteen or whatever. Pretty sure this continued throughout war but not sure.

Most of my post was speculation and personal beliefs.
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100 Orc Warrior
05/07/2014 03:59 PMPosted by Urók
Can you post a link?


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100 Orc Death Knight
05/07/2014 03:59 PMPosted by Urók
1. Shadow Council always existed. Kargath Bladefist was a member of it for example.

Meant it as a joke. It's so secret that basically doesn't exist. Like the Dmir guild in Magic the Gathering.

2. If you were born at the beginning of the Draenei purge you would have been able to know Ner'zhul.

Wasn't he mind screwed a couple years into the "war"? So she would have been a wee baby.

3. Not all shamans were turned into warlocks, killed, or ran away. Rather broad statement. Some still tried to practice shamanism. Zuluhed the Whacked for example did.

It was against the law. He must have not practiced it openly because he would be arrested and punished. His bio states that he also practiced Fel magics, so that works I guess.

4. There is an archaeology piece detailing a chieftain that had a jealous concubine stab him and kill him with a knife. Jealous concubine implies there would be others to be jealous of.

Can you post a link?

Very few Orcs were aged this way. Natural aging was the normal at all times in Orcish history, and it was only when Gul'dan was impatient that he allowed fel to be pumped into babies such as Garona.

At the beginning of the war all orcs between six? and twelve? were magically aged to thirteen or whatever. Pretty sure this continued throughout war but not sure.

Most of my post was speculation and personal beliefs.

1. Dont play magic, so don't know what a dmir is.

2. A few

3. It wasn't against the law. Find a quote where they said it was against the law. Also, Zuluhed tearned to fel magic on Outlands. He was a shaman during the events of Tides of Darkness.

4. http://www.wowhead.com/spell=90730 sorry consort, not concubine. Still, a fit of jealousy suggests there are multiple consorts.
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90 Tauren Paladin
Dmir is just a super secret guild that isn't by law mentioned in the guild pact while all other guilds are. Can't think of any real life because I'm to low down to know about them. It's just so secret most people have never heard about let alone know of it's existence. My friend has my copy of Rise of the Horde but after the Ner'zhul incident, Gul'dan banned shamanism.

Edit: Thanks for the link by the way. I just thought orcs were all super loyal to their mate, honor and stuff you know.
Edited by Urók on 5/7/2014 4:29 PM PDT
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