Enchanted Thorium Breastplate

I'm looking for a blacksmith who can create this chest piece. I'm trying to get one for my warrior (who has all of the mats) and finding it a tad hard to grab. Of course being a discontinued item doesn't help any.

Figured I'd try here since trying trade chat has failed me.

If anyone can make this item let me know here or in game. My warriors name is Denava and currently has all of the mats to make the item and I will happily tip well for it. Since my account auto renewed itself even after I canceled my monthly card subscription, I'll be around.
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100 Human Priest
Not sure if you found someone, Rose but I will send you an in-game with the name of a BS who has learned this plan. Regards!
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100 Night Elf Priest
I am very much looking for a blacksmith with this plan, and the plans for the leggings too! Any help would be appreciated!
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