Hey Guys

90 Night Elf Druid
My subscription ran out today, for the people who are out of the loop;

I no longer run the Blue Recluse, Ardam does.

Also as for my and Aschaere's guild, neither of us know when we will be able to return. Thus Kearreanne, Vainaa, and Netterin are in-charge of the guild, they are my commanders in-charge of 'good guy' RP, 'bad guyish' RP and non-RP characters and activities respectively.

If you would like to do any RP with my guild contact Vainaa and Kearreanne, and if you would like to invite guildies to non-RP activities please speak to Netterin.

There is a forum thread I began, concerning the Pia Presidium, please keep in mind, I am not in charge of this one, I only posted so people could see the beginning of the shenanigans. If you want to know about it talk to Vainaa.

Finally as I said before I am unsure when Aschaere or i will be back, Aschaere has college and a busy job schedule and I myself am hoping to move, get a couple jobs and start up college again. SoI will -try- and be back sometime this month but it is uncertain at this time.

Well, thats all... See y'all when I see you.
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100 Draenei Warrior
When you come back and Ardam has been tied up in a corner of the Recluse, it was only a joke. No really.

We will miss you and understand.
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100 Human Paladin
05/24/2014 06:42 PMPosted by Alexithima

I no longer run the Blue Recluse, Ardam does.


Light help us all.

Alexithima don't worry about things here. The game's not going anywhere. I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors! Happy Adventuring!
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100 Human Paladin
Well, I hate to hear you are gone. I hope you can return soon. You will be missed. I read the Scroll story, I just haven't had time to respond. It's very good, though and we'll be responding to it.

Re Ardam and the Recluse, what the fel were you thinking? Pia will be banished.
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05/25/2014 10:04 AMPosted by Gentyl
Re Ardam and the Recluse, what the fel were you thinking? Pia will be banished.

Nah, just the ones with the ugly cloaks.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Let the cleansing begin...
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Whats that? Raid Stormwind?

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05/25/2014 11:32 AMPosted by Liore
Whats that? Raid Stormwind?


As a rule, I insist that each horde who visits the Recluse must first murder Eric Lohan.
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100 Worgen Warlock
05/25/2014 07:33 PMPosted by Ardam
05/25/2014 11:32 AMPosted by Liore
Whats that? Raid Stormwind?


As a rule, I insist that each horde who visits the Recluse must first murder Eric Lohan.

Refresh my memory, he's the twit outside who invites us in, right?
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And lies about free drinks.
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90 Human Paladin
05/26/2014 10:40 AMPosted by Ardam
And lies about free drinks.

Which is why Ardam wants him dead.

No free drinks.

For anyone.


Excellent plan.
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100 Worgen Warlock
Well, if he wants to kill the guy for lying about the free drinks, that means there aren't free drinks anyway, so moot point. Kill away. :D
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97 Blood Elf Priest
I first read that word 'enter', not 'murder'.

I guess Freud was right.
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