All Aquatic, All the Time

100 Gnome Priest
This guild idea was presented in the World's End Tavern, and I wanted to see what everyone in the RP community here thought of it.

All Druid RP Guild
Centered around and based in Vashj'ir. :D

Here's the original post: Credit to Dorlane for the idea.

Let it sink in a moment, then tell me how everyone thinks this guild would do on Cenarion Circle.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Druids only? Hah! Us warl-er... fire mages can breath under water just fine!

Heck! I'm even capable of turnin' into a giant, gnome eating fish. Good luck findin' a druid to do that.
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100 Worgen Warlock
You've obviously never met Broodin.
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100 Goblin Warlock
On please! Everyone knows that Broodin is just an urban legend.
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100 Worgen Warlock
Spoken like someone who's not met him. *grins wickedly*
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