I'm at your place, killing your dudes...

100 Gnome Priest
I've created a story involving two of my own characters. The 'jest' of the story I'd like to pass by the community before I make it my character's "IC canon". That is all explained below.

Looking over it again and again I can't help but see lots of potential here for some RP involving at least one other, but quite possibly a small event of some sort. I really have little experience with organizing these, but I'm also putting this out there in the event someone takes interest and wants to join in. In which case I'll be more than happy to accommodate however I can.

My main concerns would be:
Is it plausible?
Is it "ok" in RP terms that I do this?
Is it ok with you (the community) that I orchestrate this encounter for my characters?

Before I write this out I want to make sure I'm not violating any sacred rules. I would also like to give you (the community) the chance to critique me.

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My Orc'ess Warlock is the head of a small cult of Blackrock Orc. They currently occupy a cavern system in the northeastern portion of the Red Mountains, bordering Burning Steppes. The caves don't exist in-game, I'm just supposing they do, assuming that the mountains have many cave/cavern systems.
My Human Warlock has recently occupied Tower Ilgalar in northeastern Redridge. I have her commanding a small number of Gnolls in the area. She is plotting to "minionize" as many Gnolls in the area as possible. Her ultimate goal is to ally with the local orc, sack Lakeshire, and take hold of the zone. So she's currently at square one. Part of her plan is to ally herself with the Orc Hag hiding in the mountains with the intent of making the orc her minion as well.
Meanwhile, my Orc Warlock (the Hag) has become aware of the Human Warlocks presence in Ilgalar, so she's making a move to challenge her and test the human's potential threat.

The major action.
My Orc is going to have her cultists raid the area around the tower, slaughter a bunch of gnolls, and my orc will be there to provoke a response from the human. For giggles I'm also introducing some random elements, so I'm not totally certain where this battle will take me.

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100 Draenei Warrior
05/29/2014 11:10 AMPosted by Caileanmor
My main concerns would be:
Is it plausible?
Is it "ok" in RP terms that I do this?
Is it ok with you (the community) that I orchestrate this encounter for my characters?

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100 Goblin Warlock
[I think the only real danger of having a story/conflict exist in game between two of your characters is that you will end up RPing with yourself. Whether this is literally, ie you flat out did not involve other players, or by simply having your characters remain firmly center staged does not really matter. It's always good to let anyone that becomes sufficiently involved in a story you created for in game RP to have a chance to shine in the spot light.]

[But to answer your questions... yes, it is plausible, "legal", and perfectly fine. Just be aware of the pitfalls I mentioned above and it should be a lot of fun.]
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100 Gnome Priest
05/29/2014 02:36 PMPosted by Mormel
[I think the only real danger of having a story/conflict exist in game between two of your characters is that you will end up RPing with yourself. Whether this is literally, ie you flat out did not involve other players, or by simply having your characters remain firmly center staged does not really matter. It's always good to let anyone that becomes sufficiently involved in a story you created for in game RP to have a chance to shine in the spot light.]

Sound advice Mormel. Thank you :) and I'll try and keep that in mind.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Avoid !@#$%^-*!ing.

And if we can have goat blueberries from outer space, all bets are off.
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100 Human Rogue
Avoid !@#$%^-*!ing.

And if we can have goat blueberries from outer space, all bets are off.

Only you can manage a smiley face in your cursing.
Edited by Kordrion on 5/29/2014 9:47 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
05/29/2014 09:14 PMPosted by Liore
Avoid !@#$%^-*!ing.

And if we can have goat blueberries from outer space, all bets are off.

....ehhm.. I'm sorry. I don't follow.
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100 Worgen Warlock
05/30/2014 02:40 AMPosted by Caileanmor
05/29/2014 09:14 PMPosted by Liore
Avoid !@#$%^-*!ing.

And if we can have goat blueberries from outer space, all bets are off.

....ehhm.. I'm sorry. I don't follow.

It's best not to try and analyze anything Liore says. It's utterly incomprehensible.
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100 Goblin Warlock
05/29/2014 09:14 PMPosted by Liore
Avoid !@#$%^-*!ing.

And if we can have goat blueberries from outer space, all bets are off.


Who wants a hug!?
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Oh! I forgot. That's a -bad word.-

The point I was aiming for was, storywriting is great, but you can do that anywhere! This is a medium for roleplay, involving people. Otherwise its kind of like playing with yourself. Sure it can be fun, but nobody wants to watch.

And I think we can paint with a pretty broad brush where lore is concerned. I mean, there's the glaring NO DONT like Thrall/Onyxia love children from heaven/hell, but outside of the obvious, go ham. Invent.

I'm bending a couple of rules myself. My warrior is the physical host for an enslaved, sentient Echo of Creation, patiently awaiting the death of his captor so he can return to his billion year journey across space. A bit out there, sure, but it isn't conflicting with any clauses from our imaginary rulebook, and even if it did, AH AINT GIVVA DAMN.

I always enjoy your writing, Cael. I'm pretty excited to see how your ideas take flight. And I appreciate your caution, but screw that noise. Lets see what -you- can do, not what the public thinks you are allowed to do.
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